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  • New study unveils the biggest marketing opportunities on Instagram

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    Did you know 90% of marketers are using Instagram to promote their products, according to a new report by Social Media Today? As of late, Instagram is the place for businesses to be. Reach on Facebook keeps dropping. New users aren’t flocking to Twitter or Snapchat. But on Instagram, the audience and engagement levels just keep growing. Marketers don’t see that wave stopping soon, either. As Instagram marketing becomes increasingly important, read on to learn what aspects of the platform offer the most opportunity.

  • I am not stupid, so stop treating me like I am

    Amy Temple Education

    Not that long ago, a relative talked down to me, and I was livid! Let me rephrase that…I was beyond livid! I came this close to telling this individual to stick it up their you-know-where! This person thought that they would just decide something for me without even consulting. Then, they had the gall to say, "Is that all right, Amy?" Well, no! It's not! I have dealt with this numerous times with certain members of my family. I don't know what it is. They must equate my condition with a lack of intelligence. Who knows?

  • Leadership beach reads for your summer getaways

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Whether it is a Friday afternoon at the beach or a quick getaway to a friend’s lake house, even the most work-focused leaders find a way to get out of town and unplug during the summer. With all that relaxing time can come a lot of down time. For those of us who love reading but cannot quite get into whatever Elin Hilderbrand book is lying around the vacation house, here are a few gateway reads that might bridge the gap between work and play.

  • The one thing you can do today to bring in talent

    Roberta Matuson Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    No doesn't always mean no. Here's what I mean by this. You're probably hearing a lot of "no's" these days when extending job offers to candidates, given how hot the market is for talent. Most of you have accepted this and moved on. This is a huge mistake and one that can be easily rectified. Keep this in mind: "No" isn't forever. It's no, for right now. Let's say you made a job offer about a month ago and the candidate declined. These days, it's easy to reach out to people through LinkedIn's In-mail with a, "Hey, how's your new job going?" message, followed by, "Any chance we can grab a coffee?"

  • Taking a vacation when you don’t have enough vacation time

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Summer is a great time for a new job. From new grads looking to put their foot in the door to seasoned professionals just waiting for the summer to move their family across the country for an amazing opportunity, summertime is a great time to transition. Unfortunately, it is also a great time to take a vacation. For new employees at any level, this can be a challenge. Here are a few things to consider when trying to take a vacation without enough vacation time.

  • Observing the latest hospitality tech from HITEC 2019 in Minneapolis

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    I was in Minneapolis recently for HITEC 2019 (Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition & Conference), marking the third time I attended the conference's exposition. This time, I paid special attention to the new technologies and products on the exhibition floor, such as those using facial recognition or AI in providing robotic services. I was unable to recognize any revolutionary innovations at the exposition, but I believe two of my observations may warrant some discussion.

  • Get more eyes on your company’s blog today

    Mashaal Ryan Marketing

    You've got the website, logo, and blog designed for your company. Congrats! The more you update your website with top SEO keywords, the higher you show up in Google's search algorithm. Now comes the next step — you've written some articles or had freelancers write them for you, and you've posted them. You are waiting eagerly for those hits, comments, shares — but you aren't seeing them and it's been months. How can you get more eyes on your company's website and blog?

  • A net loss: Why focusing on Net Promoter Scores can hurt your business

    Linda Popky Marketing

    Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a customer loyalty metric introduced in 2003. It scores customer loyalty based on a single question: "On a scale of 1-10, how likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?" Customers who respond with a 9 or 10 are considered Promoters. Anyone scoring below 6 is considered a Detractor; those who answer 7 or 8 are considered Passive. The NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of customers who are Detractors from those who are Promoters. It's an interesting methodology. The problem is it isn't necessarily right much of the time.

  • What to look for in church management software

    Deborah Ike Religious Community

    Leveraging church management software (ChMS) is how many churches keep up with first-time guests, members, volunteers, and all the data associated with ministry follow-up. In fact, a ChMS tool — which automates daily operations to assist in membership, donations, event planning, marketing processes, etc. — streamlines the back-office side of things so church leaders can support ministry with an efficient and useful tool. There are, however, a lot of ChMS options to choose from. To help you decide, here are three tips on what to look for in church management software.

  • The best way to wrap up the board meeting

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    We all like to hear, "We have completed our agenda, so I move that we adjourn the meeting," at the board table. Upon adjournment, the directors scatter. Volunteers dart out the door. But there are some techniques to improve the success of the meeting. Before adjournment, somebody should ask an easy question, "What’s next?" It gives the chair or executive director a chance to recap what was decided and the ensuing steps.