Recent Articles

  • Podcast: How to use telehealth to create or grow a cash-pay physical therapy…

    Jarod Carter Sports & Fitness

    In 2005, Rob Vining developed and launched the world’s first digital practice for physical therapy. His telehealth model allowed him to accept and treat patients far and wide on a cash-pay basis, and it became clear those patients were getting great results. In time, Vining found himself focusing more on developing software tools that would enable medical professionals to easily enter the growing telehealth market. He and his students are proving the potential for PTs to become more efficient and profitable by making telehealth visits available for the convenience of existing patients.

  • Giving students choice during centers in the music classroom

    Aileen Miracle Education

    I've been using centers for several years now and have really enjoyed the student-centered learning environment and the chance to work with students one-on-one. In today's article, I'm writing about something new I've been trying: giving students choice during centers! So why give students choice during centers? In my experience, students really love the ability to choose what they do, when they do it. Recently, after I told the students they get to choose, I had a student look at me incredulously and exclaim, "We get to choose?!?! That's cool!"

  • 5 strategies for reducing medication errors

    Lisa Mulcahy Medical & Allied Healthcare

    As a healthcare professional, you constantly monitor your hospital to make sure patient safety is the ultimate priority. But improving your approach on a constant basis is also vital. What strategies should you be implementing to ensure your patients receive their medication properly, without hazard and in a timely manner? Use these science-driven pieces of advice to accomplish these essential goals.

  • Uncovering a smart-home tech disconnect

    Michael J. Berens Interior Design, Furnishings & Fixtures

    Smart homes are undoubtedly the wave of the future. Yet, despite the hype in recent years around the plethora of smart devices available for the home, homeowners have been slow to embrace smart-home living wholeheartedly. At the moment, they appear to be more interested in supporting the tech they have already than in adding more tech to their lives. A kitchen technology awareness survey of interior designers and consumers conducted by the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) in 2018 revealed a considerable disconnect between what technologies consumers said appealed to them and what designers’ perceived their clients wanted.

  • Healthcare groups: ONC should delay data-blocking rules, focus on security

    Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied Healthcare

    ​Federal policymakers in healthcare IT are up against it. As many as seven healthcare industry groups are encouraging these rulemakers to begin dealing with data-blocking regulations now, including delaying the publication of a final rule. The groups are raising the flag toward the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) to issue another supplemental notice of rulemaking and clarify the language in the rules. The organizations cite confusion regarding ONC's definition and scope of electronic health information and health information networks.

  • 6 signs that it’s time to call it quits

    Anne Rose Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    When is it time to quit your job or sell your business? It’s not an exact science with a finite timeline. It’s as precise as "buy low and sell high" in real estate or the stock market. You don’t want to leave before you’ve hit your apex, but you also don’t want to ignore the signs that you’re becoming the no-longer-funny comedian or the pathetic boxer past his prime that everyone pities. Here are some signs that it’s time to move on.

  • Over 50? Sorry, we just can’t see you

    Patrick Gleeson Communications

    Every minority in this country faces discrimination in one way or other, including Americans over age 50. For them, one of the persistent problems has been how quickly they become invisible as they age. A research report from AARP released at the September 2019 Advertising Week conference in New York, based on “a random sample of 1,116 images published by popular brands,” indicates widespread stereotyping, much of it not only inaccurate, but degrading and vicious.

  • What’s driving diesel: 3 trends in engine development

    Bianca Gibson Manufacturing

    As the world turns, so does engine technology. The industry has experienced a great deal of change since Tier 4 Final standards for off-road equipment were introduced. Continuous efforts have been made to increase power, efficiency and reliability of diesel engines, all while keeping total cost of ownership down. How have manufacturers stacked up to meeting these tremendous challenges? A recent webinar, "What’s Next in Engine Development?" hosted representatives from Perkins, Genie Industries, John Deere and Kohler to discuss the demands fueling trends in diesel engine development.

  • How Hurricane Dorian affected tourism in the Bahamas, Florida and the Carolinas

    Bambi Majumdar Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Last month, Hurricane Dorian stalled for 36 hours over the Bahamas, injuring and killing many. The rampant destruction caused by the Category 5 hurricane had a huge, destructive impact on the tourism industry in the Bahamas. Organizations and members of the travel community are actively working together to revive businesses on the islands and bring tourists back. In a recent broadcast, travel leaders and government officials in the country announced that it was safe to travel to the Bahamas. They also mentioned how tourists could help the islands get back on their feet.

  • How to avoid the perils of pop-ups

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    Pop-up advertising can be a digital marketer's best friend or worst enemy. If your target demo finds your pop-ups annoying or not intriguing, you're sunk from the get-go. The good news is that there are easy and super-effective ways to freshen your approach to pop-up placement. This way, your customers will be interested in what you show them and welcome seeing your content over and over. Try these tips to boost enthusiasm and sales!