All Transportation Technology & Automotive Articles
  • Southwest outage illustrates critical importance of IT systems

    Galen M. Metz Science & Technology

    A Southwest Airlines computer glitch on July 20 caused 2,300 canceled flights across the United States. The outage lasted 12 hours and disrupted their website and operations, including check in, boarding passes and ticket booking. It meant chaos and long lines for Southwest customers, and the cost was estimated at up to $10 million in lost revenue.

  • How to win the battle against rust on your trucks

    Alan Kelsky Distribution & Warehousing

    Rust is a major concern for small business owners who depend on their trucks for their livelihood as well as fleet owners for whom trucks are a major investment. Trucks with corrosion damage can lead to lost income as well as high repair bills.

  • India’s new civil aviation policy targets connectivity

    Matt Falcus Transportation Technology & Automotive

    India's aviation landscape is poised for great things as new markets are developed and the large population is linked by air. Now, the Indian government has announced a new civil aviation policy that will encourage positive changes and better connectivity.

  • Autonomous cars illustrate risks of innovation

    Ryan Clark Transportation Technology & Automotive

    In this new world where science fiction can quickly turn into science fact, obstacles and sudden tragedies can pock mark the road to technological progress. Such is the case with the auto industry's charge toward autonomous vehicles.

  • Automotive lightweighting trends on the move

    Don Rosato Engineering

    Auto lightweighting goals are driven by changes in government regulations for fuel emissions, ongoing global warming concerns, fluctuating fuel prices, the development of electric vehicles and other fuel systems, and spiraling car weight increases caused by the continual addition of car features. This article, the first of a three-part series about automotive lightweighting, focuses on key plastic materials, process technologies, and applications to take note of.

  • The excitement of Porsche shopping on Craigslist

    Skip Kuhn Transportation Technology & Automotive

    Shop, click, and find a car online, whatever style dot com. Car buying made easy. Yay, what fun! Might as well look for one with an automatic transmission while Iā€™m at it. Whatever happened to scanning the classifieds in the Sunday morning paper with that intangible sense of adventure and anticipation that comes with finding what you are certain could be just the right car in just the right condition based only on a brief description and local phone number?

  • How women in trucking undervalue themselves (and how you can stop)

    Elizabeth Kraus Transportation Technology & Automotive

    We all have the opportunity to be part of the generation that raises awareness and erases any gender gaps that exist in the trucking industry. Studies show that women undervalue themselves and underprice their business services compared to male counterparts. Here are some ways women in trucking and logistics roles can be aware of this tendency and work to reverse the trend.

  • Uber, Lyft dominating business travel

    Bambi Majumdar Transportation Technology & Automotive

    If you thought that Uber and Lyft were mainly for the weekend party crowds, get ready for a surprising set of findings. A study released by Certify, an online travel and expense management service provider, show that the two dynamic ride-sharing services have commanded close to 49 percent of the ground transportation market in business travel during the second quarter of this year. The statistics show that Uber and Lyft continue to take over where taxis and shuttles once ruled.

  • You are what you drive

    David Newton Transportation Technology & Automotive

    I largely agree with the adage "You are what you drive." While I don't claim the axiom is bulletproof, there are endless examples that support the theory ā€” from the successful lawyer in a stately German sedan, to a general contractor with a tool-ridden F-250. I fell hard for the Porsche Cayman when it first appeared (nearly 10 years ago now), but it took me more than three years to acquire my 2009. Though far more practical, my second Porsche (a 2016 Macan S) shares a familiar driving spirit with the Cayman.

  • Saying nay to the railroad naysayers

    Charles A. Turek Transportation Technology & Automotive

    We repeatedly hear and read comments that go something like this: "Trains are an antiquated form of transportation that use way too much in the way of public and private resources. They have limited societal benefits and are a drag on development of newer forms of transportation. The only good place for trains is in a museum ā€” but not in my backyard or anywhere near it."