All Business Management, Services & Risk Management Articles
  • 3 questions to start asking today

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    If Tony Robbins and Tim Ferriss both gave you the same advice, would you consider taking it? Both men are incredibly successful, yet they come from backgrounds to which many of us can relate. When Robbins interviewed Ferriss for his podcast last December, they enthusiastically discussed and agreed upon the importance and impact asking the right questions can have. In less than five minutes, Ferriss walked through three powerful questions he asks himself regularly.

  • 3 ways pests can hurt businesses

    Doug Haymore Facilities & Grounds

    If you’ve ever been inside of a business and saw an insect flying around or a mouse dart across the floor, your thoughts probably turned to what was going on behind the scenes. Simply looking at a pest inside of an otherwise clean business makes you feel as though the place is dirty and that you don’t want to spend time there, especially if it was a restaurant or grocery store. You would probably also tell your friends and family to avoid the business at all costs. This is just one of the ways that a pest infestation can seriously hurt a business.

  • When is travel time compensable under the FLSA?

    D. Albert Brannen Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Travel-time issues are some of the most difficult of all hours-worked questions for non-exempt employees. Whether and to what extent travel time counts as hours worked under the Fair Labor Standards Act depends on the specific facts and circumstances presented. Below are some broad rules of thumb that apply to the most common kinds of travel. The rules vary depending on whether the travel is local, out of town with same-day return, or out of town with an overnight stay.

  • Let confidence turn the tables on your next interview

    Damon Sayles Communications

    Getting the interview is the hardest part for the unemployed. At least that’s how it should be. For many, the toughest part between battling unemployment and earning that first paycheck from the new job is mastering the interview process. Like it or not, the interview can make or break you before you answer one question. There are employers who monitor confidence the minute they lay eyes on you. Think about it: How many of your old bosses and the company’s best workers lack confidence?

  • Who needs a mentor? You do

    Leslie LaskinReese Interior Design, Furnishings & Fixtures

    I need a mentor. So do you. You may be at the very beginning of your career or even still in school, a time when mentors are a common topic. For those of us who have been doing what we do for a while, mentoring may not seem like such an obvious need. It is. Consider these three reasons to seek out your own mentor.

  • America’s sleep deficiency: When you can’t snooze, you lose

    Bob Kowalski Mental Healthcare

    ​Americans seem to be closing their eyes to a problem that's growing, despite exhaustive research into the ramifications. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee: We don't get enough sleep. Insufficient sleep has been declared a "public health problem" by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which attributed an increased risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, depression, cancer and reduced productivity to a shortage of shut-eye.

  • Strategies to address falling wages and skills gaps

    Deb Page Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    The McKinsey Global Institute recently reported that ​incomes were flat or fell for two-thirds of households in 25 advanced economies between 2005 and 2014 — an explosive increase from less than 2 percent in the previous decade. While it is widely assumed that the next generation in these countries will have as good or better quality of life as the last, the disturbing trend of falling or flat income threatens that expectation.

  • Hiring project managers? Make sure they have these 8 qualities

    Michelle LaBrosse Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    If you have found yourself in the position of needing to hire a new project manager for your team, congratulations! Not only does this mean your organization is doing well enough to afford to bring on a new employee, but also that you have a new opportunity to re-energize your project team with fresh, savvy and competent new leadership.

  • 4 tips for a trans-friendly workplace

    Ryan Diller Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    ​Transgender inclusion is not only a civil rights issue but also a business issue. Forbes estimates that North Carolina's controversial HB2 law has cost the state at least $630 million in lost business. Currently, 20 states and several cities already have anti-discrimination laws based on gender identity, making lawsuits a possibility for businesses that fail to accommodate trans customers and employees properly. With President Donald Trump's ​executive order to withdraw of protections for transgender students and Gloucester County School Board v. G.G. heading to the Supreme Court, now is the time for businesses to signal their commitment to trans rights.

  • How to avoid hiring those difficult-to-fire employees

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    ​Though terminations can be challenging, it is so much easier to fire a consistently poor performer than someone who is just a bad employee. Negative nellies, glory hounds and wimpy managers may not do anything wrong enough to have a bad performance review, so they end up staying around a lot longer than they should. In those cases, sometimes it is easier to avoid hiring these difficult-to-fire employees than it is to try to fire them.