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  • Contactless self-services will remain after COVID-19

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    New COVID-19 cases are finally showing signs of decline across the U.S., but we should still take cautionary measures to avoid another wave of infections. Because the virus is primarily transmitted through direct or indirect close contact with infected people via mouth or nose secretions, social distancing and frequent sanitation are highly recommended. It is not surprising to see consumers demand services with minimal human contact, leading to more contactless self-services.

  • Canada opens investigation on Amazon, citing ‘abuse of dominance’

    Kevin Reynolds Retail

    If there is one thing the coronavirus pandemic has exposed for small and medium-sized businesses, it is their near-universal competition with Amazon. The online retail giant has come under increased scrutiny during recent months as the company’s stock has increased by over 60%. And now Canada is the latest country outside of the United States to take issue with Jeff Bezos’ behemoth.

  • New York Fed brief: COVID-19 pummels Black-owned businesses

    Seth Sandronsky Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    The coronavirus pandemic closed 22% of small businesses across the U.S. between February and April, according to a brief from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (NY Fed). Forty-one percent of black-owned businesses, almost double the overall number, closed. Business location matters. Black-owned firms are geographically concentrated in COVID-19 hotspots, according to the NY Fed, where white-owned firms are less likely to be.

  • Preparing your home for hurricane season — and how to handle hurricane…

    Terri Williams Waste Management & Environmental

    The pandemic has delayed or canceled many routine events, but hurricane season has elected not to take a break just because we’re in a pandemic. In fact, the National Hurricane Center is predicting a busy hurricane season from the end of August through early September. Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself and your home during hurricane season.

  • Are you ready for the passion economy?

    Victoria Fann Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    As unemployment has skyrocketed and remote working is becoming mainstream, many people are questioning their career choices. One solution seems to be catching on in greater numbers these days: pursuing one's passion. This idea isn't new. What's different now is that there is much more support; so much so that some are referring to making a living doing what you love as the "passion economy."

  • How COVID-19 has affected global food security

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    Income declines as a result of COVID-19 have put food access at risk, impacting worldwide food security adversely. The current situation is hard for everyone, but for those who live below the poverty line, it is a disaster. The poorest households typically spend 70% of their total incomes on food. Now, many have no income. This will only exacerbate poverty levels and reduce access to food, particularly nutritious foods.

  • The 5 best practices COVID-19 has created for the spa industry

    Elizabeth Donat Retail

    It's important to see how adapting to the challenges of a pandemic has actually strengthened our industry in many ways. Pat yourself on the back if you have had to make serious changes to your business; it hasn't been easy, I know. However, as time goes on, we become accustomed to these new and improved measures to keep our customers and staff safe during these novel and demanding times. As a result, we should note the best practices that have evolved from this time.

  • Uncertainty is one thing you can count on

    Lloyd Princeton Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    One of the oft-repeated truisms in business circles is that the only constant is change. It’s not hard to see why. Rapid acceleration in technological innovation, communications, global commerce, and mass customization have forced businesses to be constantly on the watch for the next big or new thing and retool quickly to embrace it. Now, add to that not knowing when or whether you can operate your business or to what extent or with which staff.

  • Baby boomers deserve a lot of attention from businesses, too

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Jill Filipovic argues in her new book that millennials have been going through tougher economic circumstances than any generation since the Great Depression. I am neither a millennial nor a boomer, but the media coverage about Filipovic's arguments got my attention. The fact is, no matter if we are in the position of supporting or challenging Filipovic's propositions, we cannot deny that we need boomers to boost post-pandemic consumption.

  • US payrolls add 1.8 million jobs; jobless rate drops to 10.2%

    Seth Sandronsky Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Employers added 1.8 million nonfarm new hires in July, down from 4.8 million jobs created in June, according to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. July’s rate of unemployment dropped to 10.2% from June’s 11.1%. July’s numbers indicate the reopening of commerce closed to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Most major worker groups saw their unemployment rates fall.