Recent Articles

  • The professional advantages of a lateral move

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Lateral moves used to be synonymous with taking a step backward. However, with the fundamental shift away from 40 years working at the same employer and retiring there, every aspect of the traditional employer-employee relationship is being questioned. Recruiters who used to frown upon multiple positions on a 10-year resume now look at it as an asset. Similarly, employees who used to think up was the only way to go are realizing career growth can follow multiple paths. Here are three advantages of making a lateral career move.

  • Research: Hospital faucets often increase spread of infection, bacteria

    Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied Healthcare

    There is perhaps no more important place for hand hygiene than in healthcare. In hospitals and healthcare facilities, cleanliness is critical for infection prevention. According to research from the University of Michigan Health System presented at a gathering of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), sinks and other handwashing stations can spread infection and bacteria.

  • On the horizon: Video selfie blood pressure monitoring

    Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Blood pressure readings taken at home are often lower than those taken at a doctor’s office and may provide a more accurate picture of a patient’s blood pressure. However, users tend not to follow American Heart Association guidelines and device manufacturers' suggestions to take multiple measurements each time. In a recent study, Kang Lee, Ph.D., professor at the University of Toronto, and colleagues measured the blood flow of 1,328 Canadian and Chinese adults by capturing two-minute videos using an iPhone equipped with transdermal optical imaging software.

  • Travel2020: Saudi Arabia tourism visa represents a final frontier for travelers

    Lark Gould Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Much as a woman in a niqab may show her face for a flash before veiling under the dark of her robes, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been exposing slivers of tourism possibilities to the west and then masking them again in a play of calculated flirtation — until now. Travelers have long held the Kingdom as a bucket list destination. But, until now, Saudi Arabia remained off-limits for all but the most hardened travelers. All that changed in September.

  • Texas’ fishing quirks on display with 2 recent news stories

    John McAdams Recreation & Leisure

    Texas is a very large state with a unique and colorful heritage. The gigantic state also offers hunters and anglers some incredibly diverse hunting and fishing opportunities. Not surprisingly, there are some especially interesting hunting and fishing stories that emerge from various parts of the state from time to time. Today, we’ll talk about two particularly noteworthy stories involving fish and fishermen in the Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston metropolitan areas that recently made the news.

  • Infographic: How to be a highly effective leader

    Brian Wallace Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    We all know there's a difference between a boss and a leader, and it shows: 94% of people with a great boss say they are passionate about their job, while only half with a bad boss say the same. Furthermore, while 70% of employees say their manager is good or great, two-thirds of people have left a job or plan to because of their boss. So, what does it mean to be a great leader? And how can you make sure you’re leading and not merely managing? Check out this infographic for more information.

  • Do you know these 3 things about your community?

    Mark MacDonald Religious Community

    Effective communication rises and falls on how well you know your audience. For the church, you have two audiences: internal and external (i.e., congregation and community). Most of you hopefully understand your congregation because they regularly let you know what they like and dislike. But if you concentrate on an internal audience and don’t have a "pipeline" of growth through the knowledge of your external audience, you’ll almost always decline. Do you know your community? Here are three things you should know.

  • What is 360-degree learning, and why is it growing?

    Bambi Majumdar Education

    The 2019 K-12 School Giants Report shows that many K-12 districts across the country are emphasizing hands-on, practical and personalized learning. As a result, 360-degree learning has emerged as one of the latest trends in K-12 education. A core concept for 360-degree learning is that surroundings and all aspects of students’ experiences impact education. Most of all, it considers how students engage with their fellow students, the subject matter, and how interactive these lessons can become.

  • Beijing Daxing Airport opens, gives a big boost to Chinese aviation

    Matt Falcus Transportation Technology & Automotive

    Built to relieve pressure in one of the world's busiest cities for air travel, the new Daxing Airport near Beijing formally opened last week, with the first passengers boarding one of seven flights on the day of opening. With its iconic starfish-shaped terminal and world-class design, Daxing is set to become one of the world’s major air hubs. It was built as the city’s Capital Airport has started to reach a saturation point. China is expected to become the largest aviation market in the world by 2022.

  • BMI for board practices

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    I recently had an ultrasound body mass index (BMI) test. BMI is derived by analyzing the mass and height of an individual. It revealed, as expected, that I could lose some fat and build some muscle. Is there a BMI for boards? Good governance can be quantified. Best practices can be measured. Let’s call it the GMI: governance measures index. If directors know their metrics, they can make continuous improvements and use the numbers to justify change.