Kate Gaertner is the founder and CEO of TripleWin Advisory, a corporate consultancy dedicated to helping companies pursue circular operations and net-neutral carbon goals across their business value chain. She marries her 20 years of experience working in and consulting to Fortune 500 companies with her entrepreneurial acumen running an apparel manufacturing company, to her corporate sustainability work supporting stakeholder engagement, strategic business case development and business transformation initiatives. She is adept at helping organizational leaders enact and measure sustainable change. She tackles a business system holistically by engaging the head (leadership), heart (stakeholders) and body (corporate value chain) of organizations to effect actionable and value-creating sustainability strategies that support long-term climate change mitigation. Prior to establishing TripleWin Advisory, Kate worked at Reebok, XM Satellite Radio, Time Inc., Ziff Davis Media and at MarketBridge, developing go-to-market sales and marketing strategies. Kate provides expertise in strategic visioning, operational implementation, and technology enablement.
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
There’s no consensus yet on whether chemical recycling is the silver bullet for the growing plastic pollution problem. What is clear, however, is that a solution needs to be found — and fast. Plastic and the use of plastic are not going away anytime soon. For the foreseeable future, companies will remain bound to plastics in their production cycles. This article will look at how industry can reduce the environmental impact of plastic, reuse material already circulating in the economic value stream, and create a circular recycling mechanism is at the heart and promise of chemical recycling.