All Marketing Articles
  • 5 ways to harness the power of microinfluencers

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    When you think of social media marketing these days, one of the first things you probably think of are influencers. But the most beneficial influencer for your brand definitely doesn't have to be a celebrity with a massive amount of followers. Microinfluencers — who have fewer than 10,000 followers — are often extremely important in terms of directing their fans to niche brands and products. These influencers are often ignored by advertisers, which is a huge mistake. Working with them can definitely position your brand in a desirable and highly lucrative way.

  • Can you recession-proof your job?

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Whether you believe that Big Macs or RV sales predict recessions, it seems at least that the continued talk of a recession is certainly on the horizon. Yet, with more of us gainfully employed and the job market so seeker-friendly, should we care? Yes; just like how it is easier to find a job when we already have one, it is easier to plan for a recession when we are not in one. Here are a few things to consider when trying to recession-proof your job.

  • What makes a good speaker? The buy-in

    LeRon L. Barton Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    In business, the presentation matters. How an idea is conveyed, communicated, and relayed is important. For example, there could be a scheduled department meeting focusing on the most mundane concept, and it can become captivating. As I have learned and believe in — it is all in the delivery. Corporations, universities, and organizations often hire speakers to present a new idea, facilitate workshops, and entertain audiences. With speakers becoming ubiquitous in corporate culture, the question becomes: What makes a good speaker? As a writer who is an up-and-coming speaker, I wanted to find the answer.

  • 7 ways new managers can shine

    Roberta Matuson Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    "Psssttt…Can you keep a secret? I’ve just been made a manager and I haven’t a clue what to do!" This was exactly what went through my head over 20 years ago when I found myself suddenly in charge. My focus should have been on what I could do to shine from day one. But instead, I worried that it would only be a matter of time before my secret was out. It's no secret that those who find themselves tossed into management with little more than a hope and a prayer aren't ready to fully engage in all that is required of more experienced managers. But there is certainly something about you that indicated you were right for this job.

  • The folly of ‘they’re going to buy from someone; it may as well…

    Anne Rose Retail

    When I was first starting out in sales many years ago, I was advised to regard every person I encountered as a viable sales prospect. It was just a matter of me persuasively demonstrating the benefits of what I had to sell that would convert them from looking to buying. Don’t discount anyone was the wisdom; they’re going to buy something from someone, so let it be you. Terrible advice. First of all, not everyone who is looking is really going to buy! Some people, and I know quite a few, just enjoy window shopping. They have no intention of buying anything from anyone.

  • Infographic: The future of work

    Brian Wallace Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Office culture has grown and evolved over the years. Today, employees look for workplaces that value work-life balance, support their health and well-being, and offer flexibility and perks. Furthermore, a majority of employers plan to implement workplace culture initiatives to boost employees’ engagement in health. Check out the infographic in this article, which dives into the psychology of productivity, how workplace culture impacts your business, and how to attract and retain the best talent.

  • How to use personalization as a family marketing tool

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    Personalization is one of the biggest trends in online marketing right now, and that’s for good reason. The closer you can tailor your marketing approach to the specific needs of your audience, the bigger the bang you'll get for your advertising bucks — and the more ad revenue you'll attract. Is your brand family-friendly? If so, personalization is an incredibly effective way to boost sales and loyalty. Try these scientifically tested tips to give your clientele what they want in a powerful way.

  • 3 steps to new employee success

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    The honeymoon period for new employees provides a prime time to set the stage for unlimited success. While some employers unfortunately also call this the introductory period and try to use it as an evaluation window within which to weed out new hires, we should look at it as a litmus test for our own success and a chance to invest in the success of an employee. Employees come in ready to make an impact, optimistic about the opportunity and eager to learn. Here are three steps to take to fan that flame of enthusiasm into a sustainable fire.

  • Compete on others’ weaknesses, not their strengths

    Anne Rose Marketing

    When your niche is responsible for your success, why would your company abandon that winning strategy to compete against other companies' strengths? A chain of hardware stores that owes its success to its niche of providing personal customer service, advice, and DIY knowledge has recently considered competing against big online stores to deliver products in one day. Does that make sense to abandon your core competency and spend inordinate money to expand in an area that another has already locked up?

  • Employees want to be recognized, but not how you think

    Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Your employees want you to recognize their hard work and efforts, but a survey of 16,000 professionals in 4,000 companies representing various industries and roles reveals that they may not want to be recognized for only major accomplishments, don’t necessarily want a cash reward, and some would prefer that the recognition didn’t occur in front of everyone in the organization. According to a recent Deloitte Greenhouse survey, most employees (54%) would prefer a verbal "thank you" for day-to-day accomplishments, while 31% would prefer to have that thanks in writing.