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What’s the deal with external cause codes?
Brooke Andrus Healthcare AdministrationLet's face it: the ICD-10 code set isn't exactly the most enticing reading material. So naturally, mainstream media coverage of ICD-10 has focused on some of the more, shall we say, entertaining features of the coding manual: namely, the external cause codes found in Chapter 20.
Returning soldiers: Veterans in higher education
Dr. Denise A. Valenti Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityFor many veterans, pursuing a college education is not simply continuing where high school may have left off. These returning soldiers may still be recovering from traumas incurred during service.
New research showing promise in contraceptives for women
Dr. Afsaneh Motamed-Khorasani PharmaceuticalMany contraceptive methods are available in the market. However, they are associated with the risk of side effects and with chances of drug failure. The cost of the contraceptives is also important, but many of the new contraceptives are not affordable for millions of women.
How to make better hiring decisions
Mel Kleiman Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementThe best applicant and the best employee are rarely one in the same, so I recommend following a "hire tough, manage easy" philosophy. Even if you occasionally miss the mark, you will still be hiring to a higher standard.
Impressive new smartphone apps in health and medicine
Rosemary Sparacio Medical & Allied HealthcareSmartphones are just about everywhere. In the U.S. alone, more than 91 million Americans now use a smartphone. Of course, these devices are much more than just a phone. The fact that there are apps for many areas in personal health and medicine is a logical step to help individuals take better care of themselves and for researchers to find ways for individuals and physicians to do just that.
Crowdfunding craze seeping into hospitality world
Suzanne Mason Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementCrowdfunding is not a new concept. Crowdfunding gives a company or an individual the chance to fund a project with small amounts of money by a large number of people via the Internet. Now crowdfunding is finding is gaining popularity in real estate — specifically hotels.
5 reasons going digital can help you go green at your next show
Trace Cohen Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementIn the spirit of Earth Day, I wanted to touch upon how digital/social media can be an effective way to lower your show's carbon footprint. Printed materials have always been the hallmark of doing business when face-to-face at a show, but more times than not, companies print more than is needed. The result? It will be thrown out at the end of the day.
Builders and remodelers expect growth despite adjusted forecasts
Michael J. Berens Construction & Building MaterialsProjections are down, but hopes are up. That in a nutshell is the assessment of the current state of the home building and remodeling industries as the books close on the first quarter of 2014.
Before saying ‘yes’ to serving on a board
Robert C. Harris Association ManagementMy friend was asked to join a board of directors. I could see that he was flattered and considering the invite, but I don't think he knew what questions to ask about serving on a board. Here's a checklist prospective board members may want to consider
Churches planning to build need expert guidance with finances
Robert C. Foreman Religious CommunityChurch leaders are sometimes reluctant to seek help and advice. This seems to be especially true when it comes to facility planning and financing. They may believe they know enough and are wise enough to undertake a building project without seeking the best professional guidance.