Is your mobile workforce exposing you to unseen risks?
Paul Starkman Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementBring-your-own-device to work has fast become a popular trend. But it has become clear that BYOD also comes with many business risks that require further review, evaluation and action to reduce growing concerns with security, compliance and privacy issues.
What it takes to be the boss
Michael J. Berens Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementWho wouldn't want to be the boss? You get to call the shots and tell everyone what to do. You get a nice office, an even nicer paycheck and all those perks. What's not to like? It turns out, though, not as many employees as you might think aspire to being the boss.
Step aside, millennials — Here comes Generation Z
Greg Witz Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementBorn from the late 1990s to now, Generation Z is the current generation, and its oldest members are starting to enter the workforce. More importantly, they are researching and interacting with our companies long before they will ever buy our products, making being proactive in understanding these "digital natives" crucial for our companies' future success.
The crucial career choices we make every day
Mike Wokasch Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementMany of us are in a work routine where we get up, go to work, do our job and go home. We do this without realizing that every day we make two choices that affect our job performance, career opportunities and compensation. These choices also have deeper rooted personal and job satisfaction implications that will become obvious from this discussion.
Stories boards tell — and how to untell them
Michael J. Berens Association ManagementKeeping board members on track is never easy, but what do you do when your board falls prey to misinformation — in particular, misinformation of their own making? I have seen it happen over and over again.
Member recruitment: What’s your strategy?
Maria Huntley Association ManagementI am always keeping my eye open for opportunities to develop myself professionally and connect with smart people from whom I could learn something. So when I was checking out my LinkedIn page the other day and saw a posting promoting the National Association of Distinguished Professionals, my interest was piqued. As a person who has spent the last 15 years making association management my career, I wanted to learn more about this distinguished association.
5 tips for your volunteer management plan
Maria Huntley Association ManagementYou have a volunteer management plan, right? As you may have already found, volunteer management can feel like herding cats. If you want to be a master of volunteer management planning, be sure to keep reading this post.
Net neutrality ruling is a net loss for many businesses
Jessica Taylor Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementRemember back when there was no such thing as high-speed Internet? The only option you had was dial-up service and had to listen to that pesky dial tone for a several minutes before being able to access what you really wanted. Well, you might be going back to the slow speed you once despised.
Don’t fear the feedback
Michael J. Berens Association ManagementDay in, day out, associations accumulate feedback from members and customers. Some of it is solicited, some not. Some of it is welcome, some less so. Whatever form it takes, whatever the tone — positive or negative — it is valuable information, and someone in your organization should be scanning it for the nuggets it contains. More importantly, those nuggets need to be shared with the rest of the organization so everyone has a clear picture of what's working and what's not. Often, however, that does not happen.
Don’t be an email jerk
Brie Ragland CommunicationsIn my line of work, emailing is more common than actually speaking to another person. No, seriously. If you've actually spoken to me while conducting business, consider yourself a rarity. I can't tell you how many emails I send and receive on any given day. It's completely second nature to me at this point. With that in mind, I have to make a conscious effort to always seem cordial and accommodating in my written communications.
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