Health systems scrambling for federal cash amidst coronavirus pandemic
Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied HealthcareHospitals, many of which are hamstrung under near-fatal cash shortages brought on by the onslaught of the COVID-19 virus, are slated for another round of federal stimulus funding. The funding from the first round of stimulus money designated to hospitals was aimed at fighting the coronavirus front in some of the nation's most troubling hot spots. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma told reporters on April 15 that cash-strapped hospitals should expect details about a second wave of emergency funding in a matter of days.
Reflections on courage in the midst of a pandemic
Keith Carlson Medical & Allied HealthcarePublic health crises have frequently arisen during the late 20th and early 21st centuries, including SARS, MERS, Ebola, HIV/AIDS, H1N1, and now COVID-19. A pandemic of this magnitude has not reared its ugly head since 1918, and there are only a handful of living centenarians who remember that deadly year. Whether considering the current coronavirus response in terms of economics; local, tribal, state, or federal government; patient care; public health; mitigation; scientific research; essential services; acute care; or primary care, courage is a central pillar of our individual and collective efforts.
Infographic: How to practice social distancing without feeling isolated
Brian Wallace Mental HealthcareBefore COVID-19, 52% of American adults said they felt alone at least some of the time. But you don't have to feel isolated while social distancing during the pandemic. This infographic outlines the threat of isolation as well as how to remain connected during these trying times.
Reenvisioning our lives and world, post-COVID-19
Sheilamary Koch Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementAs days of social distancing turn into weeks, it's not a bad thing if overdoses of the news, scrolling through social media posts and funny cat videos feel increasingly hollow. Upheaval surrounding the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has forced many to adapt, create new routines and be resilient. And although much remains outside our control these days, each day gives us opportunities to observe silver linings and forge new beginnings for our lives and world from this point forward.
Could the pandemic mark the end of surprise medical billing?
Scott E. Rupp Healthcare AdministrationThe White House has said "no" to surprise billing for patients receiving treatment for COVID-19, and hospitals agreeing to accept money as part of the $2 trillion stimulus bill must agree not to engage in the practice. Surprise billing happens when a patient with health insurance is treated at an out-of-network hospital or when an out-of-network doctor assists with the procedure at the hospital. Bills for such services can range from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars.
Postpartum depression: When delight turns desperate
Lisa Cole Mental HealthcareWhat happens when your "bundle of joy" becomes that "baby from hell"? Our culture perpetuates the fallacy that once we pop a baby out, then it's smack dab back to normal. This mentality denies the difficulties associated with the "fourth trimester." The physical, mental, emotional, existential changes and challenges of this period don't just go away once you’ve delivered. Postpartum depression is only now beginning to get its due.
Infographic: The social impact of mixing business and medicine
Brian Wallace Medical & Allied HealthcareThough the United States has one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world, it is far from achieving the best outcomes in the world. This infographic outlines the hidden impact of mixing business with medicine, as evidenced by the drastic shortage of PPE and other necessities in the wake of COVID-19.
Racism amidst the pandemic: 3 Asian Americans’ experiences during…
LeRon L. Barton Mental HealthcareThrough panic and hysteria related to the coronavirus pandemic, racism has reared its ugly head. Because the virus originated from China, Chinese American and other Asian American communities have been experiencing racist, verbal, and physical attacks. Stop AAPI Hate, an online incident report from the Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council, states that there have been over 650 reports of discrimination against Asian Americans. Below is an interview with three Asian American women: Annalise, 35, accountant; Vivian, 29, entrepreneur; and Queenie, 32, healthcare worker. They share their experiences on how race has shaped the way we view the pandemic.
Infographic: Mental health under quarantine
Brian Wallace Mental HealthcareQuarantine. Staying in place. Full lockdown. All of these ways that we find ourselves social distancing start to take a toll on our mental health and well-being. How can we overcome these effects of social isolation? This infographic outlines the steps we can take to ensure we make it out of the pandemic as mentally healthy as possible, including setting routines and using meditation apps.
The coronavirus is devastating rural hospitals
Scott E. Rupp Healthcare AdministrationWhile urban hospitals and health systems are getting racked by an overflow of patients and the need to respond to an overwhelming number of patients currently infected with COVID-19, their rural counterparts are equally or more so overwhelmed, too. In some cases, the impacts on rural hospitals are dramatic. Many of these community-based hospitals will close because the pandemic is preventing them from performing profitable elective surgeries, physical therapy, and lab tests.
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