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  • How to create a meaningful hybrid event in 2021

    Joanne Brooks Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Although COVID-19 vaccines are being deployed throughout the U.S., business event planners are anticipating the continuation of virtual meetings in 2021 and dipping their toes into part virtual, part in-person hybrid events. While people are looking forward to gathering with colleagues, they might not be ready for a giant in-person soiree. Luckily, hybrid expos provide many features that, if utilized, can make a hybrid or virtual event engaging. As we settle into the new year, here's how to start planning your 2021 hybrid event.

  • Why you should think about moving your business to a new city and how to…

    Indiana Lee Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    ​Last year was not easy on anyone, and businesses have been hit especially hard. The pandemic has forced many business owners to look at ways to adapt, both in the short term and for years to come. One way that some businesses have adapted is by considering new locations for their businesses, whether it means a move across town, across the state, or even across the country. There are many reasons businesses should consider moving their businesses, because location could be the difference between success and failure.

  • 5 things to consider when developing employee communication emails

    Brie Ragland Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Employees (and employers) are experiencing unprecedented levels of new stress these days. Parents are juggling working from home while supporting a family, single workers are learning to navigate an even more isolated and confusing world, and leaders are wondering how to keep everyone’s head above water. All these struggles can be somewhat placated and even ameliorated with good, clear, concise communication … but there’s a catch. That communication now needs to reach its readers on a more personal level. Here are five things to consider when developing employee communication emails.

  • Lazy motions and casual votes

    Bob Harris and Sandra Giarde Association Management

    The meeting was gaveled to order. After introductions, motions were made to approve the minutes and accept the financial report. Next on the agenda were committee reports. Actions needing board approval were presented with rationale, performance metrics and fiscal impact. When the recommendation had merit, the board chair asked, "Does anybody want to make a motion?" Motions often entail a directive, deadline or have financial consequences. Specificity is key.

  • Building the toolkit for paraprofessional success

    Savanna Flakes Education

    Paraprofessionals — you are kind of a big deal! You use your talents to inspire and to encourage students to discover their own strengths. Your role is unique, and with limited time to plan with collaborating teachers, you passionately meet the needs of many students. This article is for you, with the goal of strengthening your toolkit. I’ve compiled a list of practices under three critical elements of this dynamic role: knowing thy student(s), collecting data, and facilitating student independence.

  • Want to use videos to boost your sales? Here’s how

    Victor Blasco Marketing

    Over the last decade or so, digital marketing has shifted to a more personalized style of reaching audiences. The rise of machine learning algorithms, subscription-based marketing, and user segmentation has allowed brands to customize content to fit each of their target audiences and engage with them in the most effective way possible. As a result, video has become one of the most versatile types of content of the marketing toolbox. You see it everywhere online, from whiteboard videos and live-action tutorials to unboxing videos and customer testimonials.

  • 8 typography design trends for 2021

    Kevin Miller Marketing

    Typography transforms words from mere text to artful communication. So much can be said by the font and type design — from prominent, bold sans-serif fonts to delicate serifs; from traditional, timeless variations to totally new techniques. While the strong roots were laid early in the 20th century, the explosion of digital graphics mediums and designers themselves has allowed for a wide array of amazing ideas and evolution. Some ideas are simply fads, while others are trends that are here to stay. We’ve highlighted what we see as the top typography trends for 2021.

  • Good news in your job search: Harry, Larry, and the bear

    Hank Boyer Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    What is North America’s No. 1 domestic issue of most concern to the average person? Politics? Coronavirus? Who will win Super Bowl LV? Nope! The thing that concerns most people is still jobs. Whether you are 18 or 80, you’ve likely never seen it more difficult to find a great job in your field of interest in your lifetime. Lockdowns in various regions of the country, overseas competition, and rapidly changing methods employers use to fill jobs have all made it difficult for good people to find good jobs.

  • Who should absorb home office costs?

    Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    If there’s been one bright spot in the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s the ability of employees to work from home. According to a new report by Owl Labs and Global Workplace Analytics, employees love working from home, and 77% of respondents say that even after COVID-19 is over, they would be happier if they could continue working from home. However, the report also reveals that only 20 to 25% of companies pay or share the cost of home office equipment, furniture, internet, etc. And employees believe that companies should be paying more.

  • COVID-19 is the mother-in-law of invention

    Josh Middlebrooks Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    For business owners, keeping customers and employees safe has always been a priority. If you are lucky enough to live in a place that does not have a lockdown order, you could go to a local business, and in some dusty corner near an old water fountain, you will see an OSHA poster hanging on the wall letting everyone know that this business cares about safety. For decades, it was business as usual. Then there was COVID-19 and the panic that ensued. Suddenly businesses were scrambling to figure out how to remain open, how to keep their people safe, and maybe even how to stay profitable.