Is your business prepared for #Fightfor15?
Danielle Manley Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementThe recent headlines announcing New York's decision to increase fast food workers' minimum wage to $15 has once again stirred up the nation in a heated debate over whether the minimum wage should be increased nationwide. According to Fortune, New York City must comply with the minimum wage change by 2019, and the rest of the state must comply before July 2021.
FDA mandates detailed nutritional information about sugar
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageIt will no longer be enough to print how much sugar a particular product has on nutrition labels. The FDA is going to make it mandatory for food and beverage companies to provide more detailed labeling. This will include precise information about the percentage of sugar that will be added to one's daily recommended intake.
Organizing for productivity: 4 tips for minimizing distractions
Danielle Manley Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementThe typical workday is eight hours. Most people will say they wish they could work less, but in reality, we wish there were more hours in the day so we could get more done. With technology, we thought we would be able to get more done. In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we discussed organizing email, and documents and links. This isn't going to be as specific. Now is time to organize in other ways.
What is driving annoying restaurant trends?
Kay Corriere Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementYou go out to enjoy a pleasurable meal with a friend. She gets king crab legs, and you order steak. You assume the server will pick them up at the same time allowing for convivial pleasant conversation, especially since this is not a cheap restaurant.
Fast food is witnessing a fast decline in US sales
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageIt seems that Americans are not eating out as much they used to. Growing awareness for health and nutrition has finally seeped deep into the American psyche. It's not just the health freak who likes to work out zealously and eat right; it seems most Americans want to do the same.
A new wine age with biodynamic and fusion wines
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageBiodynamic and fusion wines are the newest trends that are defining the world of wines. As old as the wine industry is, it has always been marked by prominent and dynamic shifts. But never before has the consumption of wine been as widespread as it is today.
Family fitness: Teaching kids a healthy lifestyle begins at home
Bob Kowalski Sports & FitnessNumerous efforts have been made in the U.S. to improve children's health and fitness through schools in recent years. First lady Michelle Obama has made strides in her efforts to upgrade school lunch menus and improve children's physical activity through the Let's Move! initiative.
Is the FDA’s trans fat ban really the answer to our obesity epidemic?
Natalie Thomas Food & BeverageThe time has finally come for Americans to wave goodbye to their toxic friend trans fat — a veteran contributor to heart disease in the United States. Trans fat, formed through a manufacturing process of adding hydrogen to vegetable oil, extends the shelf life of our favorite processed foods, along with assisting in taste and texture.
Patriotic grapes: Try pairing wine with your barbecue
Lisa McReynolds Smith Food & BeverageThis will mark the 239th year for the United States to celebrate its freedom. What better way to observe this holiday than a time-honored tradition of gathering friends and family, grilling outside in the warm sun, and enjoying a glass of wine. Wait, wine?
Underage boozing is on the decline, but is America really drinking less?
Cait Harrison Food & BeverageKids these days: Maybe they're actually doing better than we thought. Or at least better than our own generations did as youths. Here's why: A new report from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shows that both rates of underage drinking and underage binge drinking are on the decline. The study of people ages 12 to 20 found that between 2002 and 2013, underage drinking dropped from 28.8 percent in 2002 to 22.7 percent, while binge drinking fell from 19.3 to 14.2 percent for the same age group.
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