Brie Ragland
Brie Ragland is an executive editor for Multiview's MultiBriefs publications. She is also a writer, proud dog mom and self-proclaimed FRIENDS expert. A graduate of Texas A&M University, Brie strives to find humor and positivity in most situations, and uses that to make her a more creative communicator.Articles by Brie Ragland
What to do when you notice your team ‘quiet quitting’
Tuesday, August 23, 2022Quiet quitting is a new trend where employees are finding themselves completely burned out and uninterested in going above and beyond for their job anymore. To keep your team from jumping on this bandwagon, every leader within your company should actively look for signs of quiet quitting and address them head on. Here's how.
Texas teachers keeping HOPE alive this school year
Monday, August 16, 2021Texas teachers share hopeful statements for all those invested in education — teachers, coaches, administrators, aides, mentors, parents and students — in hopes of inspiring a positive year of learning and success. Here’s to a bright school year filled with mutual encouragement of unity, dignity, integrity, growth and education.
5 things to consider when developing employee communication emails
Tuesday, January 12, 2021Employees (and employers) are experiencing unprecedented levels of new stress these days. Parents are juggling working from home while supporting a family, single workers are learning to navigate an even more isolated and confusing world, and leaders are wondering how to keep everyone’s head above water. All these struggles can be somewhat placated and even ameliorated with good, clear, concise communication … but there’s a catch. That communication now needs to reach its readers on a more personal level. Here are five things to consider when developing employee communication emails.
Pivot! How to take your marketing in a new direction
Thursday, August 15, 2019In an iconic scene from the show "Friends," Ross has purchased a brand-new couch, but decides to deliver it to his apartment himself, instead of paying the outrageous delivery fee the store charges. As he waits for help from his friends, he sketches a plan for easy movement up his apartment's stairway. To the characters' chagrin, the couch doesn’t fit up the stairs the way Ross originally planned in his drawing. Thinking on his feet, Ross "pivots" to a new plan…and the hilarity ensues. So, how can you apply this strategy to your own company? Well, no executive wants to admit his/her marketing efforts are failing, but when the numbers tell a story so grim even Phoebe Buffay couldn't put a good spin on it, it's time to pivot.
Making the ‘Snap’ decision to double down on authenticity
Monday, August 05, 2019Authentic. Transparent. Real. Those are three words we’re not really accustomed to seeing these days, what with fake news, secret backgrounds and hidden motives. Yet, for the savvy businessperson, these same three words could be the ace in the hole when it comes to successful marketing. In a world where everyone is hedging their bets and playing it safe until the odds are more promising, now is the time to double down on authenticity.
For the love of the city: Transforming a community by connecting people
Tuesday, October 25, 2016Architects and city planners tend to think of cities and towns in terms of form, functionality and safety. Does this space provide what it’s intended to provide? Does foot traffic adequately flow and allow convenience and ease of use?
Working through the grief of an HR reprimand
Thursday, September 22, 2016It's a normal day in the office. You're working away, cracking jokes with your co-worker. Things are running smoothly when you get an email notification and a meeting invite almost simultaneously from a name that makes your stomach drop at the sight. It's something no employee ever wants to deal with: an official reprimand and write-up from the dreaded human resources representative.
Tiny homes, big impact — Get in on the movement now
Thursday, August 04, 2016Kim Lewis, best known as the lead designer behind ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," and innovative builder Jonathan White shared their experiences — both good and not so great — with the attendees of the Sunbelt Builders Show general session Thursday morning at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center.
Chip and Joanna Gaines: Build your business around passion, authenticity
Wednesday, August 03, 2016A packed auditorium of home builders and industry members eagerly awaited the arrival of the Sunbelt Builders Show opening session leaders, Chip and Joanna Gaines, Wednesday morning at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center.
Show your administrative professionals how much they mean to you
Tuesday, April 26, 2016Receptionist. Secretary. Executive assistant. Office manager. All-out godsend. They go by many names, attend to many tasks and deal with innumerable urgent situations on behalf of you and your company, but administrative professionals only get one official day each year that is solely dedicated to recognition and appreciation of all they do.
Learn to be a better actor from Oscar losers
Monday, February 29, 2016This year's Academy Awards brought viewers an abundance of reactions and a few surprises. In fact, with all of the talk about Leonardo DiCaprio's fifth Oscar nomination leading up to the awards, it was almost worth watching just to see what his reaction would be if he happened to lose again.
Best boss ever? Prove it with some employee appreciation
Monday, February 22, 2016As an executive-level employee, how many times a day does the following thought cross your mind? "Man, this boss thing is pretty freaking awesome! I have the big office, the great car, a team who reports directly to me, and my life couldn't go any better!" If your answer is even one time, then I envy you and would like to have a better understanding of your outlook on life.
Why losing members is not all bad
Tuesday, December 15, 2015Membership is the lifeblood of all associations — there really is no arguing that fact. Retention and recruiting are two of the top-tier priorities of most successful associations. A keen focus on growing an organization just naturally lends itself to a positive outcome.
What can you do when social media opinions drift into the office?
Monday, December 07, 2015Pro-gun or anti-gun. Pro-life or pro-choice. Conservative or liberal. Pepsi or Coke. Kylie or Kendall. There are many important choices to make in life, and these days most people are loud and proud on social media about those choices.
Tall, grande or venti: How full is Starbucks’ marketing cup over Christmas outrage?
Tuesday, November 10, 2015Ah, November. The unofficial start to the holiday season. The creepy costumes and shelves of candy are gone from the supermarkets, and instead the aisles are filled with enough Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations to make your head spin. With the start of November, we also get the annual reveal of the new Starbucks holiday cup. Consumers eagerly await the new design of the Starbucks cup each year, flooding Instagram with pics of when and where they got their first Peppermint Mocha of the season.
Don’t phone it in: 10 tips to work from home like a pro
Thursday, November 05, 2015It's a common misconception for people to think telecommuters are slackers. When you tell someone, "Yeah, I work from home three days a week," the typical response is, "Wow, must be nice to not have to really work a full week." Of course, working from home must mean slacking off and duping "the man" to get paid, right? Wrong! As a matter of fact, a Stanford University study showed that people working full-time from home are 13 percent more efficient.
6 tricks to survive a bad day in the office
Monday, June 15, 2015We all have rough days on the job from time to time. Let's imagine there's a scale from 0-10 — zero being the calmest, most productive employee you can be, and 10 being a haphazard mess full of anger and stress who is barely able to complete a task — and you feel yourself running at a strong 7.5 today.
Break the ice with these team-building lessons from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Thursday, August 21, 2014Unless you've recently been living under a rock — meaning you don't participate in social media or watch any kind of news program — you've probably been inundated with videos of people completing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. At first glance, it may seem as though this type of challenge does not fit with your business model or coincide with your business plan.
How to avoid a bodaciously bad graphics gaffe
Tuesday, July 29, 2014Marketing and communications is a tricky business. Take for instance this recent jaw-dropping Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie poster incident (a real cowabunga no-no).
Beyond making calls: How tech is changing the fitness industry
Thursday, July 24, 2014How do we allow people to become more active but stay connected at the same time? This is a question those in the technology sector have been facing for quite some time. In general, it seems that people today want to maintain their health and fitness routines while never disconnecting from their social and business aspects of life.
Learn from Comcast: Customer service tools to keep you from looking like a tool
Tuesday, July 15, 2014Each day you're probably faced with a barrage of stories providing tips on how to grow your business or how to tap into your sales force's earning potential. You can't click through Facebook or Twitter without seeing stories from different news outlets that have been framed to teach you a lesson.
Your summertime retreat could be a lot closer than you think
Wednesday, July 09, 2014Backyard oasis. These two words instantly take your mind to relaxation and beauty in the comfort of your own home — well, technically it would be outside your home, but you get the gist. These days, more people are deciding to spend their saved-up vacation money and time in an outdoor living and/or entertainment space in their own backyard.
Micro managing doesn’t necessarily mean what it used to
Tuesday, June 03, 2014Workplace flexibility has proven over and over to go hand in hand with the increased productivity of today's workforce. Arrangements that allow workers to continue making productive contributions to the success of a company while allowing for life activities are becoming increasingly popular.
Don’t be an email jerk
Friday, January 10, 2014In my line of work, emailing is more common than actually speaking to another person. No, seriously. If you've actually spoken to me while conducting business, consider yourself a rarity. I can't tell you how many emails I send and receive on any given day. It's completely second nature to me at this point. With that in mind, I have to make a conscious effort to always seem cordial and accommodating in my written communications.