New science, government studies highlight climate change’s urgency
Michelle R. Matisons Waste Management & EnvironmentalFor over a year, we have witnessed one weather disaster after another besiege the United States mainland and beyond. This hurricane season, we saw Florence and Michael take Southern states hostage with a fury of wind and floodwaters, only to be paralleled with more California fires. "What next?" we ask. According to two new science and government studies, we can look forward to more compounded ecological catastrophes producing dramatic social changes.
The connection between employees and your company brand
Roberta Matuson Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementI recently met with a prospect who told me about his grand plans to grow his business. I listened intently while he described his vision. Surprisingly, he never mentioned his people. When he was done speaking, I responded by saying, "A brand is nothing more than a promise. What if your people can’t deliver on your promise?" He looked at me for a minute, and then quickly realized it was going to take more than a plan to hit his key metrics. Are you in a similar situation — grandiose plans and no specificity regarding how you are going to achieve these numbers? If so, read on.
Travel2020: Following the money — Simplifying payment systems in travel
Lark Gould Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementAs technology and banking become better bedfellows, new methods of thinking about the banking process have allowed such companies as ConnexPay to create newer, simpler and often less expensive ways of processing transactions. This is especially true in the areas of travel and e-commerce. We sat down with Bob Kaufman, founder and CEO of ConnexPay, after the company picked up the top award for Travel Innovation in the Start-up Category at the recent Phocuswright 2018 conference in Los Angeles, to get a sense of how banking and payment reconciliation may be changing in the travel industry — and what this might mean for other industries as well.
How to build a better meeting
Lisa Mulcahy Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementMeetings are an essential tool in the work your team does, of course — but are you running yours as productively as you can be? You could likely improve the way you plan, conduct and follow through on the important points you and your staff members are covering. But how do you know where to start? Use this new research to step up your game — and boost your company's productivity and profits.
6 steps to data-driven transformation
Nir Kaldero Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementWe’re now well into the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The First Industrial Revolution was about steam and railroads, the Second about electricity, and the Third brought about by the internet. AI, the basis of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, will completely change the way business is done and companies are run in the next five to 10 years, just as the internet has done. Even if you feel ready to turn your organization into a data- and model-driven enterprise, you may be unsure where to start. The following six steps are derived from my work with enterprises across various industries that have transformed successfully and can guide you in your own transformation journey.
Dealing with political differences at the dinner table or at work
Simma Lieberman Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementIt’s post-midterm election season and the holidays; the time of year when people tend to socialize more. Common questions are, "How do I deal with differing politics at the dinner table?" and/or "How do I deal with political differences at work?" It would be easy to say, "Just don’t talk politics." This isn’t so easy when you and the people who disagree with you feel very strongly about what you believe in. There is an inclination to want to share your views and even assume everyone agrees.
4 tips to ensure that your company’s open enrollment is a success
Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementEmployee benefits are typically 32 percent of total compensation costs, according to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). During the open enrollment period, employees can select new benefits or change their benefit options. However, they don’t always understand the enrollment process or the importance of selecting certain benefits. Below are four tips to help ensure that your company’s open enrollment is a success.
A project-driven membership model
Robert C. Harris Association ManagementMembership models are evolving. This article is about a unique dues model in a Ukrainian association. But first, the background in the U.S. Most associations rely on dues for half of their budget. A handful have dropped their dues entirely, surviving off of access fees for benefits, programs and services. This opens the door to serving 100 percent of the marketplace as opposed to "members-only." Though they dropped the concept of dues, they retained a mechanism to allow members who want greater access to be "investors."
5 surefire ways to kill your company’s innovation
Steven L. Blue Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementInnovation is difficult to come by. It is a fleeting concept that eludes most companies. In fact, the odds of a new product idea reaching full commercialization are less than 4 percent. And that is the best case. But, there are five surefire ways you can make certain innovation never sees the light of day at your company.
Do’s and don’ts: Holiday gift-giving at work
Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementNo good deed goes unpunished often holds true when it comes to holiday gift-giving at work. Instead of stressing about the cost, etiquette or unspoken rules around gifting this season, follow these simple steps to avoid the most common mistakes. For example, don't give gifts to the boss, someone else’s boss, the boss’ boss or anyone, in general in a higher position. When employees give gifts to other employees in roles above theirs, it creates the impression they are trying to gain favor.
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