Elizabeth Donat
Articles by Elizabeth Donat
How to buy beauty: Here’s how to shop all 7 categories
Monday, December 14, 2020December is an exciting and festive time of year filled with wonderful buying opportunities in the beauty space. With so many amazing promotions, gift sets and sales, how does one decide where to even start? When you are shopping for yourself or those lucky recipients on your list, focus on the seven beauty categories.
6 ways to finish strong at your spa in 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020With Thanksgiving and the holiday season just days away, it's time to make a plan to finish your year strong at your spa or medspa. We've experienced a year of ups and downs, and it has certainly shown us that with planning, tenacity and a lot of patience we can continue to do the work that we love. Follow my six tips in this article to finish 2020 on top and start the new year off right with some fun and festive ideas.
7 marketing mistakes you may be making at your spa
Thursday, October 22, 2020I recently had the opportunity to do a live Instagram interview with Meghan O'Brien, who owns Marketing with Meg. Her company specializes in marketing consulting, courses and tools focused on the esthetics arena. Lucky us! During our chat, she shared some amazing tips but also highlighted some of the common mistakes that she sees out there with some easy tips to fix them. Please read through these and see if you are making these mistakes at your spa or medspa. This is some guidance you won't want to miss!
Is your spa menu optimized for 2020 and beyond?
Monday, September 28, 2020Sometimes it's easiest to overlook the things that you're used to seeing every day. Don't let your spa menu be one of those things. If 2020 has taught us anything, it's that we need to be prepared for change and to think on our feet. Many spas are dealing with restrictions on how many guests they are allowed to service in their space, and this is impacting the generation of revenue. Take this opportunity to optimize your price list to make sure that it's working for you.
The 5 best practices COVID-19 has created for the spa industry
Tuesday, August 18, 2020It's important to see how adapting to the challenges of a pandemic has actually strengthened our industry in many ways. Pat yourself on the back if you have had to make serious changes to your business; it hasn't been easy, I know. However, as time goes on, we become accustomed to these new and improved measures to keep our customers and staff safe during these novel and demanding times. As a result, we should note the best practices that have evolved from this time.
5 ways the beauty space is staying exactly the same
Wednesday, July 22, 2020In a time of so much variability and unrest, it's crucial to look at the things that are staying the same. As spa and beauty industry professionals, we are adapting to many changes in our industry: spa shutdowns, changes to the retail environment, new sanitation regulations, supply shortages and corporate closures. However, in light of this, let's talk about the resilience of the beauty industry and the constants that will anchor our industry.
5 tips for top-notch customer service while social distancing at your spa
Thursday, June 18, 2020With spas and medical spas opening up or on the cusp of reopening, it's time to reevaluate our customer service strategy in light of the changes in society and our daily lives. We cannot continue with the old styles of communication and customer care in a new, socially distant world. Read my expert tips to learn five helpful pointers for making your clients feel close, even though we are forced to keep space between us.
The 5 payoffs of the pause for the spa industry
Thursday, May 21, 2020During this unprecedented pause in our lives, we have no doubt struggled with countless challenges. It's easy to list all the ways that this pandemic has stifled our personal lives and, in some cases, completely turned our spa businesses upside down. However, in the spirit of the-glass-is-half-full, let's talk about the extraordinary ways that our industry has benefited from this time.
5 predictions for the new future of spas
Monday, April 27, 2020As we look forward to getting back to work at our spas and salons, it's important to think about what that will look like in light of closings due to the pandemic. We've been thrust into a contactless society, so how will that translate to the up-close-and-personal relationships that we have with our clients in our spas when we reopen? How will we keep staff and clients safe? How can we instill trust and thrive once again?
6 ways for your spa to thrive in uncertain times
Friday, March 20, 2020Business owners in the spa industry — and most every industry — are faced with an unprecedented situation in today's uncertain times. And because of this, it's crucial to explore some short- and long-term activities which may help to not only ease our clients' apprehensions, but to also help our businesses thrive and make profits. Follow my six expert tips below if you need some inspiration in light of recent changes to your flow of business.
How to prevent product returns at your spa
Tuesday, February 18, 2020An inevitable side effect of retail sales is product returns. Of course, a few here and there is normal, but if you are experiencing anything greater than a 5 to 7% return rate, then it's time to assess your game plan at your salon, spa or med spa to get those numbers where they should be. Follow my expert advice below to handle and prevent excessive retail returns.
4 reasons why every spa should have its own protocols
Wednesday, January 22, 2020With so many spas and medical spas in business these days, it's hard to keep up with all the amazing menu offerings that are available on the market, including rejuvenating facials; chemical peels; dermalinfusion therapies; and treatments for the hands, neck and scalp. But as spa practitioners and owners, it's not only a good idea to offer incredible services at competitive prices, it's crucial to have the protocols for these services written down and recorded at your spa. Like a chef writes and follows carefully crafted recipes, spa owners and their staff must create and adhere to protocols.
New year, new skin for your spa clients
Thursday, January 03, 2019Our clients will certainly be setting goals and New Year's resolutions for 2019: starting a new exercise routine, a dietary cleanse, or perhaps a goal to finally give themselves the skin that they always wanted. We, as spa industry professionals, should be several steps ahead of them and ready to guide them in the right direction when it comes to making major improvements in their skin for this upcoming year. Follow my expert tips below and help your clients transform their skin in 2019.
International beauty trends and their impact on the spa industry
Friday, December 07, 2018Our spa clients can be heavily influenced by the latest and greatest prevailing topics in the beauty world. As of late, it seems like many of the current trends consist of imported beauty routines from all around the globe. K-Beauty, J-Beauty and G-Beauty are all the rage and our clients are just as intrigued as we are. These international beauty care paradigms are shaking up what it means to take care of our skin and actually align quite well with many of the spa practices that we hold near and dear to our hearts.
6 professional skin care strategies for the winter months
Monday, November 12, 2018For many skin care clients, winter weather brings a whole new set of problems and concerns. Dehydration, dryness, chapping, and itchiness are common complaints. Some winter skin woes can be fixed with minor adjustments and some are so severe that they can really derail your clients' skin health for the season. Read my expert strategies below to help your spa clients conquer the harsh side effects of winter skin during the cold months to come.
Skin care product reviews: Reliable or fake news?
Monday, October 29, 2018Online reviews are the new word of mouth in today's digital age. They shape how we shop, where we eat, where we lodge and how we dress. In terms of the beauty and spa industries, reviews help us form our decisions regarding which skin care products to purchase and where to go to get our favorite spa procedures. Moreover, if you are a spa, medical spa or salon owner, then positive and negative reviews can make or break your business. Because these reviews play such a critical role in our businesses and our everyday lives it begs the question: Are reviews reliable or the new fake news?
The online war on professional beauty products, and how to fight back
Monday, October 22, 2018Without many people taking notice, during the summer of 2017, Amazon drastically changed how it sells beauty brands to their millions of online shoppers. According to Kiri Masters of Forbes, Amazon no longer requires beauty brands to go through a strict approval process before being allowed to list on the site. Now, brands apply to be sold under one of three categories: luxury beauty, professional beauty, and indie beauty, once approved. This means, as spa professionals, we now have another major online retail outlet to compete with in terms of how we stay competitive in terms of sales of professional-grade skin care products.
Skin care sins clients commit that have serious consequences
Monday, October 01, 2018It's not commonplace for clients to readily admit some of the horrible and unsafe things that they do to their skin. But when they do — or when you have a suspicion that they do — it's important to encourage clear and honest communication about it. After all, if we do not have a complete understanding of our spa and medical spa clients' habits and lifestyle choices, then we cannot recommend and perform safe treatments.
How to best serve our male clients at the spa
Tuesday, September 18, 2018Let's face it, men probably make up the minority of the clients at your spa or medical spa. Unless you are running a facility that caters to this demographic exclusively, chances are you probably have about a 10 percent male clientele, at best. But just because these gentlemen clients comprise the minority doesn't mean that we should be unprepared to serve them well. After all, many men are extremely invested in their appearance and are seeking out professional-grade products and services in increasing numbers.
Management mistakes that could be creating issues at your spa
Thursday, August 30, 2018If you are managing a spa or medical spa, then you know that it is a position that requires many skill sets. You likely wear many hats, including go-to human resources person, scheduler, client dispute handler, event coordinator, interviewer, premise supervisor, bookkeeper and the boss' go-to person, just to name a few. However, it's crucial to recognize if you are making some mistakes that could be hurting your bottom line and your staff. Read my expert tips and see if you are making any of these common spa management blunders.
How to support your spa clients in the age of synthetic beauty
Tuesday, August 21, 2018If you follow fashion industry trends, you may have heard of two new models that have huge followings on social media and pose for beauty and luxury clothing brands alike: Shudu and Lil Miquela. These models are different because they are not actually made of skin and bones — they are completely digital. Virtual models are "just the beginning of the avatar revolution," according to Cameron-James Wilson, a 29-year-old photographer based in London and the creator of Shudu.
Help your clients face their fears about esthetic procedures
Tuesday, August 07, 2018For many of us that work in the spa and medical spa industries, we are entirely convinced about the benefits of most esthetic procedures. Our clients, however, are not as well-versed and need a lot of encouragement and coaching. If your spa or clinic offers injectables, deep chemical peels or laser resurfacing, then you know that clients have tons of questions and concerns about these procedures and their outcomes. As professionals, it's our job to explain the reasonable outcomes of every procedure and manage our clients' expectations responsibly.
What spa clients are demanding now
Monday, July 23, 2018With clients’ increased awareness of product ingredients, sourcing and regulation, it's no surprise that they are coming into our spas and medical spas with more questions, concerns and demands. Clients regularly consult the Environmental Working Group's website, study the Goop newsletters and watch their favorite TV doctors for advice. It's our role as spa professionals to be cognizant of the current demands of our clients so that we can steer them in the right direction while meeting their needs.
A skin care expert’s guide to packing for vacation
Tuesday, July 10, 2018When you're going on vacation, it takes a bit of planning and strategy to pack your bags with everything you'll need for your trip. If you're flying to your relaxation destination, then you may be very limited in terms of which products (especially the liquid ones) that you can bring in your luggage. In terms of vacation and skin care, it's all about selecting products that will serve you and your skin best on your trip. Follow my expert advice and you and your spa clients will have glowing, radiant skin no matter how near or far they go!
Is the term anti-aging out for good?
Monday, June 25, 2018Some people in the beauty industry want "anti-aging" to go the way of the dodo. In light of Allure magazine announcing in last year's September issue that it would no longer publish the term anti-aging, it makes me wonder if this will become the new normal for the industry. The magazine stated that aging is a "celebration of growing into your own skin," so we shouldn't see it as a "battle" and something that needs a remedy. But does the term really stand for something negative or is it just a way to clearly state which skin care goals you're after?
Summer skin care wisdom for your spa clients
Friday, June 08, 2018The summer months can bring different challenges for our clients' skin: heat, humidity, sweating, clogging, inflammation and UV exposure. Therefore, be sure to guide them through the hotter part of the year with confident and easy-to-follow recommendations for healthy skin. Read my expert advice to keep your clients' skin glowing and healthy all summer long.
5 tips for client retention during the summer months at your spa
Friday, May 25, 2018If you've been in the spa industry for a while, you may have noticed that your schedule can get a bit quiet during the summer months. One of the biggest obstacles, however, is that clients may also get sun exposure, which can prevent them from getting some treatments altogether. All in all, the summer can be a tricky time for keeping your books as filled as other parts of the year. If you are having trouble keeping your clients coming into your spa for treatments during the summer months, then read my expert tips.
How to handle a hot-headed client at the spa
Friday, May 11, 2018If you own or manage a salon or spa, then you know that some customers can be hard to handle. Whether it's a scheduling mix-up, a miscommunication or a disappointing service, sometimes clients can be extremely unhappy and want you to know about it. If you find yourself in a situation with an unhappy customer in your spa, then remember my expert tips below.
Spa client misconceptions that are hindering their results
Friday, April 27, 2018How we communicate and set expectations for our clients in the spa really matters. It's common in the spa and medical spa setting to find that clients may have several misconceptions about how to properly take care of their skin. If you are finding that your clients have any of these mistaken beliefs about their skin care regimen, then read my expert advice today.
What spa clients are thinking but not always willing to say
Friday, April 13, 2018Have you ever gotten the feeling that your client had a "just OK" experience instead of a "wow" experience at your spa? Was there something on their mind that they left without saying? Was an interaction between esthetician and client quite awkward or abrupt?
Customer engagement: How to get your employees to buy in
Thursday, April 05, 2018If you own or manage a business in the service industry, then this topic applies to you. If you would like to have employees who perform at their highest degree of productivity along with loyal customers driving sales and revenue, then read these expert tips today.
How fake beauty experts are changing the skin care industry
Friday, March 23, 2018If you own a skin care business like a spa, medical spa or salon, then you know skin care product retail sales are an important and lucrative revenue stream. So how would you feel if you found out that people who are not trained in skin health are selling millions of dollars of skin care products to your clients behind your back?
5 tips to maximize your esthetician staff
Friday, March 02, 2018Many spas and medical spas employ estheticians to perform facials, chemical peels, body treatments, hair removal services and makeup applications, just to name a few. Estheticians are integral to providing thorough skin analyses, retail product recommendations and giving relaxing and rejuvenating services.
How Amazon is changing how we buy and sell beauty
Friday, February 16, 2018These days, you can find almost anything on Amazon. Pretty much everyone you know uses the internet e-commerce site to buy everything from jewelry to toilet bowl cleaners to steak knives.
How to fine-tune your flu prevention procedures
Friday, February 02, 2018Many of us have heard on the news that we are facing a serious flu season this year. It is scary to think about you or a loved one becoming very sick. If you own a business, it's also critical to think about how you can protect your clients and staff from contracting and spreading the flu. Whether you work in a restaurant, medical office, salon or spa, follow my expert advice on minimizing the threat of the flu in your workplace.
Transparent beauty: Why manipulated images will be cropped out for good
Friday, January 19, 2018With CVS recently announcing that it will begin to permanently phase out photoshopped images from their beauty aisles, it's difficult to deny that a major shift toward authenticity in the beauty industry has begun. The glossy ads that portray images of contoured, poreless and almost plastic-like skin textures have seen their best days.
4 self-care rituals to add to your wellness routine
Friday, January 12, 2018Many of us want to take better care of ourselves to start the new year. Are you hoping to add some self-care rituals to your wellness routine in 2018? Here are my top four suggestions for having a glow from head to toe.
5 tips for a prosperous year at your spa
Friday, January 05, 2018Now that 2017 has come to a close, it's a fabulous opportunity to look forward to another great year at your spa. Check out my five professional tips for starting the new year off right! With these simple suggestions, you can look forward to a fun, fresh and lucrative 2018.
4 ways to finish the year strong at your spa
Friday, December 01, 2017December is upon us, and for many this is one of the busiest months of the year. December is a month that can make or break a spa's bottom line, so it's important to make the best of it and finish strong.
5 winter habits to break for more youthful skin
Friday, November 17, 2017If your skin suffers from winter woes like dryness, dehydration, cracking and sensitivity, then be mindful of your winter skin habits. Are you making any of these five winter skin care mistakes? Follow these expert tips to have a youthful, glowing complexion all winter long.
When to expect results from 5 common esthetic procedures
Friday, November 03, 2017When it comes to spa and medical spa procedures, knowing when to expect a result is key in order to manage clients' expectations. Oftentimes, the way to set our clients up for success in their beauty journey is to be clear about how long that journey will take.
An esthetician’s 6 beauty tips to her younger self
Friday, October 20, 2017In life, we say that hindsight is 20/20. We all wish that we could go back in time and tell our younger selves what to do and what not to do so that we could be the best versions of ourselves today. As a licensed esthetician and skin care expert, here are my top six beauty tips to my younger self — and you.
4 simple ways to create exceptional service experiences at your spa
Friday, October 06, 2017When it comes to the spa industry — or any service industry, for that matter — customer service is paramount. How you make your clients feel via memorable, five-star experiences is key to having a successful business.
Which SPF is right for your skin?
Monday, May 01, 2017Thankfully, these days, it's not a question of whether we should wear sunscreen, but which SPF we should wear. Knowing which type of SPF to wear and when to wear it will keep the guesswork out of protecting your skin from painful burns and UV damage like age spots, wrinkles and skin laxity.
5 ways to reclaim your spa’s retail sales
Friday, March 10, 2017Professional skin care product sales, or retail sales, are a pillar of a spa's revenue potential. Recommending and retailing professional skin care products improves client relationships, prolongs treatment results and creates beautiful, long-lasting changes in clients' skin. So why do most spas fall short on in this area? It's time for spas, medical spas and solo estheticians to reclaim their retail sales and increase their revenue. Here are my five tips to do just that.
6 tips to love your skin like the pros do
Wednesday, February 08, 2017Ever wonder how the pros in the beauty industry like estheticians take care of their own skin? Learn the skin-loving tips that beauty experts live by for gorgeous, year-round glowing skin.
Your 2017 skin care resolutions
Monday, January 09, 2017These five little tips can make a huge impact when you are trying to achieve an angelic glow in 2017.
5 unsavory gym habits to avoid for clear skin
Tuesday, December 13, 2016As an esthetician and consultant licensed both in New York state and internationally, I hear a huge amount of complaints from my clients about gym-related breakouts. Sweat spiked with hair care product residues along with bacteria, oil and cross-contamination from gym equipment all play a part.
5 tricks for successfully bringing new menu offerings into your spa
Tuesday, November 29, 2016Creating a new spa menu (or adding to an existing one) is a task that requires a solid strategy. The inspiration for your spa menu is closer than you think. Expanding your spa menu offerings is easy — if you look to your own clients, staff and current business relationships for insight and support.
Comparing apples to oranges: Do you really know your skin type?
Tuesday, November 15, 2016Achieving a youthful, dewy, complexion worthy of a pinch on the cheek doesn't come from using the crème de la crème of moisturizers. Rushing into injectable treatments can be risky and expensive. And relying on the sales personnel at the beauty counter or believing a celebrity-endorsed skin serum on TV will most likely get you nowhere.
Expert red flags: How spas lose valuable clients and talented staff
Tuesday, November 01, 2016Owning a spa business is an exciting and wonderful career opportunity. Clients are always coming to you to feel relaxed, beautiful and pampered, and staff enjoy being on the cutting edge of the beauty industry. Goodness knows, there is no perfect business model, but looking out for these eight red flags will guide you in the right direction.
7 tips for not sabotaging your recent facial
Monday, October 17, 2016As a licensed esthetician, I always end my sessions with home-care and post-care recommendations. I am sure my clients think I am a broken record, but I just can't help myself. The truth is what happens after your facial is just as important as what happens during your facial. Bottom line, during most facials the skin's pH is being altered, exfoliation treatments are performed and extractions open up the skin. Therefore, knowing how to care for your skin once you leave the spa is key for skin care success.
How great are your estheticians?
Monday, October 03, 2016Probably pretty great, right? Most estheticians (aka esties) get into the field of esthetics, because they have a strong interest in the beauty and skin health industries and a desire to turn that interest into a great way to make a living. Esties generally enjoy helping their clients look and feel great, while also improving their own skin health and beauty (let's be honest).
5 ways to attract top-notch clients to your spa business
Monday, September 12, 2016Years of working in New York City's upscale beauty industry has taught me what top-notch and celebrity clients expect when they walk through the doors. To attract great clients who are able and willing to spend big money in your beauty establishment, you must provide these five key elements.