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Spotlight on fluoridation with National Children’s Dental Health…
Tammy Hinojos Oral & Dental Healthcare2020 is a big year. A big decade. Plus, it just sounds cool, right? In the world of dentistry, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of community water fluoridation in America. And since February is National Children's Dental Health Month, it's as good a time as any to take a look at the history of water fluoridation, why it's important and how it helps everyone have a healthier mouth.
Infographic: STEM is on the rise. How can schools help?
Brian Wallace EducationOver the last decade, the U.S. has created nearly 2 million new STEM jobs — but students’ math and science scores continue to lag behind other nations, according to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). STEM includes many ever-evolving and expanding fields, and success requires the ability to continue to learn and adapt to new situations. Raising a STEM workforce starts long before college. So, where do schools begin?
4 things new team leaders should do first
Daniela McVicker Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementBecoming the new leader of a team is like venturing into unknown territory: no journey is complete without assuming risks and making bold decisions. The first meeting, for example, can be a truly daunting event where your new colleagues expect you to say all the right things. To make those first-time impressions as beneficial as possible, you need to connect with the team and let them know you’re the kind of person they like. How exactly do you do that? Read on for some ideas.
How tech trends will affect homebuyers
Terri Williams Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesWhen searching for a home, buyers used to have three options. They could search the classified section, drive around neighborhoods looking for sale signs, or enlist a realtor to find available properties. However, these methods were time-consuming and often produced high failure rates — in part because sellers and their agents were likely to highlight a home's positives and downplay any negative features. "But now, homebuyers have so many new ways to search for their perfect home," says Jerry Clum, founder and CEO at, a searchable real estate website that uses technology to help agents promote their listings to potential buyers.
HHS responds to arguments against hospital price transparency
Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied HealthcareRegarding healthcare pricing transparency, the Trump administration says patients should have the right to know how much care will cost before they receive it. The argument seems to hold water, because in all other transactions where are wallets are concerned, consumers know the price of the products and services before they buy. These are the points continually made by leaders at HHS. These are also the arguments made in a brief filed last week in response to a lawsuit challenging the price transparency rule. HHS also argues that Congress meant for hospital pricing be made public.
Visionary vs. manager: Why both are necessary in business
Anne Rose Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementWe bring our unique personalities into the workplace. Some of us enjoy creating new ideas, thinking about future improvements, and experimenting to improve matters. Others are the polar opposite. These are the people who enjoy taming chaos, managing the status quo, and streamlining processes. As I've mentioned in previous articles, all organizations need both these types of people because the balance is where most progress occurs. When one type of thinking dominates the other in a company, a failed outcome is predictable.
Why you need to keep your finger off the trigger
Mike Ox Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityI'm part of a few instructor groups online and a question was recently posed about an agency whose policy is to scan for threats with the trigger finger on the trigger and the slack taken up. The response was pretty much universal…if your sights are on your intended target, the finger goes on the trigger. If your sights aren't on your intended target, your finger goes off the trigger. But why?
5 types of interactive content marketing that pay off
Lisa Mulcahy MarketingAre you looking to bolster your digital marketing might through interactive audience engagement? You should be. According to research reported by Review 42, 82% of consumers would prefer to watch a brand's live stream than read its posts on social media. Clearly, it's time to hone in on the specific kinds of interactive offerings customers want to engage in and make them vivid, fascinating and easy to navigate. What areas should you put your efforts into? Focus on these five.
Why new crash response programs are important for law enforcement
Bambi Majumdar Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityIn 2018, the NYPD rolled out its Staten Island pilot program for responding to crashes and drew mixed responses for it. Under this program, police officers in the area only responded to vehicle crashes that involve personal injuries and not property damage. Deeming it a successful pilot program, the department recently announced plans to expand it to the other four boroughs of New York City. Since the department stopped responding to all crash sites in Staten Island, officers can now opt to focus on priority jobs and tasks. As a result, officers' response times to serious crash sites have improved.
Remodelers ride a wave of consumer optimism
Michael J. Berens Construction & Building MaterialsConsumers have a lot to be happy about. Job growth is strong, household incomes are increasing, inflation and interest rates are low, and the economy keeps chugging along, defying warnings of bubbles bursting and an impending recession. That optimism has been good for remodelers, who are benefitting from consumers’ willingness to spend and invest in their homes. Spending on home improvement surged in the month of December, according to recent reports.