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  • Amazon purchases PillPack. What is that?

    Jason Poquette Pharmaceutical

    Once again, Amazon has given healthcare a shake-up, this time with a reported $1 billion purchase of a prescription delivery service called PillPack that, frankly, many people had never heard of. PillPack? What is that? A Bloomberg article described PillPack as servicing a "narrow segment of patients." But with a reported 2017 revenue of $100 million, it seems to have done pretty well with a skinny slice of the prescription pie.

  • Restaurant predictions: More positive for QSRs than casual dining chains?

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    This year, a new record of 46.9 million Americans were predicted to travel 50 miles or farther from home during the July 4th holiday, the highest number since AAA began tracking the statistics in 2000. When more Americans are on the road, more patrons can be expected in hotels and restaurants. For the restaurant industry, then, is the record-breaking number of travelers during the July 4th holiday a good indication of a prosperous second half of 2018?

  • 3 reasons to have a side hustle

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    We are so busy at work that it can be difficult to believe that adding something would actually make work easier. Yet, the benefits of engaging in side projects outside the office are numerous. Whether it is a scrapbooking business or trying to write a play, here are three reasons to keep pursuing that dream and invest in your side hustle.

  • A skin care expert’s guide to packing for vacation

    Elizabeth Donat Retail

    When you're going on vacation, it takes a bit of planning and strategy to pack your bags with everything you'll need for your trip. If you're flying to your relaxation destination, then you may be very limited in terms of which products (especially the liquid ones) that you can bring in your luggage. In terms of vacation and skin care, it's all about selecting products that will serve you and your skin best on your trip. Follow my expert advice and you and your spa clients will have glowing, radiant skin no matter how near or far they go!

  • 3 signs you might be an entrepreneur

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Thanks to Silicon Valley, we all have an idea of what an entrepreneur looks like: supersmart geeks who write code. But that image of entrepreneurs is narrow, uninspiring and unrelatable for most of us. From scrappy go-getters to natural networkers, the entrepreneurs among us are as diverse as the businesses they have started. Suspend the belief that all entrepreneurs are in tech and check for these the signs you might be one yourself.

  • The role of a beauty product developer

    Cherie Buziak Retail

    A lot goes on behind the scenes in the world of beauty when it comes to bringing a product to market. But just how does that item develop from an idea to a finished product? It takes a team, and there are a few ways. But they all depend on the visions and goals of the company launching the brand and the role of the marketing beauty product developer. The marketing product developer is a key player, the creator and the liaison between internal teams.

  • Cathedrals to consumption: The mall as public space

    Lucy Wallwork Construction & Building Materials

    Malls have been around for centuries, from Trajan’s Market in ancient Rome through to Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar. But the mall in its massive, "out-of-town" reincarnation came into its own in the late 20th century, as cars allowed more of us the mobility to make the weekend pilgrimage to these new temples of the capitalist age. The U.S., with more mall space per person than any other country in the world, has been at the epicenter of this love affair.

  • Negotiating commercial leases: Keep success quiet

    Dale Willerton and Jeff Grandfield Retail

    For many commercial tenants, negotiating a good lease or lease renewal against an experienced agent or landlord can be a challenge. While an entrepreneur focuses on marketing and managing, savvy real estate agents and brokers are specialized salespeople. Their job is to sell tenants on leasing their location at the highest possible rental rate. Whether you are leasing a new location for the first time or negotiating a lease renewal for your business, here are two money-saving tips.

  • Tariff torment: China’s retaliation on US trade

    Delany Martinez Manufacturing

    The escalation of tariff tension between the United States and its allies is reaching a fever pitch, with a growing tit-for-tat list on both the Chinese and American sides of a very public disagreement. The Trump administration’s steel tariff mandate — a hefty 25 percent on imported steel — earlier this year appears to be the proverbial spark that landed on a powder keg of inter-country trade issues. Canada became one of the first allies to make its displeasure known, but China wasn't far behind.

  • What goes where: Instagram feed vs. Stories

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    Even though Instagram is technically just one social network, it can feel like a lot more. After all, you now have three different content channels to fill! As a refresher, your brand can post visuals to the Instagram feed, Stories and as of last week, IGTV. Yes, it’s a lot, but it’s absolutely worth it. After all, Instagram just announced it has more 1 billion monthly active users, which officially makes it the second biggest player in the social game.