All Mental Healthcare Articles
  • Who is checking on the mental health of our school leaders?

    Brian Stack Education

    Remember when you were a child at the amusement park, and the ride operator said if you want to get off the ride all you have to do is wave? Well, I’ve been waving furiously for several months and yet some days it seems no one is coming to my rescue. I am sure I am not alone. Being a school leader is tough enough but doing so in a pandemic starts to take its toll on us as professionals and as human beings. Who is checking on the mental health of our school leaders during this challenging time? I hope all of you reading this can recognize if and when you need help and know the signs of when to reach out to your fellow school leaders.

  • Anxiety’s spiking: Here’s how to help our students

    Howard Margolis Education

    COVID-19 has caused untold numbers of America’s students (and family members, teachers, and school support staff) to suffer mild to severe anxiety. Some will be helped by the passage of time and new coping skills. Some won’t. For those who won’t, especially those who suffer from severe anxiety, who intensely fear the future, it’s a crisis. It’s also a crisis for their families, their teachers, and America writ large. We can lament that, "The pandemic’s horrible. Anxiety's a natural outcome. We can't do anything about it. It’s here. We’re all victims." Or, we can face the problem. We can ask and answer this question: How can we help affected students help themselves?

  • The one-day sabbatical

    Bob Harris and Bryan Hutchinson Association Management

    Association executives seldom enjoy the benefit offered in higher education, religion, or other professions: the opportunity to go on sabbatical. It is a break from work so that an employee can pursue interests such as research, writing, volunteering or rest. During a sabbatical, the employee is still paid although relieved from their normal job duties or from reporting to work. Do you ever feel like you just need time for a change in scenery, clear your head, hear a different perspective or finish a project?

  • 5 secrets of effective communication that all telecommuters should know

    John Allen Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    The late, great American businessman Leon Gorman said it best: “Customer service is a day-in, day-out, ongoing, never-ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate type of activity.” Companies everywhere have realized that employee service is much the same. And like good customer service, great communication is at its center. It’s true that Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype have enabled us all to stay in touch amidst a global shift to work from home. But it’s equally true that this fundamental change has left more questions than team chat anywhere, anytime can answer.

  • Remote work and introverts: Consider the challenges

    Jennifer B. Kahnweiler Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Remote work has moved from an experiment to the norm for millions of office workers around the world. Late last year, our company conducted a survey to discover how introverts were responding to working from home full time. We had almost 200 responses. Do they thrive in quiet and solitude or are they also feeling disconnected and lonely? Though over 85% of respondents were very satisfied or satisfied with the arrangement, many strong opinions surfaced about the challenges they face when working from home.

  • The delicate balance of supply and demand for COVID-19 vaccines

    Bambi Majumdar Medical & Allied Healthcare

    President Joe Biden rolled out strategies to combat and control the coronavirus pandemic on his first day in the Oval Office. A national vaccination campaign aims to administer 100 million shots to cover 50 million Americans in his first 100 days in office. Led by Dr. Anthony Fauci and other medical experts, pandemic control actions will ramp up, such as travel restrictions, mandatory mask rules, increased testing, and more personal protective equipment. Along with orders to boost supplies for vaccination, the team will also focus on developing therapeutics to treat COVID-19.

  • 5 reasons to build a healthcare brand for millennials

    Alexa Lemzy Healthcare Administration

    The millennial generation consists of people born between 1981 and 1996, making members of this group between the ages of 25 and 40 in 2021. As the demographic approaches middle age, their need for healthcare is increasing. As the largest generational group, this creates a huge market for healthcare brands ready to cater to their preferences. As a demographic, millennials differ from previous generations significantly in the way they choose services and respond to marketing. As a result, healthcare brands need to be built to meet these new demands.

  • Homework and independent assignments: Avoiding problems, encouraging success

    Howard Margolis Education

    Many struggling learners "hate" homework and in-class assignments that they need to complete by themselves. Why? Academics confuses, frustrates, and overwhelms them. Their struggles humiliate them. Expectations of failure send shutters down their spines. Ask yourself: Day after day, would you want your success to depend on confusing and frustrating work that overwhelms you, that you fail at, that leaves you feeling incompetent and worthless? I doubt it. Even in this era of remote instruction, where direct, in-person instruction is often rare, where struggling learners must often work alone, and where it’s often difficult for them to get the help they need, teachers and support staff can improve this situation.

  • Building the toolkit for paraprofessional success

    Savanna Flakes Education

    Paraprofessionals — you are kind of a big deal! You use your talents to inspire and to encourage students to discover their own strengths. Your role is unique, and with limited time to plan with collaborating teachers, you passionately meet the needs of many students. This article is for you, with the goal of strengthening your toolkit. I’ve compiled a list of practices under three critical elements of this dynamic role: knowing thy student(s), collecting data, and facilitating student independence.

  • Infographic: What new tech means for nursing homes of the future

    Brian Wallace Medical & Allied Healthcare

    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for quality nursing home care. While 25% of COVID-19 deaths come from nursing homes, the quality of the nursing home affects results: 4- to 5-star nursing homes had 94% lower risk than their 1-star peers. When the pandemic is over, those disparities will remain. As the population of America ages, nursing homes will house more people than ever in the coming years.