CMS continues expanding services in response to COVID-19
Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied HealthcareThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced several changes pertaining to delivering care to seniors and to "provide flexibility to the healthcare system as America reopens" from the economic shutdown brought on by COVID-19, the agency said in a statement on April 30. The changes are many and include making it easier for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries to get tested for COVID-19, the expansion of telehealth services, and the dismissal of rules for how certain groups can be treated and where.
After a huge drop in practice visits, elective healthcare procedures resume…
Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied HealthcareThe following should come as no surprise to anyone whatsoever — outpatient and medical practice visits have cratered since March because of the COVID-19 pandemic. A new study showing this data comes from The Commonwealth Fund, conducted by researchers from Harvard University. Per the study, outpatient visits dropped by 57% between March 1 and March 29. Visits were down 54% as of April 12. Telemedicine visits increased along with the drop in in-person visits, but not enough to offset the decreases.
The tragedy of hubris and the triumph of humility
Keith Carlson Medical & Allied HealthcareHealthcare, nursing, and the practice of medicine are peopled with a plethora of characters with a wide range of personalities, disguises, styles, costumes, and ways of conducting themselves on the medical stage. And since most aspects of healthcare are collaborative in nature — including patient care, research, and education, among others — a cooperative zeitgeist is most helpful in achieving both individual and collective success. However, when hubris (excessive pride) rears its ugly head, the curtain can be prematurely drawn on a scene in need of a great deal more rehearsal.
As CMS delays interoperability and transparency rules, study suggests they’re…
Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied HealthcareThe Trump administration is pausing its previously established deadlines for the healthcare industry to come into compliance with rules prohibiting information blocking and the rule that mandates interoperability. These decisions are the result of health systems currently being overwhelmed by the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the globe. However, interoperability and enhanced information sharing are improving overall healthcare quality, safety, and costs for U.S. patients and providers, a new Surescripts 2019 National Progress Report points out.
What’s so great about saffron? A lot, apparently
Amanda Ghosh Medical & Allied HealthcareSaffron is a spice. It's derived from the saffron crocus, a striking deep purple flower with stunning crimson stigma and styles. Though saffron is among the costlier spices by weight, the saffron crocus' stigma and styles are frequently used as seasonings and food dyes. Middle Eastern cultures have used saffron for medicinal purposes for centuries, and its popularity as a "wonder drug" is increasing worldwide. Learn more in this article about its uses in managing Alzheimer's and depression.
Translating the COVID-19 information firehose as a healthcare professional
Keith Carlson Medical & Allied HealthcareIn these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us find ourselves wondering what evidence-based information we should follow and what news sources to avoid. We may first choose to do this simply to keep ourselves sane and focused amidst the noise so that we can function as both private citizens and healthcare professionals. Having said that, we are also likely to feel the heavy responsibility of skillfully curating information so that we can translate the firehose of pandemic-related information for our loved ones who turn to us for reassurance, education, and clarity. In this regard, where do we begin?
15 thought-provoking questions to help you make major life changes
Victoria Fann Mental HealthcareFor many people, returning to the lives they lived before the quarantine either isn't possible or isn't desirable. While for some this may be viewed with despair or dread, some are seeing this as the perfect opportunity to make big changes. In fact, this long period of social isolation can be an excellent time for assessing your relationships, living situations, work and overall life choices. In this article, I bring you the following thought-provoking questions to help you make the most of your exploration for the future.
Healthcare’s furloughs continue even as parts of the US begin to…
Scott E. Rupp Healthcare AdministrationThe cratering of the healthcare job market has continued as COVID-19 spreads across the United States. In all sectors, more than 22 million people have filed for unemployment benefits as of April 17, with the virus, for now, wiping out a decade of job gains. The United States has not seen this level of job loss since the Great Depression. Healthcare, long seen as an untouchable career field — safe from the ups and downs of the economy — is among the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic.
Infographic: The promise of digital therapeutics
Brian Wallace Science & TechnologyBy 2025, the market for digital therapeutics is expected to reach $7.8 billion. This infographic outlines various technologies in this field, such as video games to treat multiple sclerosis and autism, apps for addiction treatment, and even ultrasound tech to treat Parkinson's.
Telehealth is keeping doctors, patients connected in the days of COVID-19
Tammy Hinojos Medical & Allied HealthcareAs the world grapples with the mitigation efforts required to navigate a global pandemic, healthcare practices of every type are getting up to speed and rolling out telehealth services, online chat, virtual appointments and all kinds of remote services. If telehealth is new to your practice and you’re concerned about complicated billing processes, tricky reimbursement issues and even technology challenges, don’t be! The transition is not as difficult as it might appear to be.
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