Recent Articles

  • As cord-cutting spreads, streaming goes mainstream

    Suzanne Mason Communications

    Streaming video services are continuing to give cable providers a run for their money. The recent announcement of Spotify moving into the realm of streaming video adds another name to a long list of rivals that cable TV providers are competing with for customers. On May 20, Spotify officials announced they had created partnerships with networks such as ABC, Comedy Central and Vice News to provide podcasts, video clips and news to their 60 million subscribers.

  • Your gavel is not a magic wand, crown or crystal ball

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    Associations have a tradition of passing of the gavel. At installation, the outgoing president hands the gavel to the incoming board president. I've heard executive directors say they wish the gavel came with a message: "This is not a magic wand, crown or crystal ball." Wielding a gavel and being the chief elected officer does not guarantee success. Leadership of an association requires focus, determination and work, among necessary qualities.

  • WELL buildings getting better

    Michael J. Berens Construction & Building Materials

    The release of the WELL Building Standard last fall has helped raise awareness of ongoing efforts to make buildings of all kinds healthier for occupants. Promoted as "the world's first building standard to focus on enhancing people's health and well-being through the built environment," WELL is a great step forward in setting health and wellness objectives for building design and construction. Others also are making strides to bring occupant health and wellness to the forefront of the building industry.

  • Study: ED intervention helps encourage tobacco cessation

    Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    ​Smokers listen when emergency department doctors tell them to kick the habit, according to a new study published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine. The results of this study suggest that ED physicians have a great opportunity to reduce overall smoking rates for the approximately 20 million smokers across the United States.

  • Take a scenic drive through Utah’s 5 national parks

    Michael Charland Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    This spring, my wife and I traveled through Utah in our fifth wheel to see all five of the national parks. We had not previously seen any of them, so we were excited for this trip — especially with the current TV commercials advertising all the parks.

  • Google adding tweets to search results: How you can optimize this

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    How often do you consider keywords when tweeting? Starting this week, you'll want to include many more keywords in tweets than you did before. Now, keyword optimization on Twitter is going to land you higher in search results.

  • Those extra lace holes: What’s all the fuss about?

    Heidi Dawson Sports & Fitness

    A video recently went viral across various social media platforms. It claims to "finally" show us what that extra lace hole at the top of your running shoes is really for. While all serious runners and coaches have known their purpose for years, it appears most recreational runners were unaware. Now it seems everyone is trying the heel-lock (or lace-lock) technique.

  • The reading brain: Executive function hard at work

    Linda R. Hecker Education

    When I talk with educators across the country, they often lament that students don't read much anymore, especially in the face of ubiquitous social and multimedia distractions. Even students with intact decoding and fluency complain that reading is just too hard, not worth the effort. Why is reading such a challenge for so many?

  • People join good companies but quit bad managers

    Greg L. Alston Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    I'm constantly amazed by how people who are charged with managing people try to make life much more complex and difficult than it needs to be. When people join a new company, they are usually excited by the new opportunities and believe in the vision of the organization. They choose the job based on the best fit with their world view. This assumes of course that they have their choice of jobs. If they need a job to eat, the dynamic is quite different.

  • You can learn from these 4 examples of excellent customer service

    Benoit Gruber Retail

    ​Think about a time when you received amazing customer service. Now think about how rare it was that you experienced that level of customer service. In this day of social media and the omnipresent "review" of businesses and services, you would think companies would do their best to provide top-notch customer service at every turn. Yet it's surprising how few companies really take the time and effort to provide outstanding customer service that will increase customer loyalty.