Lisa McReynolds Smith
Articles by Lisa McReynolds Smith
Pluto flyby: Visiting the little planet that could
Monday, July 13, 2015Can you name all the dwarfs from the famous 1937 Disney movie? You know Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, Dopey and Pluto. Still too soon? Don't worry. I can make that (terrible) joke because I, like many of you, am a fan of that beautiful little marble near the end of our solar system.
Patriotic grapes: Try pairing wine with your barbecue
Wednesday, July 01, 2015This will mark the 239th year for the United States to celebrate its freedom. What better way to observe this holiday than a time-honored tradition of gathering friends and family, grilling outside in the warm sun, and enjoying a glass of wine. Wait, wine?
The craft movement: Coffee
Tuesday, June 23, 2015You can smell it a mile away. That warm, fresh smell of roasted heaven. And the array of flavors, like a well-orchestrated science experiment, will have you wondering, "What is this? And where did it come from?" Craft coffee is not just about those aromatic flavors and tastes. It's about the quality of the life cycle of the beans — from planting/harvesting, to buying quality beans, to carefully roasting those beans, to finally brewing that perfect cup.
The craft movement: Beer
Tuesday, June 16, 2015Remember when getting crafty meant breaking out the Popsicle sticks and glue to create the latest whimsical idea that popped into your head? Ah, those were the days. But never fear! The days of craft are not gone. In fact, a craft movement is happening as we speak.
Living more with less: Moving to a zero-waste lifestyle
Thursday, May 07, 2015We recently celebrated the 45th annual Earth Day. For years, millions of people have participated in environmental activities on this one day, to give back to Mother Earth and show her how much we love her. As a result, many groundbreaking environmental laws have been put in place, businesses have become a little greener, there are more opportunities to recycle, and people the world over have learned just how amazing our planet is.
Celebrating moms: Across time, across the world
Wednesday, May 06, 2015They transform their bodies and minds for nine months, just to meet us. They make the pain go away. They always stand up for us against the world. Is there anything moms won't do? Chicken noodle soup? No problem. Need help with that math project? Let her at it.
Rise in contaminated food causes consumers to seek local
Monday, April 27, 2015Food. It's not just simply something we consume daily to live. Food is a powerful connector among the members of a community, and allows them to be engaged with the source of their nutrition. It's a lifestyle. It's a thriving culture.
Trying times for hospitality industry and foreign workers
Wednesday, April 08, 2015Spring has officially arrived in the United States, though many in the Northeast may disagree. After a winter of record-breaking snowfall (108.6 inches), Boston is still trying to thaw out in temperatures just above freezing. Snow or no snow, the spring season brings signs of nature's renewal. Birds chirp loudly, flowers begin to bloom, trees bud, and some of us even catch a little hay fever (Gesundheit!). Spring is also a sign for the hospitality industry to shake off the icicles and extend a warm and inviting hand to the millions of travelers seeking to get away.