Seeking silence: Ultimately, it’s an inside job
Lisa Cole Mental HealthcareNoise — it's everywhere! Noisemakers abound: fans, compressors, leaf blowers. Even libraries, once a respite enshrouded in a tomblike hush, have now become community headquarters. Am I the only one left seeking silence in what seems like a deafening world? From the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: "Sound is what we hear. Noise is unwanted sound. The difference between sound and noise depends upon the listener and the circumstances."
How to build a good rapport with online influencers
Joseph Brady MarketingThe most powerful marketing tactic that has worked wonders for small and large businesses alike is word of mouth. Online influencers have gained instant popularity as they can spread the word about a brand to a large number of people immediately. This is why it’s predicted that, by 2020, influencer marketing will become a $10 billion industry. Finding and collaborating with influencers for your business is a big task by itself but establishing a relationship with them is as important. Follow these practices to build a good rapport with online influencers.
Is there still a line between our personal and work lives?
Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementImagine if company handbooks included policies governing what personal information employees could and could not share. While there are topics that are generally discouraged, like politics and religion, we usually do not provide hard and fast rules around conversation topics and often allow the culture and the employees to create the standard. This can further blur the line between personal and work lives, which can have interesting implications for leaders.
Infographic: Why employee satisfaction drives company performance
Raunak Pandey Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementStatistics show that employees’ happiness is greatly dependent upon their levels of engagement and contentment in the workplace. Friendly interaction and teamwork are signs of a positive workplace with minimal absenteeism, which ultimately results in a thriving organization. On the other hand, a negative workplace shows signs of little or no communication between people, lack of passion, and high levels of absenteeism. To improve workplace morale, a company should go the extra mile towards increasing employees’ satisfaction.
House passes $15 minimum wage bill, but its prospects are dim in Senate
Seth Sandronsky Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementOn July 18, the majority-Democratic House of Representatives passed the Raise the Wage Act to gradually increase the federal minimum wage, now at $7.25 and unchanged since 2009, to $15 in 2025. Some Republican House members did cross party lines to vote to increase the federal minimum wage. "This critical policy would lift wages for more than 33 million workers, 90% of them age 20 or older and 58% of them women," according to Heidi Shierholz, a senior economist and the director of policy at the Economic Policy Institute.
3 things that make it hard to fire someone in any industry
Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementTerminations are stressful for everyone. While there are challenges unique to firing specialists in any industry, there are a few things that make it hard to fire someone regardless of industry. Here are some common challenges around terminations and strategies for addressing them. For example, documentation is one of the most common issues with terminations. In some cases, we do not have enough documentation.
Ghosting: When job candidates disappear without notice
Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementMost companies typically have more job applicants than they can handle, and they've grown accustomed to candidates clamoring for positions. This has led, perhaps inevitably, to a lax attitude when responding to job candidates. Now it appears that job candidates may have adopted this communication approach as well. "Ghosting" is becoming a widespread phenomenon in which job candidates who are hired don't show up for the first day of work. Or, they stop responding to calls and messages following the interview. What's causing job candidates to disappear without notice and how should employers respond?
5 financial checks you need to make before you change jobs
Lisa Mulcahy Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementYou've said yes to the offer and given your notice. Now, all you need to do is pack up your desk and leave your old workplace behind, right? Not so fast. When you move from one company to another, you know the importance of verifying key financial issues like switching health plans and adjusting your retirement funds. Yet, you could be overlooking some small but crucial checks that can make a big difference in both the long and short term when it comes to your financial health. Here are five key financial checks you need to make before you leave your current company.
Making the best of days where it all goes wrong
Anne Rose Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementHave you ever had one of those days where nothing goes right and everything goes wrong? No matter what you touch, there’s a screw-up. At the end of the day, you have nothing to show for your work and just wish you could have a "do-over." I had one of those days recently. Absolutely nothing went right. Total failure. Failed culinary skills. Failed computer skills. I was a failure. The day was a failure! The next morning it occurred to me what my biggest failure was: measuring my day by whether or not activities proceeded according to my plan.
Your company’s biggest cybersecurity risks: Technology and processes
Terri Williams Science & TechnologyA recent SANS survey of security professionals identified today's biggest cybersecurity risks. Among survey respondents, 61% chose people as the greatest risk, and Part 1 of this article examined why. However, 22% of security professionals identified technology as the greatest risk, and 14% selected processes and procedures. Part 2 of this article examines those risks in addition to ways to making your company more secure.
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