All Retail Articles
  • Advertising without paying for social media clicks

    Catherine Iste Marketing

    Businesses in the cannabis industry are not allowed to advertise on most social media platforms. Yet, with over $10 billion invested in legal markets in 2018 alone, the industry will continue to see growth. While traditional retail products may have little in common with that industry, the lessons learned from its ability to reach customers despite restrictions on social media can be valuable to any retailer. Of course, it is not that the industry is not online. It has just had to find clever ways to infiltrate social media without paying for clicks.

  • Exploring regulatory measures for CBD-infused products

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    ​Companies selling CBD-infused food and beverages are currently lobbying for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations. The legalization of hemp products by Congress is forcing the FDA to rewrite rules for most CBD products. There is a cloud of uncertainty over the emerging industry as regulations have shifted from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to the FDA. President Trump signed the Farm Bill, which removed hemp as a Schedule I controlled substance, into law in December, but the FDA still doesn't recognize the products as safe.

  • The just-in-time effect: How Amazon and Uber have changed associations

    Linda Popky Association Management

    Big-box stores and local mom-and-pop shops are fighting to survive because they can't compete with the combination of selection and prices offered by Amazon. Taxis can't compete with the convenience and service offered by Uber and Lyft. But there's another area that hasn't received as much attention, and that's the business of associations. No, Amazon is not about to offer Prime Deals on association memberships. Neither does Uber run in-person meetings, events, or workshops. But their influence is felt nonetheless due to something I'm calling the just-in-time (JIT) effect.

  • Bigger isn’t better: Investors favor boutique stores and hotels

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Bigger is better, right? That’s why there have been more hotel mergers and acquisitions in recent years. There are also many hotel chains building larger loyalty programs to pull in more travelers. Besides hotels, Airbnb and online travel agents (OTAs) also want to get bigger through acquisitions. When it comes to product development, however, investors seem to favor small, boutique concepts over bigger ones. Here are a few examples.

  • Demand for design services currently a mixed bag

    Lloyd Princeton Interior Design, Furnishings & Fixtures

    As I talk with clients around the country, I'm hearing quite divergent views of how business is going these days. The picture that emerges is something of a mixed bag. Some designers are keeping quite busy and have future projects lined up. Others are reporting a decrease in client requests and inquiries. Some of this appears to be sector-driven and some of it regional. What's not clear yet is whether this is a temporary blip or the start of a general slowdown in the industry.

  • Where brands see the most social media marketing opportunities

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    Just like that, the first quarter of 2019 has ended. While the time likely flashed by, make sure you stop, analyze and regroup before you plow ahead with your Q2 strategy. Analyze your own data to determine what worked best for your brand this quarter. Then, overlay those insights with the areas that other companies see the most success in. You just may find a new avenue or marketing tactic to try that could be the secret sauce you’re looking for in Q2. Read on to learn how marketers from more than 1,800 companies are approaching their social media marketing strategy in 2019.

  • Economy rebounds to add 196,000 jobs; unemployment steady at 3.8%

    Seth Sandronsky Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    The March jobs report shows that nonfarm payroll employment rose 196,000 from 20,000 new jobs in February, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. March’s rate of unemployment of 3.8% matched February’s rate of 3.8%. "To be really clear — today's jobs report inspires a bit of a sigh of relief relative to the disastrous February jobs number — but the economy is definitely going to grow a lot more slowly in 2019 than 2018," said Josh Bivens, an economist at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C. March marked the 102nd consecutive month of expansion since the end of the Great Recession.

  • The critical link between HR and retail success

    Catherine Iste Retail

    Why go to the store when you can buy online? Presumably, there is something about the in-person experience that is more convenient, helpful or in some other way better than making the purchase from our phone or desktop. In many cases, this benefit relates directly to interpersonal interactions. Human resources can play an important role in linking the customer's experience with retail success.

  • What you need to know about Amazon’s growing ad business

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    When you think of digital ads (especially search), Google undoubtedly comes to mind. But the numbers may have you second-guessing your instinct. This year, Amazon’s U.S. ad business is projected to grow more than 50%. That means Amazon ads will make up more than 8% of the digital ad market. Next year, that number is projected to grow to 10%, according to a 2019 eMarketer report. Amazon is officially the No. 3 digital ad platform in the U.S., with U.S. retailers spending $4.61 billion on Amazon ads in 2019.

  • 6 tips to get through your midday slump

    Eudene Harry, MD Medical & Allied Healthcare

    We have all felt it. After lunchtime, you're lethargic, tired, and constantly checking the clock waiting for the day to be over. But fear not! Your day will no longer be ruined by the afternoon lull. Here are some quick tips to avoid the midday slump and end your day rejuvenated.