Recent Articles

  • Beneath the Arizona skies: A Colorado River road trip

    Steve and Diane Owens Recreation & Leisure

    It was a gray morning as we left Sierra Vista and the headed north up the San Pedro Valley. The sun was just beginning to rise above the Dragoon Mountains, casting a warm glow on our SUV. Interstate 10 this Sunday morning was light of traffic all the way to Interstate 8. We are not fond of I-10 north of Tucson, a hazardous three-lane highway in many places, with most people driving like crazy fools. This morning, the fools are still sleeping and we feel safe.

  • Why Medicare for All could be a boon for startups, entrepreneurs

    Seth Sandronsky Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Is expanding Medicare, the federal health insurance program for people age 65 and up and some younger folks with disabilities, bad or good for entrepreneurs and business startups? Under a Medicare for All (M4A) system, Uncle Sam would replace the private insurance industry. "The impact of Medicare for All will be significant and lead to an acceleration in new business startups," Wendell Potter, a healthcare insurance industry executive, told MultiBriefs via email. "The current system in the United States, in which a majority of working-age adults get coverage through an employer, is a major impediment to business startups."

  • The care and humanity of caregiving

    Carina Oltmann Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Daniel leans over and gently kisses Sara's head as she lays in the hospital bed. She is in the final few hours of life and her breathing has grown agonal and labored. "I'm here with you, Sara, and you are not alone," Daniel assures her tenderly. For 10 years now, he has been by her side through all of the ups and downs of her journey with breast cancer. Daniel is just one of the close to 40 million Americans providing care to a loved one. At any given time, 16.6% of all U.S. adults are actively serving as a caregiver to a person living with a disability or long-term illness like cancer or dementia.

  • Interior Department’s proposed rule modernization values oil and…

    Michelle R. Matisons Natural Resources

    The highly politicized release of recent polar bear studies reveal at least part of Ursus maritimus' survival depends on Trump-era Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) rule modernization, which now considers "economic impacts" while denying climate change impacts. A seismic study of potential drilling land in Area 1002 was called off last winter because the required Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was deemed incomplete. Less than one year later, the Bureau of Land Management has released a more thorough, pro-drilling EIS.

  • Purple Heart recipient Sen. Tammy Duckworth proposes law to prevent deportation…

    Rebecca Walker Donaldson Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    In early February 2020, U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., a wounded Iraq War veteran who was awarded a Purple Heart in 2004, introduced legislation to assist military members who, following their service and honorable discharge, face deportation. The new bill, called the Strengthening Citizenship Services for Veterans Act, would require Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officers to allow deportees to attend appointments at ports of entry, consulates or embassies without having to make their case for advance parole, a complicated process that ensures reentry to noncitizens who leave the U.S.

  • A compassionate approach to student discipline

    Brian Stack Education

    We've all had those moments where, as educators, we wish we could have handled a student behavior issue differently after it was all over. My moments, although extremely rare, often come when I let my emotions get the best of me when working with a student. Over the years, I have come to understand that I can achieve far better results when I can exhibit compassion, empathy, and care when working with students through a difficult behavioral situation. I have made it my mission to utilize this approach with every student interaction, and I implore my teachers to do the same.

  • Teaching business English in the ESL classroom

    Douglas Magrath Education

    Proper business English is more important than ever with increased globalization. Perhaps the most difficult aspects of English writing are style and rhetoric. The accepted patterns of English rhetoric must be taught through a systematic approach that gives the writers plenty of opportunity for revision and extensive outside reading. Knowing to use the right words in the right business context is more important than ever.

  • Why Agile is outperforming traditional project management models

    Beatrix Potter Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    With the business world changing at the rate that it does, creating and running a project that responds to sudden changes and unforeseen developments can be exhausting and at times seemingly impossible. The good news is Agile is here. It is a flexible and responsive model that outperforms traditional project management models on modern tech projects and leads to lasting benefits for the customer and your team. Agile project management is different from traditional models in what it prioritizes and how it deals with changing scope.

  • How do you recover from an upsetting interaction?

    Anne Rose Retail

    You just had an upsetting interaction with an employee that left you with a sour taste and unsettled spirit. Or you just had an angry customer yell at you because you won't replace a chair that their dog broke for free. Or perhaps you just had an attempted shoplifter make a scene in order for you to placate their temper tantrum with free goods. In short, we've all had those days when a negative interaction leaves us feeling angry, hurt, resentful, and out of sorts. But what happens when that interaction is finished and you're not finished feeling upset?

  • A look at the ways virtual and augmented reality can improve patients’…

    Lisa Mulcahy Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are becoming unstoppable trends in medicine. According to research from Fortune Business Insights, the global VR healthcare market is projected to reach over $30 billion by 2026. That doesn't even account for AR. The possible applications for VR and AR treatments are numerous and incredibly promising. The possible applications for VR and AR treatments are numerous and incredibly promising. Consider these VR and AR options your hospital or facility could conceivably employ.