All Travel, Hospitality & Event Management Articles
  • Four Seasons shows businesses how to use Pinterest

    Suzanne Mason

    ​According to a June 2013 study by Semiocast, there are approximately 70 million users on the visual word of mouth social media site Pinterest. The French social media firm also found that only 500,000 businesses are currently on the site. Although the numbers of businesses are fairly small, the travel industry has picked up on using Pinterest as a marketing tool.

  • Tow or toad — That is the question

    Laura Weaver

    I don't proclaim to be an expert about whether to use a tow bar or tow dolly when taking your extra vehicle along with you when you go RV-ing, but we have done it both ways, so I have personal experience. I also have an opinion on both of these types of towing; especially since we've "learned by our mistakes."

  • Irksome inns: Hotel hospitality lacking for tour groups

    Shebby Lee

    As I am out and about across the American landscape on tours, I have plenty of opportunities to observe the hospitality (or lack thereof) that various suppliers provide to the traveling public. Here are some of my observations specific to the needs of group travelers.

  • Why there’s no such thing as a bad attitude

    Harry J. Friedman

    ​“He's got a bad attitude.” “She's not a team player.” “He's not a very pleasant person to work with.” Does this sound familiar? It probably does. Every manager has had an employee who just wasn't part of the team. You advise the em­ployee that they have a bad attitude or need to be better at teamwork.So why doesn’t that kind of advice solve the problem?

  • Even downtown remodeling projects are bigger in Texas

    Bambi Majumdar

    Downtown remodeling is a hot topic now. Increasing number of local governments and municipalities are focusing on changing the face of their downtowns and converting them into modern areas of work and leisure.

  • Traveler or camper — Which are you?

    Michael Charland

    Recently a friend who is also a full-time RVer made a statement that I found interesting regarding types of RVers. “I am a traveler, not a camper,” she said. She was making the statement in her frustration at not getting good Wi-Fi service at an RV park. This got me thinking about the statement and what it means to RVers and the services they expect.

  • Making a positive impression with your exhibit

    Karin Roberts Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    For companies not accustomed to advertising or trade show exhibiting, turning a basic marketing message into an ad or a trade show display that can draw attention can be a challenge. It may be tempting to just do it yourself rather than pay for professional writing and design, but making the right impression is worth the extra investment. You can only stand out from the crowd when your exhibit, ads and other promotional materials work together to reach the right audience with the right message and brand image.