Recent Articles

  • Recommit to ‘health’ in healthcare

    Lisa Cole Medical & Allied Healthcare

    For many of us in healthcare, clinical practice is no picnic. Long hours, clipped patient visits, staffing shortages, electronic glitches and myriad insurance issues often curtail our ability to provide preventive patient education and counseling. Over and over again, research has demonstrated that our lifestyle hugely impacts our wellness and longevity. Yet, typically, we do a suboptimal job addressing this area with our patients — and ourselves. How can we, even with all the constraints that currently constrict us, amp up our game and be the change we wish to see?

  • Is a liberal arts education still worth pursuing?

    Patrick Gleeson Education

    A couple of generations ago, a liberal arts education was highly respected and easily led to a lot of desirable employment. But the world has changed. Many now believe a liberal arts education has become culturally irrelevant, putting its degree holders at a decided disadvantage in the employment market. Are they right?

  • Public health cuts undermine US pandemic preparedness

    Michelle R. Matisons Medical & Allied Healthcare

    As China's coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads, the federal government in the U.S. has a limited health preparedness infrastructure in the event of a stateside pandemic viral outbreak. Instead, public health precautions taken by communities and hospitals must shape a proactive response to a global threat still in its nascent stages. The hollow husk left by recent public health budget cuts leave military command structures as the only coordinated "safety net" in a U.S. pandemic event.

  • Is Google the new online travel agent alternative?

    Bambi Majumdar Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    It's hard to imagine a world without Google. What started as a search engine has become an intrinsic part of our lives. Therefore, it is no surprise that all-knowing and omnipresent Google is all set to dominate the global travel and hospitality sector. We can expect increasing options and better features for hotel search functionalities on the platform very soon. These and other travel searches will be seamlessly integrated with Google’s price-match promise for the airline industry.

  • Tech in 2020 that will change users’ behavior

    Kenny Trinh Science & Technology

    Technology is prevailing in our lives. Even though we get to choose what we use rely on a daily basis, can we really resist some of the biggest tech trends in 2020? Find out here!

  • 3 drastic changes the church must understand now

    Mark MacDonald Religious Community

    In the popular book from a couple of decades ago, "Who Moved My Cheese?" the mice got complacent in their maze since they knew where the cheese was located. Then the cheese started to run out. So, the smart mice set out to discover a new supply of cheese. Similarly, the church finds itself in a crisis of change. Change has happened and every church needs to change in order to keep up. I'm not talking about changing our Biblical message, but what I am saying is that we need to communicate our message differently because of these three drastic changes.

  • Study: Most Americans don’t realize how much diet impacts the planet

    Scott E. Rupp Waste Management & Environmental

    Most Americans — who, by and large, claim to be environmentally conscious — are overlooking some of the most important decisions regarding the health of the environment: What they eat. These conversations are not happening, according to a new study. The environmental impacts of individual diets seem a little too close to home for most, as Inverse reported. While some people say that "Big Oil" is responsible for most of the planet's environmental issues, the fight for protecting the earth may need to focus on factory farming practices and the foods that come from these places.

  • What the SECURE Act means for everyone

    Grace Ferguson Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Signed into law on Dec. 20, 2019, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act is designed to help thwart America’s growing retirement crisis. Here’s how the Act impacts employers, employees, and everyone else. For example, the SECURE Act changes several rules regarding multiple employer plans (MEPs).

  • Reagan National bids goodbye to Gate 35X with new terminal

    Matt Falcus Transportation Technology & Automotive

    Regular passengers who use Washington Reagan National Airport will be delighted to learn that a new terminal is being built. It will replace a crowded waiting area and awkward walk out to the aircraft. Gate 35X at the end of the commuter gate area in Reagan necessitates passengers waiting in a cramped downstairs space before walking out to a shuttle bus that takes them to their aircraft’s parking spot before boarding outside in the elements. Now, a new 14-gate terminal concourse building is to be built in place of Gate 35X, to the north of the current Terminal C.

  • The complications of choosing a pain reliever

    Dorothy L. Tengler Pharmaceutical

    Although over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used to treat pain, these drugs cause about 100,000 hospitalizations and 17,000 deaths annually. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently strengthened its warning about the risks of cardiovascular disease attributed to NSAIDs. Because choosing a pain reliever can be complicated for healthcare providers and their patients, researchers from Florida Atlantic University's Schmidt College of Medicine have addressed cardiovascular risks as well as gastrointestinal and kidney side effects of pain relievers, including over-the-counter and prescription drugs for pain relief.