All Marketing Articles
  • How to use Google’s featured snippets to boost your digital marketing…

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    When it comes to your brand's ranking in a Google search, you're most likely focusing your efforts on getting the top ranking in search results. In reality, gaining "featured snippet" status can be much more beneficial to your marketing efforts. So, what's a featured snippet? It's the "answer box" that is located at the very top of a Google page and directly answers a question posed in searches. That spot will create colossal exposure for your brand. While Google does determine which sites are chosen to be featured snippets, there are ways you can greatly improve the likelihood of becoming one.

  • CBD trend for food, beverage shows no signs of slowing, despite legality…

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    The cannabidiol (CBD) industry is witnessing phenomenal growth, and this is expected to continue through 2020 and beyond. CBD oil and other topical products, which are said to relieve pain and insomnia and reduce stress and anxiety, are growing in sales, though these claims are mostly unproven. In the food and beverage space, CBD-infused coffee, brownies, cookies, and other food items are rapidly expanding. However, the absence of clear federal guidance has raised consumer safety concerns.

  • Airlines get serious about jet lag relief

    Lark Gould Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    While some airlines, such as Virgin Atlantic and JetBlue, are bringing out the music and mediation amenities to help passengers get the sleep they need as they fly across time zones, United Airlines is offering its loyalty fliers a free app that empowers passengers to get ahead of their jet lag. The app recommends sleep times, caffeine intake and times for light exposure for the quickest ways to adjust to new time zones.

  • Infographic: The people and tech behind data science

    Brian Wallace Science & Technology

    Between 2011 and 2012, job listings for "data scientist" increased 15,000%. "Data science" might be a buzzword, but it isn’t a new idea — in fact, it has been on a journey to the mainstream for almost three centuries. By 2025, 175 billion terabytes of data will be created every day. To understand and analyze the world's surging data, advanced tools are needed. Learn more with this infographic.

  • How to prevent ‘passive clone syndrome’ in your organization

    Simma Lieberman Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    I recently watched a Bruce Willis movie called "Surrogates" for the second time. People stay home, send their surrogates to work and use remote controls to interact with them. The surrogates are exact clones of their "owners." Although "Surrogates" is in the future, it made me think about workplaces today. Willis is an FBI agent who sends his FBI surrogate to solve a murder, until he realizes that he needs to personally be involved. He leaves the house and takes his true self to work to find the killer. Are your employees sending their clones to work?

  • The cost of changing jobs

    Anne Rose Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    What is the cost of changing jobs? Make no mistake, there is always a cost involved that has nothing to do with salary. Gone are the days when the norm was to work one job at one company until retirement. We have a much more mobile workforce with more opportunities, and people change jobs often to avail themselves of perceived advantages, better pay, and better work-life balance. But sometimes when you change jobs, the benefits don't materialize as you'd expected, and regrets ensue.

  • How to reinvigorate your digital marketing strategy with an all-video website

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    According to research from Cisco, 82% of all IP traffic will be video content by 2022. Animoto also reports that video is the No. 1 type of content consumers want from brands. Video is where it's at for digital and social marketers. So, why not use it to its full potential to sell your brand? The great news is that all-video sites are still rare from a marketing standpoint. Therefore, if you focus your energy on making one that's lively, exciting, and clear, you've got a huge jump on the competition! This article covers all the key elements you need to include in a terrific all-video website.

  • Third-party suppliers can jeopardize your small business

    Patrick Gleeson Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    One of the less-glamorous aspects of contemporary business is the essential role played by third-party suppliers. Their increasing use allows businesses to rapidly scale up to meet increased product demand. Often, they can supply parts or processes for far less than it would cost a company to produce them in-house. But what is becoming increasingly understood is that these third-party suppliers can also threaten your business — that they present several different kinds of third-party supply risk.

  • Podcast: Transitioning an in-network practice to cash-based

    Jarod Carter Healthcare Administration

    In this episode, Meredith Soelberg and Brooke Mitchell describe their experience as employees in an insurance-based physical therapy practice that had to "weather the storm" of massive reimbursement cuts. The impact of those cuts made it apparent that they'd have to change their business model or face economic ruin. The cash-based practice model seemed to be the obvious solution, so the decision was made to give it a try. Soelberg and Mitchell explain exactly how the transition to cash-based was managed so the practice could remain viable for the long term.

  • Will the 2020s see the rise of the retail robots?

    Katherine Radin Retail

    Given the current retail landscape, it comes as no surprise that retailers are diversifying their strategies to avoid closings or losing business to online shoppers. At the National Retail Federation's recent trade show, robots took the spotlight as a solution for retailers looking to improve their inventory management strategies. Some retailers have already been using robots in their distribution centers, and Walmart has recently adopted these high-tech "employees" as well. What does that mean for the industry, retail workers, and in-store shoppers?