All Communications Articles
  • Infographic: How AI will lead to better hiring and more diversity

    Brian Wallace Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    By now, we have all heard about how important diversity is for business. The question is: how do we get there? Many of us don't realize it, but the way that companies typically hire has a level of unseen, unconscious bias. Recruiters and hiring managers alike make decisions based on a candidate's name, profile picture, even their address. How can we hire from a more diverse base of candidates with all of this bias in the way? The answer is artificial intelligence. Check out more on how hiring through AI leads to better diversity decision-making in this visual deep dive.

  • Podcast: How to maximize word-of-mouth referrals for a cash-based practice

    Jarod Carter Healthcare Administration

    Word-of-mouth referrals can be one of the easiest, lowest-cost ways to attract new patients to a cash-based practice. While this form of marketing can often be considered quite passive, there are a number of fairly easy things you can do that will improve your results. By employing these tactics, you’ll enhance your online credibility, powerfully connect with your target customer, and dramatically increase your word-of-mouth referrals. In this podcast, Jarod Carter discusses specific strategies that will maximize your word-of-mouth referrals.

  • What types of knowledge can a law firm marketing agency provide?

    Christina Drobney Marketing

    Marketing your law firm means that you want to attract clients to your firm. Often, this includes blogging, digital marketing, billboard ads, SEO, and many other strategies. However, doing this takes a lot of time and knowledge. A law marketing firm can do this for you and give you a lot of knowledge on how to do it. It's a delicate balance to invest money in marketing and run your law firm at the same time. Knowledge is the key to success. You need to know which methods are most effective for your law firm.

  • Governing in a pandemic

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    Meetings of the board have almost always been in-person. To attend, directors spent their time and money to fulfill governing duties. Governance changed dramatically in 2020. Associations and chambers piloted new concepts in online governance. Like telework for employees and telemedicine for health, there were doubts. Executive directors said, "We could never govern virtually, directors need to show up in person." A more serious concern has been uttered by board members who consider online meetings inconsequential.

  • The pros and cons of online schooling for pre-teens

    Ginger Abbot Education

    The pandemic has impacted almost every area of our lives. Work has changed, with many adults now working from home or pursuing freelance options. Many students are learning virtually or doing hybrid classes on alternating weekdays. Each household with working parents and online students has developed differing opinions about whether online schooling should continue after the pandemic is over. Now that they’re adjusted, some parents might wonder whether their kids should keep learning online. Here’s what to consider before making a long-term decision.

  • Infographic: The rise of Bitcoin

    Bruce L. Gordon Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Ah, Bitcoin. Whether you are a believer or not, there is no doubt that it has been on the rise lately. The question to many is — why? Bitcoin first came on the scene in 2009 — right at the fall of the housing market crisis. While there were then some ups and downs, Bitcoin didn’t hit the stratosphere until 2017, when it jumped from $1,000 to over $19,000. The year 2018 brought on a big crash, especially with a number of fraudulent ICOs (initial coin offerings). All that said, Bitcoin is back. Every day it seems it’s hitting new records — even briefly crossing the $60,000 line.

  • The importance of communicating with retail store associates about your…

    Katie McCarron Retail

    When it comes to growing sales through retail stores, manufacturers have countless avenues to invest time and resources — execute awareness-building campaigns, develop exciting point of sale, or increase promotional frequency and depth, to name a few. When executed well, any of these programs can have a valuable effect on sales, but it is important to never overlook the importance of partnering with retail store associates to ensure they are fully educated about your product, its use cases and typical customer questions. Here are four reasons that you should be investing time and resources in educating retail store associates.

  • Relationship-building based on trust and mutual respect

    Mark S. Miller Education

    Relationship-building is an intriguing, yet tricky concept. Some people make friends easily and are naturally talkative and friendly; others are more tentative and introverted and have great difficulty making friends. Based on your vocation, developing relationships or interacting with people on a daily basis might be a matter of necessity, not choice. For teachers, relationship-building is a constant challenge. Teachers not only interact with their colleagues, administrators, and parents, but also students each day in their classrooms, hallways, and communities.

  • What’s the BIG Idea? Episode 1: Sydney Guerrero on business development…

    Hank Boyer Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    In this episode of What’s the BIG Idea? we visit with Sydney Guerrero, Vice President of Busines Development for Orion Innovation, an $850 million global IT leader in digital transformation and product development services.

  • How can we raise the quality of teacher crowdsourcing resources?

    Brian Stack Education

    As a society, we have developed quite the appetite for information that is received by way of "crowdsourcing," which can be loosely defined by sites like Google as the practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the internet. For all the benefits of the strategy, there is one significant drawback that has become an increasing problem for those who use it: How do you filter out the good information from the junk? If we are to continue using this strategy in our field, we must as a profession figure out how to raise the bar for educators on crowdsourcing resources.