All Food & Beverage Articles
  • What’s driving craft beer’s massive growth?

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    Craft beer is skyrocketing in popularity. In 2014, its volume jumped to a staggering 18 percent, claiming a double-digit market share for the first time. According to the Brewers Association, one out of every 10 beers sold in the United States is now is produced by American craft brewers. It is a dynamic industry, and the changing trends promise to captivate consumers for a long time. Let’s see what’s turning the industry tide.

  • The craft movement: Coffee

    Lisa McReynolds Smith Food & Beverage

    You can smell it a mile away. That warm, fresh smell of roasted heaven. And the array of flavors, like a well-orchestrated science experiment, will have you wondering, "What is this? And where did it come from?" Craft coffee is not just about those aromatic flavors and tastes. It's about the quality of the life cycle of the beans — from planting/harvesting, to buying quality beans, to carefully roasting those beans, to finally brewing that perfect cup.

  • EPEE: Cooling has an essential role to play

    Andrew Gaved Facilities & Grounds

    The European Union is very focused on energy. Its recent Energy Union framework set out a series of strategic targets designed both to integrate the region's energy production and reduce its consumption. Not surprisingly, the HVACR industry in Europe is keen to play a part in shaping this strategy before it comes to fruition. First out of the blocks is the European Partnership for Energy and Environment.

  • The craft movement: Beer

    Lisa McReynolds Smith Food & Beverage

    Remember when getting crafty meant breaking out the Popsicle sticks and glue to create the latest whimsical idea that popped into your head? Ah, those were the days. But never fear! The days of craft are not gone. In fact, a craft movement is happening as we speak.

  • Napa Valley too crowded? Try these 7 wine trails across the US

    Dave G. Houser Recreation & Leisure

    As Benjamin Franklin once noted, "Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance." Such wisdom provides all the more reason to hit a wine trail near you — or to include some wine touring on your next vacation outing.

  • Eating pizza doesn’t have to be unhealthy

    Dr. Denise A. Valenti Food & Beverage

    Brick oven, wood-fired, coal-fired, thick crust, thin crust, deep crust, cheese, white sauce, red sauce, pepperoni, sausage, pineapple, basil or mushroom. There is no doubt that pizza comes in many forms and can satisfy the multitude of tastes across the United States.

  • Maybe we should eat those carbs after all

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    In the film "The Devil Wears Prada," Anne Hathaway's character Andy is admonished by a colleague because she eats carbs. The line was meant to be funny, but what it actually represented was a whole generation of people shunning an entire group of foods.

  • Who’s drinking the most soda across the US?

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    ​In a bold but not surprising move, American Dairy Queen Corp. (or DQ as it is popularly known) vowed to ​remove all carbonated soft drinks from its kid's menu by September. DQ is not the first to do so, but yet another fast food joining the health bandwagon is clear indication of how concerned Americans are about their children's health.

  • Home brewing brings flavor and health benefits to beer

    Dr. Denise A. Valenti Food & Beverage

    National Homebrew Day was created by the American Homebrewer's Association (AHA) as an annual event and declared before the U.S. Congress in 1988. The day is now referred to as AHA Big Brew and is held the first Saturday in May. In 2014, there were 437 events in 14 different countries and in 49 U.S. states. It is estimated that 17,550 gallons of brew were produced.

  • Highlighting barrier packaging application developments

    Don Rosato Engineering

    Safety, convenience and quality drive food packaging technology. Increasing demands for fresh packaged food, consumer convenience and manufacturers' concern for longer shelf life are driving the market for global advanced barrier-packaging technology for the food and beverage market.