All Marketing Articles
  • Why a ‘culture of nice’ may be a bad thing for business

    Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    We can all agree that being nice is a desirable human trait. In the workplace in particular, companies want employees to be pleasant, agreeable, and polite — not just to customers and clients, but also to each other. But when is niceness more of a hindrance than an asset? New research by Fierce Conversations reveals that 63% of employees aren’t sharing honest opinions and concerns because they want to continue being viewed in a positive light. These responses cut across gender and seniority level.

  • Alternative meat products grow rapidly as more big names enter the sector

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    A Barclays report on alternative meat predicts that the nascent industry will reach $140 billion over the next decade. The growing demand for animal-free food products will help it capture approximately 10% of the $1.4 trillion global meat industry. As consumers become more health- and environment-conscious, and demand more cruelty-free foods, the plant-based protein market continues to grow. Advocates of the new industry also add low sodium content to the growing list of advantages over traditional meats.

  • 5 problems facing social media in 2019

    Mashaal Ryan Marketing

    In this article, we’ll look at five main problems that are causing people to "break up with their phones" or quit social media altogether. These are the toxic parts of the new online world. As businesses, we need social media to be relevant and stay in the eyes of the consumer, too. However, there are lines that could be crossed if you aren’t careful. Here are just a few issues that are erupting every day on the internet.

  • New study unveils the biggest marketing opportunities on Instagram

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    Did you know 90% of marketers are using Instagram to promote their products, according to a new report by Social Media Today? As of late, Instagram is the place for businesses to be. Reach on Facebook keeps dropping. New users aren’t flocking to Twitter or Snapchat. But on Instagram, the audience and engagement levels just keep growing. Marketers don’t see that wave stopping soon, either. As Instagram marketing becomes increasingly important, read on to learn what aspects of the platform offer the most opportunity.

  • Proposed California plastics law could be a game-changer for fighting pollution

    Seth Sandronsky Waste Management & Environmental

    California is the most populous state in the U.S. and the world’s fifth biggest economy. If enacted, the proposed California Circular Economy and Plastic Pollution Reduction Act could be a game-changer in reducing plastic production and promoting a clean recycling economy. "The legislation will establish a comprehensive framework to address the pollution and waste crisis, and sets a statewide goal that manufacturers reduce the waste generated by single-use packaging and products by 75% after 2030," according to a statement from state Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica.

  • The one thing you can do today to bring in talent

    Roberta Matuson Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    No doesn't always mean no. Here's what I mean by this. You're probably hearing a lot of "no's" these days when extending job offers to candidates, given how hot the market is for talent. Most of you have accepted this and moved on. This is a huge mistake and one that can be easily rectified. Keep this in mind: "No" isn't forever. It's no, for right now. Let's say you made a job offer about a month ago and the candidate declined. These days, it's easy to reach out to people through LinkedIn's In-mail with a, "Hey, how's your new job going?" message, followed by, "Any chance we can grab a coffee?"

  • Get more eyes on your company’s blog today

    Mashaal Ryan Marketing

    You've got the website, logo, and blog designed for your company. Congrats! The more you update your website with top SEO keywords, the higher you show up in Google's search algorithm. Now comes the next step — you've written some articles or had freelancers write them for you, and you've posted them. You are waiting eagerly for those hits, comments, shares — but you aren't seeing them and it's been months. How can you get more eyes on your company's website and blog?

  • Don’t confuse perks with company culture

    Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    We've all heard of companies that offer fun and trendy perks like free food, pingpong tables, a gym, and a policy that lets workers bring their pets to work. Many organizations believe that incorporating these types of perks will create the right type of desirable workplace culture and result in uber-productive workers. But here's the problem. Perks and benefits aren’t the same as corporate culture and they don't necessarily incentivize employees.

  • Should your brand be using Groups on Facebook?

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    Up until early 2018, most companies did not use Groups on Facebook. Why would they when they had already built a community of followers on their page? That January, though, Facebook announced the algorithmic change that is still plaguing brands: their content is not ranked as highly in the News Feed as posts from friends, family and Groups. User-generated content could be a way to encourage friends and family members to amplify company messages. For that to be successful, though, you must depend on others. That’s why some businesses saw Groups as the best way to potentially "beat" the new algorithm.

  • Travel2020: Making the most of Maui

    Lark Gould Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Getting "Maui'd" goes way beyond vows over the surf. Maui is a compact island and, if a full vacation is not in the offing, a few days of “Valley Isle” bliss can add up to some impacting Maui memories. For starters, Maui is the second-largest of the Hawaiian Islands at 727 square miles, but getting from place to place in Maui can be handled, at most, in about four hours. "Maui is particularly well-positioned for business travelers who may be trying to fit some vacation time in Maui into a packed schedule," said Leanne Pletcher, marketing director for the Maui Convention and Visitors Bureau.