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  • The future of telemedicine: Is it here to stay?

    Rebecca Eberhardt Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Explore the transformative potential of telemedicine as healthcare embraces digital innovation for accessible, efficient patient care.

  • Link between health, school start times is eye-opening

    Bob Kowalski Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Studies have shown that students tend to perform better in school with more sleep. Because of at-home learning during the pandemic, the nation's children invariably caught extra sleep in the morning without having to catch the bus or needing to be ready for school so Mom or Dad could drop them off on the way to work. With so many facets of education changed in the recent past, start time deserves a look.

  • Trends expected to accelerate in the biopharma industry

    Jane Marsh Medical & Allied Healthcare

    ​As eco-consumerism rises, individuals call for higher sustainability standards in the medical industry. Research and development are booming, and in the process, are generating surface-level and atmospheric waste. Fortunately, environmental researchers are developing sustainable procedures for biopharma companies to follow. Various trends are rising in the industry, decreasing the ecological degradation associated with production and distribution.

  • Iodine: The forgotten ‘cure-all’ mineral

    Rebecca Eberhardt Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Most of us are unaware of how iodine functions in our body and how a serious lack of it causes ailing symptoms that mimic other health issues. The result: overmedication and insufficient treatment of the root issue. Fortunately, many integrative medical practitioners and other holistic-thinking individuals are bringing iodine back as a key part of daily nutrient intake.

  • Infographic: How telemedicine is the future of healthcare

    Brian Wallace Medical & Allied Healthcare

    The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we do a lot of things and, even with many countries finally opening back up, there are some changes that are sure to last far beyond the pandemic. One of these changes is the advancement of telemedicine.

  • What does the research say about COVID-19 safety protocols in schools?

    Brian Stack Medical & Allied Healthcare

    I noticed the other day as I walked the halls of my high school that no one follows all the one-way floor stickers we placed all over the building last summer — no one. The funny thing is, no one has been following them at the Demoulas Market Basket grocery store I shop at either. Maybe that’s why the grocery store got rid of them last week. I just told my head custodian to do the same this summer when they do their annual deep clean and waxing of our school floors. The floor stickers may be one example of a safety protocol that we won’t need this fall, but we know that COVID won’t be gone. The question is, what protocols will we need?

  • What lessons did COVID-19 teach your healthcare organization? Use what…

    Lisa Mulcahy Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Every hospital administrator, physician and caregiver has been tested and changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the challenges your facility faced were no doubt huge and tremendously difficult, you and your teams can now take the lessons you learned while operating during COVID-19 to improve patient care to its highest degree — and you can innovate for the future through key steps that will ensure you’re prepared for anything. Use the following science-based advice for identifying and implementing the changes you need to offer your very best to your community.

  • Encouraging mental health awareness in the classroom

    Ginger Abbot Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Educators teach students about more than math and science. They also establish spaces where kids develop their social skills and learn more about themselves. It's a critical place for introducing topics surrounding mental health, but that might be tricky to integrate into lesson plans. If you're wondering how to encourage mental health awareness in the classroom, try these tips.

  • Podcast: How to sell packages in a cash-based practice

    Jarod Carter Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Offering discounted multi-treatment packages can be a great way to help fill your clinic’s schedule and minimize drop-offs to maximize the raving fans you create for your practice. However, the higher price tag can scare off those who aren’t totally sold on the value of your services if you don’t frame the "ask" in a way that builds trust, addresses objections, and is timed perfectly. In this episode, I walk you through how to effectively sell packages to your patients, including the simple analysis that will enable you to predict if offering discounted plans is likely to leave you with regrets down the road.

  • B2B tactic boosts high-value service lines

    Jeff Barasch Medical & Allied Healthcare

    While healthcare organizations are busier than ever due to the pandemic, their bottom lines have suffered. But hospitals and healthcare systems can offset the fiscal hit by leveraging their top revenue-generating clinical services. High-value service lines, even in competitive markets such as metro New York, have been setting themselves apart with precisely targeted, multi-faceted B2B marketing that incorporates specialty publications. Elite cardiology and ortho service lines have used high-impact journal-style publications to target referring physicians with a great deal of success.

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