Disaster: 6 actions to avoid leaving the elderly and disabled in danger
Christina Thielst Healthcare AdministrationThe recent wildfires once again shine a light on the importance of increased attention to the needs of the elderly and disabled during disaster planning, response and recovery phases. Nearly 75 percent of those who died in the Hurricane Katrina disaster were older than 60. Two years later, busloads of elderly and disabled were evacuated from care facilities in San Diego County, but were left stranded and trapped by flames as wildfires raged.
Building PT ambassadors: Amplifying your conversions
Tannus Quatre Medical & Allied HealthcareYou may only be able to take one bite at a time, but you want to be fed for life. And that's why we need to amplify. Today, we're discussing the last step of a five-step process which will build PT ambassadors in your community and mine — amplifying your conversions.
Why keeping nurses happy pays off in the end
Keith Carlson Healthcare AdministrationWhen Nurses Week rolls around each May, healthcare employers order a plethora of mugs, pens, pins and other schwag for distribution to their nurses in order to show appreciation for their contributions. This is all well and good, but what types of engagement do nurses really want and deserve? And how can employers use these tools in order to retain nurses over the long term?
Safety is not just a priority — it’s a core value
Mark Huber Transportation Technology & AutomotiveRobert Sumwalt has been a member of the National Transportation Safety Board since 2006. Prior to joining the NTSB, Sumwalt worked as a pilot for Piedmont Airlines and US Airways. At the latter, he worked on special assignment to the flight safety department and also served on the airline's Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA) monitoring team.
Surviving cold and flu season in your office: 4 ways to stay healthy
Cait Harrison Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementShorter days, changing leaves, football season and cooler weather can only mean one thing: Cold and flu season is coming. No matter how well you think you're protecting yourself this year, there's always more you can do to stave off sickness — especially if you work in an office in close quarters with others who may be contagious.
Banking stem cells for tooth repair
Tracy Szwec Oral & Dental HealthcareWhen you hear about stem cells, you probably think of the controversy surrounding the topic. After all, this subject does polarize many people. However, there is a source of stem cells that is completely harmless and shouldn't cause much controversy at all — the teeth.
Biking-related hospital admissions, fatalities on the rise
Chelsea Adams Medical & Allied HealthcareThe number of bicycle accidents that resulted in hospitalizations increased significantly in the past 15 years, with the largest proportion of the injuries occurring in adults over the age of 45. What's more, bike-auto fatalities among people between the ages of 35 and 74 have increased as well.
Building PT ambassadors: Closing the deal
Tannus Quatre Medical & Allied HealthcarePulling the trigger. Making the sale. Closing the deal. Call it what you want, but call it something. It's a momentous step. You've worked hard to get here, and you're not going to blow it now — at least not if you’ve been following along.
Meet the passionate founder of Show Me Your Stethoscope
Joan Spitrey Medical & Allied HealthcareEvery once in a while, a person is in the right place at the right time. Some say the moons were in alignment. Others would say you were destined to be in a particular situation by fate or divine intervention. However you look at it, the magic that happened in the Facebook group "Show Me Your Stethoscope" is just such an example.
Securing electronic health records on mobile devices
Christina Thielst Healthcare AdministrationHealthcare providers are breaking free from the nursing station and using mobile devices to receive, store, process and transmit patient clinical information from where they happen to be located, when the need presents itself. Sometimes, this is in a cafe over lunch with colleagues or while waiting for their child's baseball game to begin on a Saturday morning.
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