What you need to know about exhibiting at international trade shows
Wendy Parsley Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementAn interesting trend is happening this year. Several of my clients are making an effort to exhibit at international trade shows. They see opportunities to expand their presence abroad, but are not exactly sure how to go about setting up an international exhibit.
Challenges ahead for hotel businesses
Bambi Majumdar Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementGovernment regulations, global unrest, natural disasters and economic upheavals made 2017 an interesting year for the travel and hospitality industry. Nevertheless, tourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world, and bookings in 2017 hit close to $1.6 trillion globally.
DMO services to hotels: How valuable are they?
Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementDestination marketing organizations (DMOs) are responsible for the management and marketing of a tourist destination. As a means to promote a destination, DMOs provide a variety of services to the tourists as well as other hospitality and tourism businesses in the area.
8 offbeat American hotels and motels
Dave G. Houser Recreation & LeisureFor a variety of reasons, most RVers will on occasion opt to park their rig in favor of a hotel or motel room. What they'll find is that the majority of roadside lodging choices these days consist of cookie-cutter, run-of-the-mill chain properties that, while adequate, can be underwhelming for seasoned travelers.
Online travel business: Are Google’s algorithms stifling competition?
Bambi Majumdar Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementAntitrust has become a key term dominating the tech industry these days, and Google is particularly feeling the pressure. In 2017, the European Union thrust a stiff $2.7 billion fine against Google over its shopping business.
What’s the future of long-haul flights? Ask Lufthansa
Lark Gould Transportation Technology & AutomotiveNearly a century ago, flying as a premium passenger meant sitting in a wicker chair nailed to the cabin floor. The luxury of reclining had to wait for the Fokker F-32, which took commercial aviation into the 1930s with soft textiles, arm rests and slight flexible pitch.
Despite challenges, pot tourism is growing
Suzanne Mason Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementIt has been five years since Colorado voted to legalize recreational marijuana. Not only has the decision led to a multibillion-dollar industry for the Centennial State, but it has also served as an example when it comes to pot tourism — establishing pot tours and even accommodations that cater to pot tourists.
Hotel room of the future spotted at CES 2018
Lark Gould Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementWhat's in store for the hotel room of the future? According to the pulse of this year's Consumer Electronics Show, the word is plenty. CES 2018 was mostly about the Internet of Things — the connectivity between things that can be managed not as much by one cool app or one responsive control module, but by the user, whose preferences, wants, dislikes and habits can be known well before ever stepping into the room.
Boomers and millennials traveling more — and differently
Bill Becken Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementBaby boomers are traveling more than ever and certainly remain the global travel industry's cash cow. But they're slowly being replaced by millennials. The two groups' travel habits and styles are distinct. Going forward in 2018, each group is showing certain differences and similarities in tastes, preferences and booking behavior.
What to expect in 2018 from the battle between hotels and Airbnb
Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementEntering 2018, Airbnb will soon celebrate the company's 10th anniversary. The company has now turned into one giant service provider in the lodging industry. Today, Airbnb has already served more than 200 million travelers in more than 65,000 cities around the world. With a supply of more than 3 million listings, Airbnb has more available "rooms" than any ho
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