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A look at the first trial for a COVID-19 vaccine
Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied HealthcareDeveloping a vaccine to protect against COVID-19 is critical because of the large number of people infected, the ability of the virus to spread from person to person, and the spread of the virus across so many geographic areas. Despite global efforts, however, the World Health Organization estimates 18 months before a vaccine against the coronavirus is publicly available. At present, about 80 companies and academic institutions are racing to find a vaccine, and of those, five are now testing their vaccine candidates in people. The first of these to enter human trials did so in March.
How do your customers see your brand?
MultiView MarketingWe’ve seen countless “how to improve your marketing” articles over the years, often with a paragraph on the importance of noting click-throughs and other impression statistics. I’ve even written some, myself!
Study validates loss of smell, taste as COVID-19 symptoms for patients…
Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied HealthcareA number of publications, such as The Lancet and JAMA, have been reporting anecdotal reports of the loss of smell and taste in patients with COVID-19. A new study presents empirical findings that strongly associate smell and taste dysfunction with COVID-19. Sore throat, they found, was more strongly associated with COVID-19 negativity. When screening patients for COVID-19, clinicians often look for the most common symptoms of COVID-19: fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. The results of this study, published in the journal International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, suggest that screeners ask patients about their senses of smell and taste.
IATA: Airline companies could turn into ghosts
Lark Gould Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementNew forecasts from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) are painting a bleak picture for airline recovery. According to the IATA's recent updated analysis, which profiled damage wrought by the COVID-19 crisis on the global airline industry, airline passenger revenues are projected to drop by $314 billion in 2020, a 55% drop over 2019. Previously, in March, IATA estimated $252 billion in lost revenues (-44% vs. 2019) in a scenario with severe travel restrictions lasting three months.
Research explores the real health costs of COVID-19
Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied HealthcareThe costs of COVID-19 treatment are starting to bear out for both patients and health systems, according to researchers. Recent reports suggest a single symptomatic COVID-19 infection would cost at least $3,045 in direct medical costs incurred during the pandemic, Health Affairs says. Based on multiple studied scenarios, researchers said that if up to 80% of the U.S. population gets infected, costs could surpass $650 billion for the U.S health system throughout the pandemic. If 20% get infected, costs could still result in as much as $163.4 billion.
Sellers pull back as housing market tumbles
Michael J. Berens Construction & Building MaterialsIn spite of rising home values, sellers began pulling their homes off the market during the last two weeks of March as the health emergency created by the COVID-19 pandemic began shutting down the economy. Consequently, sales for the month plummeted, and already tight inventories declined even further. Homebuying activity has not stopped altogether but is expected to slow substantially throughout the spring.
How robots can dramatically improve your hospital’s management of…
Lisa Mulcahy Medical & Allied HealthcareWhether you work as a physician or in administration, your attention is now squarely focused on reducing COVID-19 risk to your patients and caregivers in any way you can. One emerging solution that can help you achieve this goal is robotics. New research from the University of California San Diego found that mobile robots in a hospital setting can provide excellent results when it comes to key care areas related to COVID-19.
Is a new New Deal possible?
Seth Sandronsky Civil & GovernmentWith COVID-19 closing businesses across the U.S., the buying power of jobless workers is plunging. A parallel is the Great Depression of the 1930s. Then, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his wife, Eleanor, spearheaded the New Deal. A series of programs, it expanded the federal government's role in the economy to boost weak demand and revive commerce. Is a new New Deal a possibility, and if so, what would it look like?
COVID-19 reveals the value of domestic manufacturing
Bambi Majumdar ManufacturingThe COVID-19 pandemic has brought attention to the value of domestic manufacturing. One recurring piece of news that we see everywhere, from cable channels to social media, is the urgent need for more PPE and how Americans are stepping in to make these products for our front liners. From individual contributors to major industry leaders, millions are invested in helping to make supplies for the medical community. But many leaders and businesses are looking at other U.S. manufacturing possibilities going forward.
Association governance during a pandemic
Robert C. Harris Association ManagementThe executive committee met in secret, without the full board and disinviting the executive director. "I suggest we layoff all the staff immediately except for our executive," was the motion. A few weeks earlier, this board discussed a plan. Everybody agreed that, with sizable reserves, they would wait to assess the situation in June. The pandemic and economic recovery pose unknowns for boards of directors. Good governance remains essential.