A look at women in the workplace as AMC’s ‘Mad Men’ ends…
Ross Lancaster Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementIn the last 60 years, women's rights and female equality have made enormous strides. Perhaps nowhere is this better exemplified than in the workplace, where women make up nearly half of the total workforce and are no longer expected to be stay-at-home mothers at a relatively young age.
Soft-touch packaging: A value for consumers
Sharon Derbyshire EngineeringPackaging is viewed as an extension of the product, and the consumer's first perception of value is based on look and feel of the package. Research shows that consumers spend on average three seconds eyeing a product on store shelves before deciding whether to purchase — sometimes referred to as the first moment of truth.
B2C communications on Facebook: What has changed over the years?
Linchi Kwok CommunicationsAs of March 31, Facebook reported 1.44 billion monthly active users — 936 million of whom access the website every day. Therefore, Facebook continues to be an essential social media platform for business communications. By 2012, 74 percent of Fortune 100 companies had already set up at least one Facebook page for business communications.
As companies eliminate artificial ingredients, is food really getting healthier?
Cait Harrison Food & BeverageYou've probably heard the recent announcement that Panera plans to remove artificial ingredients from its food. But it comes among a plethora of other companies who have also vowed to remove additives, preservatives and other so-called "bad" ingredients from their recipes.
Have restaurants reached a ‘tipping’ point with minimum wage?
Suzanne Mason Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementWith minimum wage increasing across the country, restaurants are steadily looking at their business models to see how they can meet the requirements from state governments while keeping their business intact. One idea is doing away with tips for servers altogether.
NPE 2015 end-use regulatory impact review: Food labeling/packaging
Don Rosato EngineeringThe National Plastics Exposition (NPE) recently took place March 23-27 in Orlando, Florida. Let's go behind the scenes and take a look from a plastics engineering standpoint at some of the regulatory impacts in key plastics end-uses and related technologies.
Glass half-full or half-empty? Maybe it’s time to get a pitcher
Jessica Taylor Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementIs your glass half-full or half-empty? This question has been used for decades to emphasize the difference between negative and positive thinking. It's the tool that's used to describe two type of people — optimists and pessimists. But how do you know how full someone's glass is?
What type of landlord are you dealing with?
Dale Willerton and Jeff Grandfield RetailMost tenants don't realize that landlords fall into different categories, and these landlords have different motivations for owning the types of commercial real estate investments that they do. Here are a number of different types of landlords and how to deal with each of them.
Follow the program to work less, earn more
Fred Berns Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementWorking fewer hours and making more money isn't a pipe dream. It's a program. It's a program followed by many of the most financially successful small business professionals. These individuals are based worldwide. Their products and services vary. So do their expertise and experience levels. And they run their businesses in a wide variety of ways.
Be careful letting employees use their smartphones for work
D. Albert Brannen Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementIn today's connected world, employees often ask their employers to permit use of their personal smartphones, tablets, laptops or even their home desktops for work. Workplaces differ, and there is no "one size fits all" bring your own devices (BYOD) to work policy for employers.
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