Recent Articles

  • Touring the Four Corners area

    Cindy Belt Recreation & Leisure

    The Four Corners area is an amazing and special place. This is the area where Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico all meet. You can find national parks and monuments here, along with relatively unknown trails and museums in this region. At the center of this area is Four Corners Monument. This is a fun stop for a photo. It is not a national monument but is run by the Navajo Nation with a $5 per person admission fee. There are Native American vendors here if you are interested.

  • Research shows pharmacological cardioversion as safe, effective as shock

    Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    The results of a new study published in The Lancet show that pharmacological cardioversion is as safe and effective for resolving acute atrial fibrillation (AF, AFib) as electrical cardioversion. Acute AF accounts for about 430,000 emergency department (ED) visits in the United States and Canada each year. To avoid complications, such as stroke and heart failure, patients with acute AF must receive treatment within 48 hours. ED doctors and hospitalists in the U.S., Canada, and other countries use electrical and pharmacological cardioversion to restore normal heart rhythms.

  • New Jersey community defends local school against Rutgers hospital plans

    Michelle R. Matisons Education

    While public education battles continue, there are case studies that are emblematic of community contradictions. Higher education, even publicly funded institutions, can exist in a world apart from the K-12 system. The recent conflict between Rutgers University, which is attempting to take over New Brunswick’s Lincoln Annex School, located in a predominantly Latino community, is an example of ongoing education battles that involve different arenas, testing academia’s pro-public education rhetoric.

  • Struggling learners: Critical IEP questions and a critical Supreme Court…

    Howard Margolis Education

    Regardless of their child’s disability, parents worry about getting their child an IEP that meets his or her needs. Typically, they want to know how to effectively prepare for the IEP meeting. To develop an IEP that is likely to produce substantial progress in important areas, it's critical for parents to write down the questions that need answering and to share them with the case manager at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. This helps to focus and structure the IEP meeting on their child's most pressing needs.

  • Threats on tap: Why America’s water woes are even worse than you…

    Dave G. Houser Waste Management & Environmental

    Unregulated perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) — chemicals stubbornly resistant to environmental breakdown and linked to serious health problems — are contaminating drinking water in communities across the country. Tests carried out by the watchdog organization Environmental Working Group have uncovered these chemicals in tap water samples from 44 sites in 31 states. The nation's drinking water problem, however, goes way beyond just PFAS contamination. There are three additional concerns affecting our most precious of resources.

  • When the board wants help

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    Not all board members have knowledge of governance. Some have the benefit of serving on prior boards. Others are novices. Seldom does a board say, "We need help." In theory, the directors all attended board orientation. It may be difficult to recognize if a board feels apprehensive about skills. Therefore, you can conduct a board evaluation to identify insecurities about governance. The board is used to evaluating the budget, and possibly the executive director, but what about their own performance?

  • Podcast: Taming your student loan debt after physical therapy school

    Jarod Carter Sports & Fitness

    Joseph Reinke got his start working in investments. During the run-up to the mortgage market meltdown, he noticed that most of the professionals in the field didn’t understand the basics. Consequently, they would take truly absurd risks. He also noticed a segmentation problem in the financial arena that makes it hard for average Americans to get the help they need in order to make good money-related decisions. This bleak situation inspired him to start FitBUX, a company that provides educational resources, tools, and personal coaching to help physical therapy graduates take control of their student loan debt.

  • New ways to help shorten hospital stays for your critical care patients

    Lisa Mulcahy Medical & Allied Healthcare

    As a hospital administrator, your ongoing goals are to ensure your facility provides the best care outcomes possible and to get your patients quickly and safely back home. Your care teams may be able to accomplish these important goals more easily through innovations being developed via cutting-edge research. Read on about these simple, yet potentially game-changing developments. A few simple implementations could benefit your patients enormously.

  • ADA produces one-sheet handout on coronavirus for dentists

    Tammy Hinojos Oral & Dental Healthcare

    Coronavirus, now named COVID-19, is making headlines around the world, and this illness is at the top of most news reports. The American Dental Association has now released an informational handout regarding the virus for dentists. The handout, which can be downloaded here, covers strategies for helping prevent the transmission of suspected respiratory disease in the dental healthcare setting and also answers frequently asked questions related to the virus, based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • Novel imaging approach provides first glimpse of the body’s ‘steering…

    Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    A new approach to 3D imaging has shed new light on ankle kinematics. Ankle injuries are among the most common reasons for emergency department visits. EDs treat more than 628,000 ankle injuries per year. Ankle injuries account for about 20% of all visits to the ED. While ankle injuries are not life threatening, they can cause disability that decreases quality of life, so accurate diagnosis is always essential. Many ankle injuries involve the "body’s steering wheel," the subtalar joint.