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Law enforcement reforms regarding the mentally ill show gradual improvement
Bambi Majumdar Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityPortland, Oregon, recently made news with law enforcement reform efforts regarding mentally ill citizens. Six years ago, the city pledged to make police reforms mandated by the federal government. The city has declared those efforts a success, though it has admitted that work at the state and the local levels need improvement. These reforms are intended to curb excessive force against mentally ill people, a pressing issue that departments across the nation need to analyze and improve.
How to prevent financial fraud at your church
Deborah Ike Religious CommunityYou may have seen a recent news article regarding a church financial secretary who embezzled over half a million dollars from the church. Other churches have faced the awful reality that a trusted staff member or volunteer committed fraud and stole from the church. While we'd all prefer to trust those who handle church finances, that's not a risk we can afford to take. Instead, we need to have safeguards in place to protect the church and the reputation of those handling church finances. Here are a few simple ways to protect against fraud.
AMA: Digital health tools are more important than ever to physicians
Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied HealthcarePhysicians have been using more digital health tools since 2016, according to the American Medical Association, which first benchmarked the transformation at that time. According to continued research, the AMA reports that more physicians than ever say they understand the benefits of digital health tools for driving improved efficiency and safety at the point of care. As reported through the survey, the AMA pointed out specific insights in seven categories of digital adoption.
What transplant programs and OPOs need to know about coronavirus
Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied HealthcareThe 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), officially named as COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO), is spreading at a concerning pace. Healthcare professionals in a variety of specialties are readying their practices for the possibility of infection in their area. Many transplant programs, Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs), and patients worry about the safety of organ transplantation during the outbreak. Fortunately, a number of organizations are working to provide current information about COVID-19.
The significance of K12’s acquisition of Galvanize
Bambi Majumdar EducationEducation management provider K12's $165 million acquisition of coding boot camp Galvanize helps to highlight the new direction education technology is going in. K12's flagship business has so far centered on operating and managing online schools for school districts. The publicly traded virtual schooling and ed-tech company is now looking at a dramatic expansion as it looks to break into the corporate learning and career readiness market. This type of acquisition is becoming more of the norm as bigger companies look to consolidate their holdings, grab a larger market share, and eliminate competition.
Why AI in healthcare may be a lifesaver
Tammy Hinojos Medical & Allied HealthcareAs advances in artificial intelligence continue to make headlines in healthcare, many experts agree that this technology holds great potential to make the industry more efficient and more accessible. AI has already made an impact on many other fields, including education and even marketing, so why not healthcare? One of AI's biggest potential benefits is the early detection and prevention of deadly diseases.
How the e-commerce boom is transforming warehouses
Gail Short Distribution & WarehousingAs e-commerce retail sales continue to grow, the need for warehouses and fulfillment centers that meet the needs of online retailers and brick-and-mortar stores is also rising, says James Breeze, senior director and global head of industrial and logistics research at CBRE Group Inc. "E-commerce has been the largest disruptor for warehouse distribution design on record," says Breeze. "Distribution centers have grown in size, clear height and added amenities based on the larger employee counts that are needed for e-commerce fulfillment centers."
Will the coronavirus outbreak cause a global economic downturn?
Linchi Kwok Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementThe COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is at a turning point from an epidemic to a pandemic. According to an update from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Feb. 22, a total of 32 countries have reported confirmed cases. In South Korea, for example, confirmed infected cases went up to 763 on Feb. 24. Six days earlier, the country only had 31 cases. On Feb. 23, Italy reported that three people had died, and 152 others had been infected with coronavirus; Iran also reported 43 confirmed infected cases. Airlines are canceling months of flights to and from China amid coronavirus fears.
Can opening statements for mediation be skipped? Tips for attorneys and…
Nancy Neal Yeend Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityThere has been a lot written recently about how to start a mediation: with or without opening remarks by the participants, and with or without an opening statement by the mediator. Some feel that if the parties and/or their counsel give an opening, the mediation will just go downhill. Others feel a mediator's opening is not necessary, because "We've heard it all before!" Then there is also the reason that some mediators feel uncomfortable or are unable to handle emotional participants. These are fascinating reasons for skipping openings; however, could it be that they are just excuses that may not stand up to closer scrutiny?
Understanding board governance with near-opposite terms
Robert C. Harris Association ManagementDirectors should understand the terminology of governance. To increase board effectiveness, explain these concepts which are sometimes confusing to volunteer leaders. Each of governance and management; strategy and tactics; and policy and procedures are near opposites. They can be attributed to the distinctive roles of the board and staff.