All Business Management, Services & Risk Management Articles
  • Cybersecurity survey shows businesses are still in trouble

    Scott E. Rupp Science & Technology

    A new IT survey shows that 81 percent of organizations said they experienced an increase in cybersecurity challenges in the past year, with respondents telling US Signal that of these, 40 percent of respondents experienced at least one security incident in that time period, while 13 percent did not know if they had. In the age of the security breach, such a high number should actually be closer to zero, but the "Health of the Nation" survey suggests that organizations are not only experiencing breaches, but they are doing so at an alarming rate.

  • How to have a great first day at your new managerial position

    Lisa Mulcahy Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    No matter how experienced you are, starting a new managerial job is bound to give you a butterfly or two. The good news? Preparing yourself with a calm mindset and an effective game plan that you can implement on your very first day will guarantee you have a smooth entry, and positive productivity from the get-go. Use these easy, science-based tips to excel from the start.

  • Female food and beverage entrepreneurs bring unique products to market

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    Women-led food and beverage companies are changing the way we think about the industry. Women are go-getters, they are focused and they are generally more empathetic than their male counterparts. It is no surprise to see that the leading and emerging women-led businesses in this sector have a similar goal in mind — promoting wellness and health. From fighting disease to creating healthy post-workout snacks and more nutritious lunches for school children, they are shaping a healthier future for all.

  • Spring cleaning your church database

    Deborah Ike Religious Community

    While we tend to expect our church management software (ChMS) to display valuable information on every report, we need to remember that the information it provides is only as useful as the data we enter. If you’ve had your ChMS in place for several years or if you’ve ever switched from one ChMS to another, it might be time for a system cleanup effort. Here are several tips to help you get started.

  • How to create a culture shift in association governance

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    Association executives are frustrated by boards characterized as the "lunch-bunch," a group that meets to hear reports, receive updates and enjoy friends. Symptoms of an underperforming board may be a lack of quorums, disengaged directors, ill-preparation for meetings, and little concern for impact. The phrase you hope never to hear from directors is, "But we are just volunteers." In reality, they are a team serving as trustees of the corporation.

  • 4 ways to use social media to boost customer loyalty

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    Social media may not be the most cost-effective platform to close leads, but it remains one of the best ways to nurture loyal customers. It’s there where you have daily touchpoints with your followers. You get to stay top of mind and have that ever-coveted two-way dialogue — the kind that leads to brand loyalty that will last for years. Cultivate your followers into loyal customers with these four steps.

  • How to respond to a patient’s thank you

    Lisa Mulcahy Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Receiving a letter of appreciation or a card from a patient expressing gratitude after a doctor's treatment is a rare and generous gesture. The benefits of expressing your gratitude in turn for this kind of acknowledgement are many — a study from the National Communication Association points out that the emotional act of saying thanks can even reduce job stress and burnout. Still, for some doctors, it can be tricky to know exactly how to respond to such a message — they may feel a bit awkward, and unsure of what to say.

  • 5 ways to find stellar staff, automate their training and fill their schedules…

    Jarod Carter Sports & Fitness

    If you’re doing it right, the entire hiring process actually starts long before you need to hire someone. But let’s say you are ready to hire right now. How do you find and choose the best candidate, get them trained in the most efficient way, and fill their treatment schedule as quickly as possible?

  • Help your employees boost their creative thinking skills

    Lisa Mulcahy Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Creativity — it's one of the most vital and valuable traits any employee can bring to the table. Unfortunately, creative thinking can be a little elusive at times. But new research is shedding light on ways managers can boost creative thinking and inspire their staff to come up with fresh and exciting ideas and solutions. This piece will cover easy-to-implement strategies you can start using today.

  • 3 secrets of natural leaders

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Some people seem to float through life effortlessly. Promotions come to them. Raises are provided. Direct reports and those on other teams naturally follow them. And people like them. What’s the difference between a leader with an advanced degree, certificates in leadership and no loyal team members and the leader down the hall who everyone turns to for real direction and guidance? Here are three secrets of natural leaders.