Recent Articles

  • Podcast: How your patients can file out-of-network self-claims in less…

    Jarod Carter Healthcare Administration

    When Vatsal Thakkar first opened his own practice, he decided on the cash-based model because he wanted to spend more time with each patient. He found the experience of helping his patients inspiring and "magical" compared with what he saw among many of his in-network colleagues who had to see 20-30 patients a day. Throughout the years, Thakkar found ways to streamline the process of filing out-of-network reimbursement claims for his patients.

  • The brain on nature:  The why behind biophilic design

    Michael J. Berens Interior Design, Furnishings & Fixtures

    Natural environments and the presence of nature in built environments have been found to produce beneficial effects on occupants. Those findings have given rise to the growing use of biophilic design strategies, which seek to improve occupant health and well-being through the incorporation of nature views and natural elements into interior environments. Now, scientists are learning more about how and why we respond to natural stimuli in certain ways — research that can help designers to refine their application of biophilia to have greater impact.

  • How to prevent product returns at your spa

    Elizabeth Donat Retail

    An inevitable side effect of retail sales is product returns. Of course, a few here and there is normal, but if you are experiencing anything greater than a 5 to 7% return rate, then it's time to assess your game plan at your salon, spa or med spa to get those numbers where they should be. Follow my expert advice below to handle and prevent excessive retail returns.

  • Cybersecurity attacks aren’t random, and your defense shouldn’t…

    Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Did you know that most cybersecurity attacks don't occur randomly? According to Thomas Johnson, chief information security officer at ServerCentral Turing Group, a cloud consultancy, they’re coordinated with important business events, including major product or service updates, periods of restructuring, acquisitions, and new product releases. "And when companies discover the root causes of the attack, they often find their systems have been infiltrated for months, as hackers waited for the right time to strike," Johnson says.

  • Travel activities that won’t break the bank

    Cindy Belt Recreation & Leisure

    Traveling is great. There is so much to see and experience. However, the cost of travel, food, and stays (campgrounds or hotels) can be overwhelming. This leaves less money for the activities. Things like Jeep tours, big-name museums, whitewater rafting, and zip lining are great fun but are extremely expensive. You don't want to travel without enjoying your time, but there are so many free or low-cost options out there that you won't feel cheated.

  • Ambushed at the board meeting

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    The elected president planned an efficient quarterly board meeting. A month before, he strategized with the officers and staff about what should be on the agenda. Everyone agreed to the issues that had to be addressed. At board orientation he advised that he did not like surprises. Meetings would be designed to achieve maximum results. At the last board meeting, things were going well. Then came the surprise.

  • Frank Lloyd Wright buildings gain UNESCO World Heritage Listing

    Dave G. Houser Facilities & Grounds

    Eight buildings designed by America’s best known and arguably most accomplished architect, Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), have been officially inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List by the World Heritage Committee. The collection of buildings, formally addressed in the nomination as “The 20th Century Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright,” spans 50 years of Wright’s influential career and marks the first modern architecture designation in the United States on the World Heritage List. Of the 1,092 World Heritage sites around the world, this group of Wright sites joins an existing list of 23 sites in the United States.

  • Infographic: How Gen Z is reshaping the college years

    Brian Wallace Education

    Generation Z recognizes that the economy is tough and that, while unemployment is low, high-wage, high-hour jobs have been replaced with low-wage, low-hour jobs. Still, Gen Z is on course to become the most educated and most entrepreneurial generation. This infographic outlines how Gen Z plans to make education the steppingstone toward a more financially secure future.

  • Using mobile apps for teaching ESL in higher education settings

    Sangeeta Johri Education

    Mobile technology in higher education has made a huge impact. Learning platforms enabled by computing technologies, such as online learning, mobile learning, and distance education, provide evidence of the influence of technology in the classroom. Like technology, language learning is always evolving, especially regarding the teaching of ESL/EFL. Since I am teaching ESL in a higher education setting, I will be exploring my vision of the future classroom through mobile apps in this article.

  • Minimalism: A shifting of our priorities or an empty, fashionable trend?

    Victoria Fann Interior Design, Furnishings & Fixtures

    Have you caught the decluttering bug yet? From Marie Kondo to websites based on minimalism, from tiny homes to van life, from the rise of the sharing economy to co-working, it appears that this trend is here to stay. But why is the desire to scale down and purge suddenly so inviting? One possibility is that it’s a reactive pendulum swing away from decades of unbridled materialism.