All Food & Beverage Articles
  • Are you being served? What about your customers?

    Linda Popky Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Who do you know who would purposely understaff an airport rental car location at a major resort locale so customers are kept waiting for two hours for pre-reserved, prepaid rental cars? When would you set up an interactive voice-response system so confusing that customers are forced to spend long periods of time to navigate their way into the right queue — only to then be disconnected? Not many of us would ever want those things to happen to the customers of our businesses. And yet, much too often, they do.

  • After jumping into grocery game with Whole Foods, Amazon to debut new chain

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    Once it shook up the online retail world, it was time for Amazon to do something different. Hence the acquisition of Whole Foods in 2017, a move that was diametrically opposite to going online. Then came Amazon Go stores, with their grab-and-go, no cashiers or checkout lines concept. Now, Amazon has just announced the launch of a new chain of grocery stores in the U.S. that will be a separate entity from Whole Foods. Shares of grocery giants like Costco, Kroger, and Walmart all dipped upon the news breaking.

  • Who makes the first offer?

    Dale Willerton and Jeff Grandfield Retail

    When it comes to commercial leasing, who makes the first offer on a property for lease? The answer might surprise you! We strongly urge commercial tenants to leave that first offer to the agent or the landlord. The reason is simple. Once you have made that first offer, you will have shared your interest in a commercial property. By showing your cards (as you will) to the agent, you will have committed yourself to this commercial leasing deal. Once the agent’s first offer has been made, you have a number of options.

  • Eating healthy for National Nutrition Month

    Connie Ulman Food & Beverage

    Obviously, every single person is aware of nutrition because food is a staple for survival. However, it can be hard to know what is healthy and what isn't. March is National Nutrition Month, a tradition started by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics with National Nutrition Week in 1973. However, it wasn’t until 1980 that interest peaked, and it went from one week a year to one month a year. Eating healthy is hard and eating poorly is easy. It starts innocently enough — a co-worker brings donuts to work, you work through lunch, so you grab something from the vending machine. It's all downhill from there.

  • How to spend a great weekend in Austin, Texas

    Julie Anne Wells Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Known far and wide for live music and keeping it weird, Austin, Texas, makes a perfect destination for a weekend getaway. You might assume the best time to visit is during one of Austin’s famous annual music festivals. But the city has so much to offer its visitors year-round. From tourist attractions to local hidden gems, here are some items you must add to your Austin itinerary.

  • Analysis: Standard work arrangements surprisingly dominate labor force…

    Seth Sandronsky Association Management

    Beware of talk that we are living through the rise of nonstandard employment. We turn to a new analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data from the Center for Economic and Policy Research and the Economic Policy Institute based in Washington, D.C. “In 2017, the total share of the labor force working in nonstandard arrangements was 10.1 percent, down from 10.9 percent in 2005,” according to Eileen Appelbaum, Arne Kalleberg and Hye Jin Rho. Accordingly, the fraction of workers in standard work arrangements was 89.9 percent in 2017, roughly the same as 1995.

  • NFC applications for wine and spirits brands

    Marsha Frydrychowski Food & Beverage

    By 2024, the global near-field communication (NFC) market will nearly triple as adoption of the technology grows. The latest generation of iPhones can read NFC tags without the use of a third-party app. All of this means the average smartphone-carrying consumer will not only be familiar with NFC but will be able to tap their device to an NFC label on a bottle and access any verification or promotional material programmed into the tag. This article will examine two of the strongest business cases for wine and spirits brands to adopt NFC smart labeling technology: Authentication and social engagement.

  • Negotiating commercial leases: What’s in a name?

    Dale Willerton and Jeff Grandfield Retail

    For many commercial tenants, negotiating a good lease or lease renewal against an experienced agent or landlord can be a challenge. While an entrepreneur focuses on marketing and managing, savvy real estate agents and brokers are specialized salespeople. Their job is to sell tenants on leasing their location at the highest possible rental rate. Whether you are leasing a new location for the first time or negotiating a lease renewal for your business, here are two money-saving tips.

  • Food delivery technology is evolving quickly

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    A new development at the George Mason University campus in Fairfax, Virginia, heralds an interesting turn for the food delivery industry. Students, staff, and faculty on campus can now order food and drinks with the help of robots. A strategic partnership between robotics firm Starship Technologies and food service giant Sodexo has created the Starship Deliveries app, which promises to change the future of food delivery, especially on college campuses. But George Mason is not the only campus to make news in this regard.

  • Clean-beverage sector to grow in 2019

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    When it comes to beverages, clean is the new choice for consumers everywhere. Savvy, label-reading consumers take time to choose food products with cleaner labels and ingredients and are quick to shift loyalties if the products do not meet their criteria. Beverage makers have rightly read this changing consumer mindset and risen to the challenge of crafting cleaner and more organic formulations in future. For example, almost 50 percent of consumers prefer no artificial ingredients in their choice of beverage, and 71 percent of consumers are willing to pay more for beverages made with ingredients they know and trust.