Recent Articles

  • How COVID-19 might affect the commercial real estate market

    Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    COVID-19 has negatively impacted every industry, including the commercial real estate sector. Whether or not this industry can bounce back — and to what extent — is dependent on several factors. "COVID-19 will usher in a form of real estate Darwinism where only the financially strong will be able to survive," warns Michael Gevurtz, CEO of Bluebird Lending in Philadelphia.

  • Associations: An indispensable partner to members

    Dan Tjornehoj and Bob Harris Association Management

    Associations must forge through the pandemic, realizing they are needed more than ever to guide and support their members. Stop to think about it. The essence of association existence is to work as a group to address the needs of members. This is an opportunity for associations to be their best. We are positioned as a trusted confidant with members. Our value is to "ask," then "listen" to members' challenges during this unprecedented time.

  • Webinar for new dentists examines what makes humans happy

    Tammy Hinojos Oral & Dental Healthcare

    Raise your hand if you want to take a break from the heavy stuff and talk about something happy for just a little while. Right, me too. New dentists who wish to increase their own happiness, especially while living in the days of attempting to build their dental practice during a world health pandemic, can soon log into an American Dental Association webinar about building more productive habits and working through strategies for taking control of their own happiness.

  • Infographic: A look back at the evolution of data and cyber protection

    Dave Kostos Science & Technology

    Data storage has come a long way since the first hard drives in the 1950s stored just 3.75 MB of data and weighed a ton. But the explosion of data and cloud-based technologies in the last two decades also means cyber protection is more vital than ever. This infographic looks at how data has evolved over the last 65 years and what lies ahead in the field of cyber protection.

  • How much inequality is enough?

    Patrick Gleeson Civil & Government

    Eighteenth century French moralist Joseph de Maistre observed, "Every nation gets the government it deserves." What he meant is that in a democracy, to some very considerable extent, the shape of the government is determined by the people. The same can be said for economic inequality. In this country, how much inequality is enough?

  • How your hospital’s radiology department can be a key line of defense…

    Lisa Mulcahy Medical & Allied Healthcare

    As a healthcare professional, your goal has been to blunt the impact of COVID-19 as well as you can. Yet, you may have never considered how one specific part of your hospital could be a most effective containment area. Your radiology department can serve as an essential point of protection for all your patients and staff, according to fascinating, fresh research. The study, published in the journal Radiology, contains many important recommendations every hospital should implement.

  • A look at the possible link between COVID-19 and pregnancy

    Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Although there are no current data proving that COVID-19 affects pregnant women more than non-pregnant women, those who are pregnant are at a greater risk of contracting respiratory viruses, including pneumonia, which is a concern because lung capacity is already diminished during pregnancy. Some pregnant women have become ill and some have died during the pandemic. In a cohort study, researchers at the University of Oxford collected data, using the UK Obstetric Surveillance System, from 427 pregnant women with COVID-19 admitted to hospitals in the United Kingdom.

  • Survey: Is summer vacation canceled?

    Lark Gould Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    A new survey by personal finance site shows that, as summer quickly approaches, the uncertainty around travel these days is taking a toll on potential travelers and their pockets. The blowback damage from the coronavirus pandemic has caused nearly half (48%) of Americans to cancel their summer travel plans for this year, leading to more distress for the travel industry. In fact, 1 in 6 Americans say they would wait a full year before traveling again.

  • Public restrooms are reopening but may cause more challenges than can be…

    Scott E. Rupp Facilities & Grounds

    As the world awakens from its COVID-19-forced economic slumber, one vital and essential service offering remains largely at large. Across the U.S., from California and Iowa to Florida, there is a confusing topic of conversation: To open restrooms, leave them closed, and how to clean them among the clatter of how best to reopen businesses across the country. The chaos of the typical American public restroom could change forever, Fast Company reports.

  • Digital natives, digital immigrants, and healthcare technology

    Keith Carlson Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Twenty-first-century healthcare is replete with the unstoppable exponential growth of technology and innovation. From EMRs and medication-dispensing robots to digitally networked bedside devices and the inevitable emergence of medical augmented reality, the ability to adapt to new technologies is crucial for any individual seeking a sustainable career in medicine, nursing, and the broader healthcare spectrum. Will certain groups of healthcare workers fall by the wayside? When some individuals adapt and others fall behind, will healthcare technology Darwinism be at work?