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  • Why investing in your employees means retaining talent

    Indiana Lee Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Your employees aren't just the heart of your business, they are your business. Without them, your company would cease to exist. But showing your employees how much you value them is about far more than being kind, paying them well, or offering a competitive benefits package. It's about investing in them. This article will provide you with the best tips and tricks for making the ideal workplace a reality for your employees.

  • How marketers should use live chat to connect with customers during COVID-19

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    As a digital/social media marketer, you know the importance of addressing your customers' concerns promptly and effectively. Live chat can be a great way to accomplish this goal anytime — but right now, in the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be a more important tool than ever. So, what are the right moves you need to make to employ live chat correctly at this sensitive time? Focus on the following points to ensure you're covering all bases.

  • Making up for lost time

    Linda Popky Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    As the lockdown for COVID-19 enters its second month in most locations, it's becoming apparent there are businesses that are thriving, but many more businesses are suffering. Some of these businesses will recover once the economy begins to breathe again. But some time-based purchases will never be made up. For example, we are not going to go get two haircuts because we missed one. Nor are we going to get two dental checkups at once or attend two meetings of the same association at once to make up for one that was canceled. So, what are we to do? Here are a few ideas.

  • Don’t let the association burn down

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    For more than a month, executives have been in crisis mode. They respond to urgent calls from members, media and government while trying to manage and govern an association. One executive said it feels like "our house has been on fire." Now it’s time to put out the fire. The rest of spring and summer will be time to address association operations for survival and sustainability. The intent is to be the indispensable resource for members.

  • Translating the COVID-19 information firehose as a healthcare professional

    Keith Carlson Medical & Allied Healthcare

    In these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us find ourselves wondering what evidence-based information we should follow and what news sources to avoid. We may first choose to do this simply to keep ourselves sane and focused amidst the noise so that we can function as both private citizens and healthcare professionals. Having said that, we are also likely to feel the heavy responsibility of skillfully curating information so that we can translate the firehose of pandemic-related information for our loved ones who turn to us for reassurance, education, and clarity. In this regard, where do we begin?

  • How to stop biases from running amok during the pandemic

    Simma Lieberman Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    We're in the second month of the nationwide COVID-19 pandemic in the United States and most of the country is "sheltering in place." The lack of a unified message, the uncertainty of the future and what we have the power to control have created a lot of stress for people. When we're stressed, anxious or fearful, we look for causes that are outside of ourselves and look for comfort in old ways of thinking. We're less likely to be aware of our biases or interact with people who challenge us.

  • Why Google and Microsoft obsess over psychological safety

    Timothy R. Clark Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Google and Microsoft know something a lot of other companies simply refuse to acknowledge — that organizations lacking psychological safety are galloping their way to extinction. Psychological safety is a social condition in which you feel included, safe to learn, safe to contribute, and safe to challenge the status quo — all without fear of being embarrassed, marginalized, or punished in some way. Basically, it means it’s not expensive to be yourself.

  • 5 tips for communicating when tired

    Mark MacDonald Religious Community

    What a year. What a Sunday. What an event. Today, many of you are waking up and wondering what hit you. Adrenalin has a way of masking exhaustion. The excitement of getting things done before a deadline tends to feed us. Then it's over. You're totally tired. Scripture has many characters who struggled after the "big deal." David, Elijah, Jonah, Job, Moses, and Jeremiah all seemed to deal with self-doubt, exhaustion, and feeling down afterwards. They are human just like we are. Here are five tips for dealing with the tired spirit, because the work must go on.

  • Survey: More than 60% of companies look at social media before extending…

    Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Resumes and cover letters tend to be edited by several people, while job interviews are practiced over and over. So, there’s a practice among HR and hiring managers to turn to social media to learn more about job candidates. In fact, a recent survey by The Manifest reveals that 67% of companies view job applicants’ LinkedIn profiles, and 65% view Facebook profiles. In addition, 29% view Twitter profiles, and 39% evaluate the professional blogs or websites of job candidates.

  • Who’s in control?

    Anne Rose Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Who's in control? Not you. And certainly not me. Yet most of us seek to control every aspect of our lives: where we live, where we work, who we befriend, how we dedicate our free time. That sounds reasonable, right? But nevertheless, that is a full-time job. If all that isn't enough, we also seek to control the uncontrollable outside ourselves. You should realize that there are many uncontrollable aspects to life. And that fact has shaken and frightened many people who thrive on order, not chaos, in the mistaken notion that they can control the variables of life. Here are some suggestions to keep you focused.