How diet influences macular degeneration
Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied HealthcareThe risk of irreversible age-related macular degeneration (AMD) increases with age. About 10 million people have reduced vision due to AMD in the U.S. The disease is most common among older white Americans, affecting more than 14% of white Americans age 80 and older. The causes of AMD are complex, but smoking, abdominal weight, unchecked cardiovascular disease, and hypertension increase the risk. Recent research suggests that a diet high in consumption of red and processed meat, fried food, refined grains, and high-fat dairy also may be a risk factor for developing late AMD.
Diminishing bug populations may cause ecological ‘collapse’
Dave G. Houser Waste Management & EnvironmentalWe have a major bug problem — and ironically it is the bugs, not we humans, that are threatened. The first global scientific review of insect populations published last February in the U.K. reveals that insect population declines around the world threaten to cause a "catastrophic collapse of nature's ecosystems." A follow-up report last November in the journal Biological Conservation concluded, "Insects around the world are rapidly declining. Their absence would have devastating consequences for life on the planet."
Big agribusiness firms move toward biologicals, away from chemical-based…
Scott E. Rupp Waste Management & EnvironmentalIs agribusiness going green? Increasingly, the sector appears trained on becoming more natural and sustainable compared to chemical alternatives. The change is driven by consumers demanding non-genetically modified foods and concerns over Big Ag’s role in pollution and chemical waste. These changes are being made possible by innovations and developments with beneficial microorganisms in the soil, including seed coatings of naturally occurring bacteria and fungi that can do the same work as traditional chemicals.
A look at food and beverage trends for 2020
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageA report released by the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences shows some interesting trends as we step into 2020. This is a varied list of trends, including tea with alcohol, meal kits, online grocery, organic food, and drinkable collagen. Despite the first appearance of not being connected to each other, these trends perfectly represent the lifestyle we lead now. Some of these have been playing out for several years but will show stronger growth in 2020 and onwards.
Sodas found to be common denominator between obesity, tooth wear in adults
Tammy Hinojos Oral & Dental HealthcareWe all know they're bad for us. But most of us indulge in sugary soft drinks at least occasionally. All things in moderation, right? Well, a recent study published in the journal Clinical Oral Investigations may give us one more good reason to cut back on (or even eliminate) soda consumption. Drawing on survey data, the study has found that sugar-sweetened acidic drinks, such as soft drinks, are the common factor between obesity and tooth wear among adults.
Achieving the promise of reduce, reuse, recycle with chemical recycling
Kate Gaertner Waste Management & EnvironmentalThere’s no consensus yet on whether chemical recycling is the silver bullet for the growing plastic pollution problem. What is clear, however, is that a solution needs to be found — and fast. Plastic and the use of plastic are not going away anytime soon. For the foreseeable future, companies will remain bound to plastics in their production cycles. This article will look at how industry can reduce the environmental impact of plastic, reuse material already circulating in the economic value stream, and create a circular recycling mechanism is at the heart and promise of chemical recycling.
Holiday stress: The secret cost of the season
Terri Williams Mental HealthcareIt's the most wonderful time of the year, but apparently, it's also the most stressful. Some of that stress is related to holiday expenses, but it's also a result of trying to make everything perfect. Roughly half of the respondents in recent survey by Yelp say holidays are the single most stressful time of the year. Whether hosting a dinner, a party, or having guests spend the night, respondents are anxious because they don’t have time to clean in advance, worried that they don’t have enough time to prepare everything, concerned about preparing the actual holiday meals, and not looking forward to cleaning up later.
Food halls: An easy way to taste a city’s eats
Dave G. Houser Food & BeverageThe food hall concept is booming across America. Surveys indicate there are more than 200 of these conglomerations of casual dining stalls, most of them dedicated to artisanal, locally sourced, and reasonably priced meals and snacks. Typically housed in revamped industrial or commercial buildings with plenty of space for stalls serving a variety of different cuisines, they offer tons of great stuff to eat, all in one place. Let’s take a look at six of the nation's most popular food halls.
The environmental impact of unhealthy foods
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageA recent study conducted jointly by the University of Minnesota and Oxford University shows how nutritious food and healthier diets impact the environment positively. Researchers studied the consumption of 15 different food groups to see different health and environmental outcomes. Healthier and sustainable food choices can prevent environmental degradation. Another study conducted by the University of Michigan in partnership with Tulane University shows how climate-friendly diets that lead to lower carbon footprints are much healthier for the human body as well.
Thanksgiving: It’s not just an American celebration
Dave G. Houser Recreation & LeisureIt seems like an all-American holiday, but Thanksgiving is more universally celebrated than we might think. Nearly a dozen countries observe such a day of gratitude, usually in the fall, and traditionally held in recognition of a bountiful harvest. Although dates and specific traditions vary, here are some of the countries that have a designated holiday for giving thanks.
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