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Performed in decentralized labs, new COVID-19 test may deliver faster result…
Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied HealthcareSpeculation and research suggest that there are as many as 20 times the cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. than have been confirmed by doctors. This disparity is largely due to the lack of testing and the urging of medical professionals that people with mild symptoms stay home to limit the spread. If widely adopted, a new method recently presented by researchers could return results in a fraction of the time, yield more accurate infection numbers, and help public health officials track the spread of the novel coronavirus with greater confidence. It would also allow local labs to perform testing using common equipment.
AAP: Denying transplants to kids with intellectual, developmental disabilities…
Chelsea Adams Medical & Allied HealthcareThe American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a policy statement in April that says physicians who deny organs to children with intellectual and developmental disabilities may be acting in a discriminatory manner. "Patients should not be excluded from consideration for solid organ transplant solely on the basis of an intellectual or developmental disability," the guidance states. The policy statement's authors, Dr. Mindy B. Statter and Dr. Garey Noritz, also write that "children without disabilities have no more claims to scarce resources, such as organ transplants, than do children with disabilities."
Airports are using the COVID-19 lockdown to undertake essential works
Matt Falcus Transportation Technology & AutomotiveOne of the most difficult projects for busy airports to manage is refurbishing or rehabilitating infrastructure such as a runway when it is still required for aircraft use. Yet, with the global lockdown, airports are finding an opportunity to undertake these works with little disruption to operations. Press releases and local news reports from across the world tell of the work airports are undertaking to improve and repair runways and taxiways. In many cases, planned works have been brought forward to take advantage of the current situation and lack of traffic.
Avoiding ministry burnout in the midst of COVID-19
Deborah Ike Religious CommunityHave you ever run a marathon or other long-distance race? If so, you know how tempting it is to run a fast pace initially. Between the extra adrenaline pumping and energy from the crowd, it's easy to blast off from the starting line. That can work for a few miles, perhaps, but it will catch up to you. Pretty soon, you're slowing way down, wondering if you’ll have enough energy to finish the race. Are you feeling that right now?
Steps for maintaining and securing vacant facilities
Scott E. Rupp Facilities & GroundsAs the COVID-19 outbreak continues to lash the United States, the pandemic has continued to force facilities to shut. Nonessential offices are shuttered with workers at home. Schools are mostly closed until next fall, hotels are dark, restaurants shut, and many churches and other gathering places are locked until further notice. The coronavirus shutdown means the time is ripe for a discussion of how to maintain and ensure the security of any closed facility.
3 ways to manage the impact of COVID-19 in the construction industry
Rachel Porter Construction & Building MaterialsOne of the industries most severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is the construction sector. All over the world, even some of the biggest-ticket public infrastructure projects have been put on hold. The future remains uncertain, as the construction sector is now in a situation where there are lingering questions in the air as to the effectivity and validity of contractors insurance policies in the time of coronavirus. However, there are still ways to manage the impact of COVID-19 in the construction industry.
Survey: 78% of job applicants lie and 66% of hiring managers don’t…
Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementWait, what? 78% of job applicants lie and 66% of hiring managers don’t care. These stats are based on a new survey by Checkster, "Is Your Company Hiring Charlatans?" Are so many applicants lying because they know hiring managers don’t care … or is it the case that since so many applicants lie, hiring managers have stopped caring? I’m not sure which came first: the lies or the nonchalance, but this is definitely a problem on both sides of the hiring table.
Design’s role in the coming recovery
Lloyd Princeton Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesNobel laureate in physics Nils Bohr wisely observed, "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future." With so many things in flux at the moment, it is pointless to try to predict what will happen in the coming months or years as countries around the world seek to recuperate from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. I do think, however, it is useful as a means of preparation to consider what recovery may look like and how interior design can help to facilitate the transition to whatever the new normal will be.
A brief history of modern .30 caliber rifle cartridges
John McAdams Recreation & LeisureAt least among American hunters, .30 caliber reigns supreme for all-around big game hunting in terms of raw popularity. This is not meant as a slight to fans of the other popular rifle calibers out there. Indeed, there are a bunch of outstanding rifle cartridges for hunters, including 6mm, 6.5mm, .270 caliber, 7mm, and .338 caliber (among others). However, .30 caliber cartridges are still far and away the most commonly used for hunting virtually all species of big game around the world short of cape buffalo.
When the failing US response to the COVID-19 crisis really began
Patrick Gleeson Medical & Allied HealthcareBeyond all the political posturing — both Democratic accusations of Trump administration failures and equally fervent Trump administration declarations of triumph and blame-shifting — one thing has largely been overlooked. It wouldn't have mattered who was in charge when it became clear we were beginning a prolonged health crisis early in 2020. The failures to adequately respond began years ago and continued through three administrations, both Republican and Democratic.