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How to plan for your Christmas guests’ next visit
Deborah Ike Religious CommunityWith Christmas coming soon, your church leadership team is probably working on plans for special services. As you focus on trying to attract first-time guests, it's easy to overlook how to get them to come back after the holidays. In order to follow-up with them, you'll need to figure out a system on how to gather their contact information. Here are a few suggestions on how to do that.
Why cultural understanding is essential: Part 3
Douglas Magrath EducationUnderstanding different cultures is essential for those working with international students. Studies also demonstrate that understanding the reasons for the behavior of L2 speakers enables learners to accept cultural differences more easily and thus creates a more positive attitude toward the target language. Non-native speakers can be a resource for teachers since they provide a window into a new culture. At all levels, contrastive cultures can provide insights into other disciplines such as linguistics, history, economics and political science.
Palantir, BP develop concerning ‘data-drilling’ techniques
Michelle R. Matisons Science & TechnologyOne of the most recent developments in Big Tech involves news of "data drilling," as evidenced by a contract between CIA-adjacent data-mining company Palantir Technologies and BP (formerly British Petroleum). The wedding of an older industry like oil with data technology is big news for many trying to keep abreast of the climate effects of the international extraction economy as they relate to elections, foreign policy, and intelligence communities; operations. And, vice versa: data mining is moving into unchartered waters here, and more environmental accountability for the uber-wealthy tech sector is a pressing issue.
Do you really need to check an applicant’s references? Absolutely
Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementWe've all been there: a job candidate looked perfect on paper and sounded perfect during the interview. But soon after, you realize that this picture-perfect employee probably won't reach the one-year milestone at your company. You probably shouldn't be surprised. According to research by Monster, 85% of recruiters say that candidates exaggerate skills and competencies on their resume. Whether this is intentional or "accidental," the result is the same: an employee who is ill-equipped to do the job. So, what's the solution? Checking references.
A comprehensive checklist for buying an RV
Cindy Belt Recreation & LeisureBuying an RV is overwhelming to everyone. As you look over an RV, your eyes are drawn to bright colors, pretty wallpaper, and the shine of a freshly washed and waxed exterior. None of those items are important when you live in an RV. This is your money and you don't want to regret your choice in an RV. Come prepared to see either a new or used RV with a list. Don't be embarrassed to make a full check and ask lots of questions.
How to measure association success
Bob Harris and Nana Berdzenishvili Association ManagementNo country has more nonprofit organizations than the United States at 1.5 million. That number includes nearly 150,000 associations and 7,000 chambers of commerce. Around the world, when others hear about the size of the nonprofit sector, someone always asks, "With so many organizations, do they have an impact?" It is important to remind associations of their influence. Frequently they are focused only on getting their daily work completed.
The best ammo choices for deer season
John McAdams Recreation & LeisureIt's November now, and that means we're right in the middle of one of my favorite times of year in most of the United States: whitetail deer season. Forget pumpkin spice lattes or Thanksgiving: when I think about fall, the general deer season in Texas is the first thing that comes to mind for me. I know I’m not alone in that regard, either. Since deer season is upon us, we should talk about the sort of ammo you’ll be taking afield deer hunting this year.
Payers, providers win latest battle in ongoing hospital pricing war
Scott E. Rupp Healthcare AdministrationIt appears that hospital price transparency proponents have lost a recent battle. Trump administration officials are kicking a political can down the road after push back from hospitals and insurers, who would have had to make previously undisclosed rates public. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said it has some 1,400 comments for a proposed rule about the revealing of rates, and the coming rule regarding the topic will include responses to these concerns. So, who wins here? Payers and providers, apparently. Consumers? Not so much.
Embedding technology to enhance learning, communication and positive outcomes
Glory Ressler EducationThe early learning and child care sectors in Canada are increasingly using technology to document children's learning, communicate with families and engage in continuous professional learning activities. Today's families have expectations of technology-rich communication with their children's educators, and today's students are increasingly adept at using technology to bolster their own efficiency and professionalism. Many will begin their careers in centres and programs that use sophisticated software for communication, documentation and planning, and they will need to be up to the task.
Strategies for students with learning differences to achieve success in…
Ryan Therriault EducationWhen students with learning differences start college, they are considered adults for everything except residency and tuition. Since they are no longer high school students, they are expected to ask for help, track their grades, plan out assignments, follow through with work, and make decisions on how to complete assignments. Our young adults may not be prepared for such a high level of independence yet, due to their social, emotional, and executive functioning needs; however, there are many practical and valuable things you can do at home to support them in their growth.