Recent Articles

  • Does your church enable the disabled?

    Allison Tanner Religious Community

    Even though religious organizations in the U.S. are not obligated to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines, there are many ways your church can support the disabled and include them as a welcome member of the body of Christ. But first, let's identify who the disabled are. The disabled are unable to perform one or more natural activities due to physical or mental impairments.

  • What makes a space gender neutral?

    Michael J. Berens Interior Design, Furnishings & Fixtures

    Call it gender equality, gender parity or gender neutrality. As more and more women ascend to professional and leadership positions, businesses and organizations have striven to create cultures and provide environments that accommodate both sexes without favoritism. What often is lacking in these efforts is a clear vision of what constitutes gender equality or neutrality, especially in the design of the physical environment.

  • Marketing your multifamily community: Building brick by brick

    Pamela Treat Abeyta Facilities & Grounds

    ​Getting your property rehabbed is a lengthy process. From experience, we've found promoting to your current and future tenants the changes that will be happening is an important way to advertise the value-adds, as well as alert them to the construction delays or hazards that can be caused.

  • Classroom teacher and English learner teacher collaboration

    Erick Herrmann Education

    What is the best way to provide a high-quality education to English learners? Recent analyses of the research by Goldenberg, Saunders and Marcelletti clearly indicate that English learners benefit from quality classroom instruction that includes supports and modifications, as well as English language development (ELD).

  • Do you support your members after a vehicle accident?

    Frank R. Myers Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    Recently, an unfortunate event occurred in my former department. Two of our vehicles — an ALS unit transporting a patient and their family and a pumper truck responding to another alarm — collided at an intersection. The pumper truck had even rolled onto its side after impact. Thankfully, there were only minor injuries to all crew members involved in the accident, and they were sent home for the rest of their tour.

  • Is it time for retailers to phase out the on-call shift?

    Danielle Manley Retail

    Customer service and front-line employees in the retail industry are likely to earn hourly wages — and these workers are also likely to live paycheck to paycheck. Each and every hour can make a difference when it comes to paying bills and keeping food on the table. However, these employees are also likely to have erratic schedules with less stability than other professions thanks to scheduling tactics like on-call scheduling.

  • Cognitive rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury

    Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious public health problem in the United States. Each year, TBIs contribute to a substantial number of deaths and cases of permanent disability. In 2010, 2.5 million TBIs occurred either as an isolated injury or along with other injuries.

  • The biggest mistake any nonprofit should avoid in 2016

    William D. Pawlucy Association Management

    A Harvard Business article lists the 17 fundamental traits of organizational effectiveness. The first and most poignant one is that "everyone [in your organization] has a good idea of the decisions and actions for which he or she is responsible." It seems pretty basic, right? Do you have a "good idea" of the decision and actions each person in your organization is responsible for, including the board of directors? If not, the strategic road map for the organization is lacking.

  • From comfort zone to common sense: The truth behind client-supplier relationships

    Nathalie Rachline Science & Technology

    In the world of IT, two entities face each other: the client and the supplier. And to push matters one step further, the client (generally the CIO or a management structure in the IT department) has to handle its internal clients, the business units and the users. Similarly, the supplier (generally a delivery manager) has to handle its internal management, which requires financial performance on the contract, whatever it may be.

  • Performance metrics that matter in major gifts

    Craig Shelley Association Management

    Fundraisers, and particularly major gift fundraisers, do the impossible every day. I recently tried to describe to my 6-year-old son what I did for a living, and the best I could come up with was, "I convince people to give their money away to help people they don't know and in most cases will never meet."