All Travel, Hospitality & Event Management Articles
  • Virtual reality is making big waves in the travel industry

    Suzanne Mason Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Without leaving my home in Maryland, I am whisked away to go whitewater rafting in Idaho. Seeing the water crash into the boat, I feel like I am almost there to experience this adrenaline adventure in real time. I can experience this thanks to a series of 360-degree videos curated by Visit Idaho that allows consumers to experience the Gem State without leaving their homes. Virtual reality (VR) is now giving markets the opportunity to share travel experiences, giving consumers a new level of exploration when it comes to planning a vacation.

  • Hotels are luring travelers with local flavors

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Today, 85 percent of travelers consider "eating local cuisine" as an important or very important activity in a trip, according to a recent report about travel trends. With that in mind, should hotels use more local ingredients or add more local flavors to their restaurant menu? Probably.

  • An open letter to future restaurant owners

    Leslie LaskinReese Interior Design, Furnishings & Fixtures

    Dear Future Restaurant Owner, Yes, you can design your own restaurant. You have a vision, and you make a mean (insert amazing recipe you got from your mother here). You've worked in several restaurants, or at least you've read articles about working in restaurants, and you know how you want the dining room to look. And you know how to make (insert that recipe) and understand what equipment is required.

  • Small meeting dilemma: Large or small hotel?

    David Gabri Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Whether you're planning a large convention or a small meeting, there are many decisions to be made. But one of the first decisions the planner of a smaller meeting needs to make is whether to stage that meeting at a small hotel or at a larger hotel or resort. In fact, there are advantages to both.

  • How will Zika affect Florida’s tourism?

    Bambi Majumdar Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Florida tourism faces some challenging times ahead. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently issued a strict warning for travelers planning to visit the state. The announcement has set a precedent as the first official warning for catching an infectious disease on American soil. The warning stems from incidents of 16 people in a small community just north of Miami being infected with the Zika virus after being bitten by local mosquitoes .

  • Dealing with a possible recession in the restaurant industry

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    According to the National Restaurant Association, the restaurant industry generates $782.7 billion in sales per year and employs 14.4 million people. The industry is projected to create another 1.7 million new jobs by 2026. Today, one out of 10 people in the U.S. workforce works in a restaurant. Therefore, job security should not be a concern for those who are working in a restaurant or ready to start a career in the restaurant business. However, several recent business reports have suggested a coming downturn for the restaurant industry.

  • 10 truly curious destinations for science geeks and tech nerds

    Dave G. Houser Recreation & Leisure

    Curiosities of all kinds abound in this wacky, wonderful nation of ours. Mysterious and beguiling sites dot the landscape coast to coast. Many of these destinations reflect the innovation and entrepreneurship of the scientific and technological communities — elements of our society that always have been at the forefront of new ideas. For those of you with a penchant for science and technology, come with us on a road trip across America to visit 10 fascinating destinations that are bound to satisfy your inner science geek.

  • Uber, Lyft dominating business travel

    Bambi Majumdar Transportation Technology & Automotive

    If you thought that Uber and Lyft were mainly for the weekend party crowds, get ready for a surprising set of findings. A study released by Certify, an online travel and expense management service provider, show that the two dynamic ride-sharing services have commanded close to 49 percent of the ground transportation market in business travel during the second quarter of this year. The statistics show that Uber and Lyft continue to take over where taxis and shuttles once ruled.

  • Pros and cons of retention pay: Employer and employee perspectives

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Retention pay is a common tool in a total rewards toolkit. However, as discussed in the previous article of this series, the case of Kelly Rieves is breaking new ground on both who is offered retention pay and how it is offered. This week, we will review the pros and cons of this approach from the employer and the employee perspectives.

  • Make your next vacation a tax‑deductible one

    Lonny Alfred Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Summer has arrived, and millions of Americans are planning to either hit the open road or jet set across the world. American Express reports that 72 percent of Americans are expected to vacation in the U.S. this summer — 15 percent traveling overseas — and can expect to spend $941 per person. That comes out to $3,764 for a family of four.