All Retail Articles
  • Welcoming Gen Z into the workplace

    Linchi Kwok Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Gen Z, also known as the iGen or post-millennials, has grown up. Born between 1996 and 2010, Gen Z makes up 32 percent of the world's population. They are young, they are energetic, and they are driven. They are now joining other generations in the workplace. As Gen Z is different from the previous generations, their expectations may or may not align with other generations, especially millennials. With what they want in mind, companies must adjust their recruitment strategies in attracting the top talents in Gen Z.

  • How to best serve our male clients at the spa

    Elizabeth Donat Retail

    Let's face it, men probably make up the minority of the clients at your spa or medical spa. Unless you are running a facility that caters to this demographic exclusively, chances are you probably have about a 10 percent male clientele, at best. But just because these gentlemen clients comprise the minority doesn't mean that we should be unprepared to serve them well. After all, many men are extremely invested in their appearance and are seeking out professional-grade products and services in increasing numbers.

  • Why your business should embrace the Christmas creep

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    Now that summer’s over, it’s time to start dreaming of what the rest of the year holds. For most people, that means thinking about the holidays. After all, Christmas is only about 100 days away! However, some people simply can’t wait that long! More than 10 percent of internet shoppers surveyed by eMarketer said they start their holiday shopping before September. While it’s easy to write them off as enthusiasts, you may be surprised that nearly half of those shopping on the internet (40 percent) start purchasing before November.

  • How can AI help market your small business?

    Mashaal Ryan Marketing

    AI is more than just a techy buzzword now, it’s a reality that is helping change lives and businesses for the better. So, is it worth it to start using AI technology at your small business? The answer is a resounding yes! You can improve several components of your small business and brand using artificial intelligence. For example, AI can currently help your campaigns, content generation, search engine optimization and customer analyses.

  • The benefits of VR are so broad, they’re beyond tangible

    Joseph Zulick Science & Technology

    Amidst all the hype and wide-eyed growth predicted for virtual reality, it's often difficult for stakeholders to decide which of its two words to focus on. Will VR deliver only indirect, "virtual" benefits to businesses or direct, tangible benefits that become bottom-line reality? On this topic, today's hype will definitely become tomorrow's given. Even in these earliest days, VR is already a game-changer, and the future holds immense promise for almost every business vertical.

  • Employment grows by 201,000 in August; jobless rate stays at 3.9 percent

    Seth Sandronsky Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Nonfarm payroll jobs increased 201,100 in August vs. 157,000 in July, as the unemployment rate remained at 3.9 percent for the second straight month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. With a labor force of over 150 million, job gains occurred in professional and business services, healthcare, wholesale trade, transportation and warehousing, and mining. In August, the number of jobless workers, 6.2 million, was little changed. For major groups of workers, unemployment rates showed scant movement between August and July.

  • Get ready for Gen Z in hospitality

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    It felt like yesterday that we discussed the expectations of millennials and what can be done in responding to their needs. Today’s update is about Gen Z, also known as "post-millennials" or "iGen," the generation that will soon surpass millennials in 2019. As it applies to hospitality, Gen Zers are more likely to accept automatic service or services provided by machines as they tend to find solutions on their own and rely less on a salesperson, among other unique characteristics setting them apart from recent generations.

  • Why ephemeral content is here to stay

    Mashaal Ryan Marketing

    One of the newest driving forces in future marketing strategies involves a type of content known as "ephemeral," which is a fancy word for "temporary." This technology was first introduced to the social media world with Snapchat. You can use this type of tool for your marketing campaigns to make them both relevant and useful. For example, brands can give their audience a brief glimpse into their "behind the scenes" work, such as how products are created, shared or promoted.

  • Cause-driven changes are affecting the food and beverage market

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    The food and beverage industry is witnessing a significant shift in strategies. Most leading brands are focusing in part on cause-driven strategies for future business growth. We recently discussed how changing consumer habits are driving growth for specialty sodas. Beverage giants and traditional food producers are feeling the heat of these changes while smaller players are adapting fast.

  • Urban regeneration: The takeover of ‘cappuccino urbanism’

    Lucy Wallwork Construction & Building Materials

    Citizens of "regenerated" districts will find the sight of yet another boutique café opening up on their local main street familiar. But as the pavements in the "thriving" cities of the West fill up simultaneously with cappuccino vendors and a growing homeless population, the cognitive dissonance becomes hard to ignore. Some are starting to ask if what has become known as "cappuccino urbanism" papers over a shallow approach to urban regeneration and belies a crucial lack of imagination.