Dealing with deposits for commercial tenants
Dale Willerton and Jeff Grandfield RetailAlthough landlords often ask for security deposits on commercial leases, such deposits aren't legally required. In fact, you can often negotiate them. Unfortunately, too many tenants don't know that and willingly pay the deposit, without negotiating the amount or the terms.
Report: The evolving use of work order management systems
Bruce Condit Facilities & GroundsWork order management systems continue to evolve rapidly in the world of facility maintenance. Today, these high-tech, integrated tools can access and provide data from multiple platforms and provide both retailers and vendors the information needed to make better, faster decisions that cut costs and improve efficiencies.
5 warnings no one ever tells commercial tenants
Dale Willerton and Jeff Grandfield RetailDealing with landlords and their representatives can be challenging at any time, but when you're a novice or emotionally or financially attached to the deal — as many tenants understandably are — the entire leasing process becomes much more difficult. You may well have some preconceived notions about commercial leasing. However, you should be mindful of numerous issues.
Sitting may be killing us, but standing all day is just as bad
Cait Harrison Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementWe know sitting all day in an office chair is killing us, and there's no shortage of stories in the news telling us so. And while you should limit sitting, standing for long periods isn't that much better, according to a new study. The research, published in Human Factors, the Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, found that workers who stood all day experienced significant muscle fatigue, regardless of age and gender.
Are sodas the new cigarettes?
Jason Poquette PharmaceuticalAccording to a recent analysis published in the British Medical Journal, sugar-sweetened soda drinks may be the next big target for a public health awareness campaign. If the conclusions of this meta-analysis are correct, the consumption of sugary soda drinks will contribute to 2 million more Type 2 diabetes cases over the next 10 years in the U.S. It makes me wonder if soda consumption is nearly as dangerous to our health as cigarettes.
Fast food is witnessing a fast decline in US sales
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageIt seems that Americans are not eating out as much they used to. Growing awareness for health and nutrition has finally seeped deep into the American psyche. It's not just the health freak who likes to work out zealously and eat right; it seems most Americans want to do the same.
Game of drones: Who will be crowned king of unmanned commercial flight?
Jessica Taylor Transportation Technology & AutomotiveTechnology is flying past us every day — literally — in the form of new airborne inventions. But did you realize the sky is on the verge of opening up a big new world for small and large businesses? Without a doubt, drones are a big topic of today's tech talk. And with the talk comes innovation — innovation that could change your company.
Giving negative information: What we can learn from healthcare
Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementIn the course of our work either as managers, HR professionals or consultants, the day comes when we have to provide some kind of news our audience is not going to be thrilled to hear. In recent conversations with several neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurses, I picked up the following four pointers on how to deliver bad news as smoothly as possible.
Bye-bye, Adobe Flash! Hello, HTML5 video
Lonny Alfred CommunicationsOnce an unquestioned component of multimedia on the Web, Flash Adobe and other third-party media plugins are heading toward the end of their days. For businesses that use video, this means yet another item to add onto their to-do list.
Key strategies for engaging millennials in the workplace
Betty Boyd Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementMillennials are our future in the workplace. According to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Pew Research Center, millennials are the fastest growing generation the workplace today. This group of adults ranging in ages from 18 to 35 in 2015 has surpassed Generation X in the workforce.
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